Chapter 6 - 3 Lovestruck Guys, 1 Unbelieveable Girl... Oh, What Could Go Wrong?

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So! What was everyone's New Year's Resolution? Mine is secret..... Mostly because I never really thought about it. XD The song above needs to be played at some point during this chapter! You'll know when when you get to it. The picture is of the characters!


Jake's POV

When I heard my alarm, I shot up in bed. Wait.... Where am I? I had a moment of freaking out before finally realizing that I was in the Mystic Guild Hall, in my bed.

I stood up and stretched. Now where the hell did I put that damn suitcase.... I run downstairs and start running around everywhere. When I found it finally, it was in the kitchen for some reason. Why would it be here? I have no clue. Maybe I was planning on eating it for breakfast.

I quickly changed into some skinny-ish jeans. You may be thinking, "WHAT?! WHY WOULD HE PUT ON SKINNY JEANS?!" But to be fair, I did say "skinny-ish", so therefore they actually look really good on me. I put on my converse and went to walk out of the guild hall. I stopped once I was halfway out the guildhall. First of all, I forgot a shirt. Second of all, I have a uniform to put on.... Damnit....

I ran back inside and changed into my proper attire and grabbed my bag that held my textbooks. Ok... Now I have to go make sure that Taylor is awake. She rarely ever wakes up to her alarm. I personally find it adorable when she doesn't wake up because then I get to wake her up. Ignore my small little fantasizing moment.

I left my guild hall and headed towards Taylor's. I didn't even bother knocking on the door knowing that no one would answer. I ran upstairs and went to the only door that was closed. The closed door would most likely be Taylor, right?

"Hey~ Taylor~ Wake up~" I said as I ran and jumped onto the bed next to her. She went flying into the air and fell off the bed, landing with a loud thump on the floor.

"Ow..." She groaned.

"Oh, sorry, Taylor!" I ran over to her and helped her up.

She stood up rubbing her head. "You know... I had the weirdest dream... There was this weird rhino thingy made of marshmallows running around eating people, well more like absorbing them.... Then it started coming after me, and I like jumped onto its back and start riding it around as it ate absorbed more people, getting bigger each time."

"Really?" I broke out into hysteric laughter. "What... the hell... kind of dream... is that?!" I choked out between bursts of laughter.

"Oh, shut up! I'm going back to bed." Taylor said and jumped back in bed, cocooning herself into the comforter.

"Oh no you don't." I grabbed one of the ends of the blanket and yanked it as hard as I could. The blanket unraveled as she spun and rolled off the bed, landing on the hard floor once again. She stood up and glared at me. She jumped back in bed and covered her head with a pillow.

"Come on..! Taylor, if you don't get up, we are going to be late for class. Oh, and Denny will be waiting for us and be annoying later!" I complained.

"Let 'em wait." She mumbled into the pillow.

"Now, that wouldn't be very nice, now would it?" I raised an eyebrow as I fell on top of her. She let out a grunt as I landed with my body weight. "Get up~! If you don't get dressed, I'll have to do it for you."

She paused a moment before shooting up with a beat-red face. "Ok... Fine... I'll get up...."

"Atta girl!" I pat her on the back, stood up, and left the room when she threw a pillow at me to get me to leave.

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