Where The Green Grass Grows

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Roxie's POV

I ran upstairs with Exton on my hip and Brantley and Brian following me while Tyler stayed downstairs talking with dad, the two Chris's, and Susan. I ran into my room and sat Exton on the bed next to Brantley, I pulled out my phone and plugged it up to the speaker. "Let me do it." Brantley said taking my phone from me. "Oh, just take it then, don't ask!" I said sarcastically. "I will darlin'." He said and chose a song on my phone. I started singing along to his song Bottoms Up. "Rossy, where are we going?" Exton asked. "Where going to my brothers and Brantley's concert then we're going to Georgia." I smiled. "Otay." He smiled, I chuckled a took a sip of my Mountain Dew. "Are you gonna sing with us?" Brian asked, i started choking on my drink. "What?! Ha-ha y'all are freaking hilarious!" I laughed. "Well your singing with us." He said. "Do I have to?" I whined. "Yes." Tyler said walking in the room. "Ugh!" I groaned grabbing a suitcase and throwing all my clothes and flat iorn, brush, etc into it. "Tyler can you grab that suitcase and help me put everything else in it?" I asked, he nodded and threw the suitcase on the bed I put my boots and my gun in it, when I was done I zipped it up and sat it on top of the other one. "Okay Exton, let's go pack your stuff." I grabbed his hand as he jumped off the bed, I walked into his room seeing a medium and a small suitcase on his bed. "I packed his stuff when you where packing yours." Susan smiled walking in, I smiled and nodded. "Are you shure you'll be okay letting me take him?" I asked. "Yeah! I trust you and I know you wouldn't put him in danger and plus Robert will be down there in a couple days." She smiled. "Your not coming?" I asked. "No, I'm gonna go and visit my mom and dad for awhile." She said, I nodded and we walked back into my room. "I put your stuff in the truck and Robert put Exton's carseat in." Tyler said. "OK, let's go!" I yelled jumping on Brantley's back, we started walking down the stairs with Exton and his bags. "Ugh! Speed up biker boy! Your like a freaking snail!" I whined, he laughed and put me down and turned to face me. "Did you call me slow?" He grinned, I smiled innocently and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Ha-ha, you know that shit don't work on me." He smirked. "Uh oh." I mumbled. "Yeah..." He sighed. I tried to make a run for it but he caught me by the waist. "Damn." I sighed, he chuckled and threw me over his shoulder and bolted down the stairs, I couldn't stop laughing when he got to the bottom he layed me on the floor and just walked away. "Brant!" I laughed. "What?" He asked. "You just gonna leave me here?" I asked, he nodded and walked towards Tyler and Brian. I stood up and walked over to Chris. "Hey." I smiled. "Hey." He smiled putting his arm around me. "Alright, Roxie you ready?" Tyler asked, I nodded and hugged Chris he leaned down and pecked my lips keeping in mind my brother and two of my best friends where there. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you too, I'll see you in a couple days." He nodded and pecked my lips again. "Okay come on Exton." I called. "Bye mommy! Bye daddy!" He said hugging them. "Bye guys!" I waved. I grabbed Exton's hand and walked off to the truck, lifting him in and buckling him in the car seat. "Are we ready?" Brian asked, starting the truck. "Yeah let's go!!"

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