Chapter 5 - 1 Weird Light, 1 Prophecy, and 1 Really Creepy Old Hag

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Hey guys! I know last chapter was super long (like literally it was twice as long as my others.... I looked at the word count!) so this one may OR may not be very long..... I'm not very sure...... But I really hope you guys keep reading! I will update each chapter ASAP! I spend a lot of time writing these long chapters! SO ENJOY THEM YOU UGLY WAFFLES! KIDDING KIDDING! I wanted to see if you caught that because I usually call you my LOVELY WAFFLES! ENJOY YOU AMAZINGLY WEIRD PEOPLE! (Believe me, I know your weird because if your reading this shit, your weird.... But enjoy! XD)

The song above, don't listen to it until I tell you to! I was listening to this song on loop as I wrote a part of this chapter, so I think this song really influenced this one part of the chapter. Mostly because I cried as I listened to this song as I wrote the scene... XD


Taylor's POV (YAY! XD ;)

I ran down the hallway towards the back door to the school. Once I found a quiet and secluded place where no one should be able to see me, I touched my necklace and thought of my front door as I did last night. As expected, I appeared right on my front porch. I faced my front door, and unlocked it.

When I walked in, my mother greeted me. "Hey, Taylor! How was school?"

"Uh... It was... Eventful?" I said almost questioningly.

"That's nice. How so?" Shoot... I should've said 'good' and walked away....

"Well..." I hesitate. Maybe I should just tell her about yesterday instead. "Well, Toby told me that I got into the school paper.... And Rebecca got her phone taken away."

"Ooooh! Is Toby you're boyfriend? Hmm... I thought you were going to end up with Jake..."

I blushed madly. "NO, MOM! Toby is just a friend who is in the newspaper club!"

"Ahh, so you ARE with Jake then!"

I blushed even harder. Stupid traitor blood.... "N-No! Jake and I are just friends!"

"But you want to be more than that, right?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

I just stared at her, thinking of a correct answer. Eventually, I gave up and decided to finally admit it to no only to my mother, but myself as well. "Yes."

My mother squealed and started to squeeze the life out of me, smashing her cheek up against mine in the process. "I KNEW IT!" She sang. "Alright, so when's the wedding?"

"MOM!" I scream and pull myself away from her and running up the stairs, into my room, slamming the door, and falling face first into my bed. "UHHHHHHHHH........" I groaned lifting my head up and resting my chin on my hands. I looked over to my nightstand and noticed Speckle's inanimate body just sitting there. Oh yeah.... I left him here when he followed me home from Orsthion.

I pushed myself up from the bed and walked over to Speckle. I flipped the switch that turned him on and off. His golden eyes lit up almost instantly, and he started running around and wagging his tail. I chuckled at the cuteness of it.

I found the instructions sheet that I kept in my jacket pocket from the night before.

How to train your new Robotic Dog:

In a clear voice, say to the dog, while it is turned on, "Turn on Commands". Once that is done, you will be able to train it like any normal dog.

There are already preset commands put on the dog like:

Roll Over


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