This is How We Roll

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Roxi's POV 

Tyler, Brian, and I are currently riding our dirt bikes on our track like we have been for the past hour or so and now, my butt hurts. I slowed down pulling off the track and getting off my bike soon seeing Tyler and Brian do the same. I unbuttoned my flannel shirt, took it off and shook the dirt off of it, after that I put it back on. "Hey Roxie?" Brian asked. "Yeah? " I asked. "Isn't that your dad?" He pointed toward the house. Tyler and I snapped our heads up and looked at each other. "What dose he want this time?" Tyler asked. "I don't know, .and I'm not sure if I wanna find out, but I guess I got to."  I went over to the gate that leads into the horse  pasture and picked up Chevy's  bit and reigns  I quickly put them on her and pulled myself up on her. I haven't rode her today so now would be a good time. Tyler and Brian the got back on their bikes and followed me. When we got closer my dad looked at us and  his eyes went wide. "Roxie, what in the hell are you doing get down off that thing!" He exclaimed.  "OK, first of all, this thing has a name and it's Chevy, second of all I know what I'm doing. And anyway what are you doing here?" I asked as i dismounted off  Chevy. Brian and Tyler looked at him. I heard a car door open and shut I looked over at my dads car and saw the most BEAUTIFUL man then I realized it was Chris Hemsworth. My jaw dropped and I didn't notice until I felt a nudge on each of my arms and looked at Brian and Tyler glaring down at me as Chris chuckled. "Hi I'm Chris. "He held out his  hand and I gladly shook it. "Roxie." I said. He shook the guys hand and introduced themselves. I know Brian  isn't really my brother but trust me he's just as protective as Tyler. "Roxie go pack  your stuff your moving to California  with me." He said. "What?!" The guys and I  yelled. "Yeah, haha nope, no way José. " I said. "Uh yes, your going and you have no say in it. " He said.  "If you think for one second your taking her away from us your out of your damn mind." Tyler spat. "Roxie i'm not playing your stupid games now get your shit and let's go." He said. I shook my head with a stray tear slipped down my cheek as Brian pulled me into his chest and rubbing my back trying to comfort me, I cried harder. "What the hell is wrong with you this is all she knows she has family and friends here and your just gonna take her away from that!?" Tyler yelled. "I never get to see her  I only see her twice a year!"  He shot back . "Oh and who's fault is that?" Brian said.  " Brian shut up, you aren't even apart of this family!" Dad said. "Shut up! He's a bigger part of this family than you'll ever be!" I yelled. "Whatever we're leaving tomorrow have your shit ready we're staying at a hotel." Dad said. "Why don't y'all stay here tonight. " My mom said. "Mom?!" Tyler and I yelled. "Hush, don't be rude." Mom said. After a bit of arguing Dad and Chris got settled and now it's 8 Ish and  we decided to have a bonfire so I could say bye to everyone and  It wasn't long before where all outside sitting around a fire. Then you here a bunch of loud engine's. " Here comes the Calvary. " Brian said. Dad and Chris looked up and their jaws dropped. I don't think they have ever seen so  many jacked up trucks in one place.  Brad  Paisley, Tim McGraw,  Blake Shelton, Jason Aldean, Kenny Cheney, some other friends, and my best friend, Luke Bryan, got out of thier trucks. "Luke!" I yelled running up to him and jumping up while wrapping my legs around his waist.  He grabbed my thighs supporting my weight. "Hey Whiskey Kid." He smiled carrying me over  to the fire and sitting on one of the logs. "How you been?" He asked as I climbed off his lap. "Good, you?" I sat beside him. "Fine." He pulled me into  his side with his arm around my waist not in that way, just a friendly way. "Alright turn on the music and let's go!" I said. Brian turned on the radio in his truck and turned it up as loud as it could go. Everyone was dancing with each other except for dad and Chris. I stopped dancing with Luke and went over to Chris.  "Come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out in the dirt and started dancing with him he twirled me around a few times then pulled me into his chest. I looked up at him and smiled with him him smiling back down at me. "You're a good dancer." I said. "Thank you, you are too." A slower song came on next and he took my  hands and we danced I layed my head on his chest looking at everyone else. I look at Tyler and Brian sitting on the tailgate talking and watching me. I smiled at them and they returned it, well half-heartedly. "Get it, Rox! " Brian yelled. I could see dad staring daggers into Chris.  I chuckled and buried my face in Chris's chest to cover my now tomato red cheeks. I guess Chris noticed because he chuckled, I hit his chest and heard Tyler and Brian laughing.  I stuck out my hand and put my middle finger in the air. "You wanna keep that finger I suggest you put it away." Brian said as I quickly put my finger down. "Alright, Roxie I need your help." Tyler said I nodded and said bye to Chris. "Do you like him?" Tyler asked. I shrugged, "I don't know him." He nodded and kept walking. "Where are we going?" I asked. "The barn, I thought since it's the fourth of July and we are havin' a bonfire we could set off fire works." He said happily.  "Hold on let me go get my truck and we can put them in the back." I smiled as he nodded . I ran off toward the bonfire since I left my truck down there. Really, I have three trucks one for doing stuff here at the farm , one to just drive , and a mud truck. I went up to my 1987 Chevy Silverado and climbed in it, all my trucks are lifted this one not as high as the others the bottom of this truck comes up to about mid-thigh.  I don't think anyone saw my get in so this should be fun all my trucks where loud, louder than anyone's here. I cranked it and everyone jumped as if it was like a planned out dance. Brian got so scared he fell off his tailgate.  Luke, Brian, and dad glared at me, while everyone else laughed. I smiled and backed out of where I was parked. I heard a bang and  felt the truck dip in the back.  I looked out the rear view  mirror and Luke, Brantly Gilbert, Chris, and Brian where sitting on the tailgate. I laughed and hit the gas, I heard a chorus of ' Oh shit's and 'dear God's'. I chuckled and drove down to the barn. The doors where  open, I backed up into the barn the guys and I got out of the truck and started loading fireworks in the back. When we were done we drove back to the fire. I decided to get Changed because I was just sweaty, I mean I'm used to it but we have company so it's gross. I walked out of the house after I got changed, I wore a dress with a sweetheart neckline it had red patterns on the top and a blue skirt that came down about mid thigh I left my dog tags on and put on some silver heart earrings and a diamond ring I had gotten from my grandaddy before he died.

 I walked out of the house after I got changed, I wore a dress with a sweetheart neckline it had red patterns on the top and a blue skirt that came down about mid thigh I left my dog tags on and put on some silver heart earrings and a diamond ring...

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 I went over and everyone was sitting on the tailgates waiting for Tyler and Blake to set off the fireworks I went over and sat on Brian's tailgate in between Chris and Brad. Dad was sitting over on my truck with Jason and Brantly talking to them. Tyler set off the first few and we watched I smiled my smile fell when I realized that I have to leave, I sighed and put my head on the shoulder to my right soon realizing it was Chris. "Oh sorry, I forgot that was you." I blushed, praying  he didn't see. "Its okay, I don't mind." He smiled. "You shure?" I asked, he nodded and I put my head back on his shoulder. "Roxie, are you okay?" He asked. "I just don't want to leave." I let a tear slip down my cheek, he put his arm around me and pulled me into his side comforting me.  "I know, and I'm sorry he's making you do this." He apologized. "Don't apologize it's not your fault."  I leaned Into his side and fell asleep watching the fireworks.

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