Chapter 7 - The Call

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Geez... This is seriously annoying.... I love writing, but there's a GINORMOUS problem. Two words. "FRICKEN. SCHOOL." You don't even know. I have barely gotten any sleep what-so-ever lately. I do my best to work on this. Plus, if you happen to be a reader of one of my other books, you would know that I put all of my other "Works in Progress" on hold. It was either that or I discontinue them. I of course asked my readers about it first, and they all freaked out and said to put it on hold until July 1st. That (obviously) brought me to tears. Like you don't even know. I was just sitting in class, doing my work, then I read all of the comments after 2 hours of putting up the "HOLD or DISCONTINUE" notice on my other books. I had to hide my face because I was crying. Now looking back on it, I find it kind of funny. You guys mean so much to me, none of you probably understand EXACTLY how much all of you mean. One final thing before I continue with the book (well at least those of you who care enough to read these Author's Notes...). I love you all, please remember to read (and write). And don't ever forget to... JUST KEEP SMILING!!! XD


Jake's POV (I decided that I REALLY have to do more of him... SO... yeah!)

As the weeks have been beginning to go by faster and faster, we've been getting better at finding ways to go to Orsthion. Maybe we would go there after school quickly to pick up work that we might have missed. That way, we stay caught up.

To be honest, I am getting kind of worried about Taylor. She has been, in a way, pushing me away whenever we get into one of our moments. She avoids it. She doesn't tell me why either, and that is really annoying me! We're best friends, she should be able to tell me anything! I've even noticed her kind of avoiding Daren and Denny as well. That really confused me as well.

Right now we're in lunch, and Taylor is sitting right next to me, as usual. Plus, she was acting as her normal self, which was extremely irritating considering how she has been acting lately. I just want to know why she has been acting the way she's been acting.

After a few more minutes of her talking and being her normal cheerful self, I threw my sandwich down and slammed my hands on the table. That got everyone's attention. "Why are you being so cheerful?!"

"Wha-?" Taylor started but I didn't let her continue.

"You have been practically ignoring me, even Denny and Daren for weeks now! Why?! What did we do wrong?! Why haven't you told me?! I thought we were closer than that! If we were truly best friends, you would have told me by now!"

"I would... But I can't..."

"Why not?!" She reached out to touch my shoulder, but I slapped her hand away. "No. Don't touch me."

I could see tears filling her eyes. She quickly got up and left the cafeteria to go to who knows where. For the first time, I was actually mad at her. Everyone stared at me, waiting for me to go after her. I wasn't going to. I was pissed off beyond belief.

"You know, you don't have any reason to be mad at her. It is not her fault." Blake said and got up to go in the same direction Taylor had gone.

"What does he know?" Daren says, sounding slightly irritated. He must feel the same about this.

"Ooo~ He might be the reason..." Julie coos.

"After all, if you guys haven't forgotten, he and Taylor used to be really close, much like Jake and Taylor." Daniel states while sipping whatever concoction of drinks he had today.

"True. Maybe they had some kind of deal from way back then. Sounds interesting, if you ask me." Becca grins mischievously.

"Agreed." Bella says with a mouthful of pizza.

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