Watching Airplane's

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Roxie's POV

"Roxie?" Chris said shaking me and smiling down at me as my eyes fluttered open. "Good morning curly fry." Dad smiled. I realized I was still curled up to Chris and dad had seen. My eyes went wide and I started to stutter. "I- I uh....." I stammered I knew he'd probably be mad I mean, what father wouldn't be? "Calm down, I'm not mad sweetheart." He smiled. "I knew it would probably happen." He said. "How?" I asked. "The way you acted at the bonfire and the beach." He smiled. "But just keep it quiet be cause your still seventeen and its illegal." He said, I nodded and smiled. "When are we landing?" I asked. "Uh about 45 minute's." Chris said, I nodded and layed my head on his shoulder and yawned. I know we haven't known each other long but we've talked a lot and I feel like I've know him forever. "How in hell are you still tired?" Dad asked. "This is the most sleep I've gotten in a long time, I'm usually up at 6 A.M everyday and go to bed around 2-4 AM so yeah." I explained. "Why?" Chris asked. "I get up at six because I help Tyler and Brian around the farm and I have a job." I said. "And what are you guys doing at four o'clock in the morning?" Dad asked, I grinned. "I go to work and they come and bug the living shit out of me." I said, they laughed. "Don't you have school?" Chris asked. "I graduated a couple years early so no not since I was sixteen." I smiled. "Oh." They said. I reached for my bag and grabbed my Dr. Pepper, I opened it and took a sip. "Do you have any more drinks? we only have water." Dad asked. I pulled out another Dr. Pepper and handed it to Chris also handing the one I opened to dad. "Y'all can have those." I said. "What are you gonna drink?" Dad asked. "Haha, you thought I was just gonna let you have them? No. Your sharing." I said, they laughed. Chris handed me the bottle and I drank some of it.

30 minutes later....

We landed, finally. We got off the plane and dad led us to his black Cadillac Escalade. We put our bags in the trunk and climed in. We weren't far from dad and Chris's house so we got there pretty quick, dad parked and we all got out and unloaded our bags from the trunk. "OK,  Rox this is the living room, kitchen, and stuff. And the rooms are upstairs, yours is the second one on the left." Dad said. I looked at the clock and it was 7:00 in the morning. "Im gonna make breakfast and Chris can show you around upstairs." He said I nodded as Chris grabbed my hand led me upstairs. "OK this is Chris Evan's room." He pointed to the first room on the right. "You have your own bathroom in your room, every room dose. My room, and your dads room, the rest are just geust rooms." He smiled. "And this, is yours." He smiled, my mouth dropped it's beutiful. "Wow." I mouthed. "The whole house is just, wow." I said. "Thank you!" Dad yelled from downstairs. I turned to Chris and smiled,  he returned it while grabbing my hips and pulling me closer, I wrapped my arms around his neck and standing on my tip toes. He leaned in and stopped before kissing me putting his head in the crook of my neck. "Don't tease me! That's mean." I said crossing my arms and turning away from him, pouting. He chuckled and pulled me into his chest were my back was still facing him he kissed my temple and I turned around in his arms. He leanded down and kissed me this time. "Better?" He asked, I nodded. "Breakfast is ready!" Dad yelled. I jumped on Chris's back and smiled smelling pancakes. "To the pancakes!" I yelled, Chris ran down the stairs into the kitchen. He walked over to a bar stool and stood infront of it, i let go of him and fell on the stool. Dad put a plate of chocholate chip pancakes infront of the three of us and we ate talking about stupid stuff. I smiled at the scene but i still really miss my freinds. I'll call them later today there probably still at the house. When we where finished i decided I would go watch tv, i turned the tv on and wached Crimanal Minds. Dad and Chris came and sat next to me and I yawned. I think Chris noticed because he pulled me into his side and put a blanket over us, I yawned again and cuddled into his side and fell asleep. 

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