Where The Green Grass Grows Part 2

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Roxie's POV

"Hey Brian, stop up here at the CVS." I said. He pulled the truck into a parking space and I jumped out of the truck, running into the store.  I went and grabbed a pair of earplugs, you know the ones you where at concerts when its to loud. After getting them I ran back out to the truck and jumped in the backseat next to a sleeping Exton. "What did you get?" Brian asked. "A pair of earplugs for Exton so y'all don't burst his eardrums." I chuckled. "Oh, I wouldn't have thought of that." Tyler said. "Well that's why you have a sister, because you can't think for yourself sometimes." I laughed. "Hey I ca-". "Tyler you and I know she's right, sometimes we're stupid as hell." Brantley chuckled, Tyler nodded and Brian started the truck up and drove to the venue. When we got there the bus was out front so Brantley helped carry our stuff to the bus since Tyler and Brian had to do sound check, Brantley didn't go on till after them so he had about one and a half hours to chill. After we got everything on the bus I picked Exton up off the couch where I had layed him earlier and put him on a bottom bunk so he couldn't fall, I grabbed his teddy bear he had brought and layed it in his arms seeing him instantly cuddle up to it. I pulled out my phone and took a picture sending it to dad and Susan, I stayed there for a minute making shure he didn't wake up then I walked up to the front and sat next to Brantley. "You alright, darlin'?" He asked, yeah I know what your thinking 'he likes you, he called you darlin'. Well no that's not it where I'm from that's what you call any girl that you're good friends with or a girlfriend but in this case it's a friend. "Yeah I just, I don't know." I sighed. "You know you can talk to me right, Rox?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah! Of course, I just haven't felt good the past couple days." I gave him a sad smile. "Well, I think you might be home sick." He said, I nodded and layed my head on his shoulder. "What time do y'all gotta play?" I asked. "Um they start in about 15 minutes, why don't you go wake him up and we'll head on down there?' I nodded and stood up and walked back to the bunks picking Exton up waking him in the process. "Come on bud its time for the show." I said, he nodded and layed his head on my shoulder. "No, come on bud you gotta stay up." I laughed, he groaned. "Yeah that's my reaction to when she wakes me up." Brantley chuckled I hit his chest and we walked out of the bus  towards  the stage. I stopped at the door putting Exton down and putting the earplugs in his ears. We walked in and  people started filling the arena, we walked to the door marked 'dressing room' and knocked before going in Tyler let us in and we sat on the couch awaiting there manager, he finally came in and told them it was time. They ran out on stage and Brant, Exton, and I stood side stage, Brantley looked behind him and waved to someone I didn't bother turning around because I knew it was probably a friend or something. "Hey Roxie, can I hold him for a sec?" Brantley asked, I nodded and handed him Exton. I turned my attention back to the stage and heard Tyler say my name. Shit. "Come on Roxie, don't be shy." He taunted, people started cheering. I shook my head and frowned. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and lift me I looked over and saw Brantley carrying me and Exton on stage. He put me down next to Tyler, Brian put a headset on me and turned it on. I glared at Brantley standing there smiling at me. "You are so lucky your holding my brother right now." I said, everyone laughed and I took Exton from Brantley. Brant turned to walk back to side stage and as he did I kicked is but with the tip of my boot, he stopped and turned around looking at me and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles. I pulled a pair out of my boot and gave him that 'come and get me' glare. "I've taught you well, young grass hopper." He smiled, I laughed and put them back in my boot. He walked off and I turned back to Tyler. "OK well some of y'all might know this but this pretty little badass is my sister Roxie and she's gonna sing the last song with us." He siad people cheered and I sat down with Exton in my lap. They brought out three acoustic guitars and handed them to us I knew we where playing Dirt because its always the last song they play and its the only time we do something entirely acoustic. We started the first chords and played, I just sang the chourus with Tyler. When we where done I went back over to side stage to each Brantley's set. He played. Bunch of songs off Halfway To Heaven and Just As I Am. "Alright y'all this last song I wrote for a friend and she's here tonight, y'all probably know who I'm talkin' bout but this girl has been through Hell and back, she's also been my best friend for 14 years and has stuck with me through everything even when I've been the biggest a**hole to her in the world she's always been there and she's told me things you wouldn't believe she's like a sister to me and I can guarantee that nobody knows her like I do." He shot me a smile and I returned it, he started singing You Don't Know Her Like I Do. When he was don't I ran out on stage, tears and all and hugged him. 

...........1 hour later............
We had all gotten back to the bus and showerd. I gave Exton a bath and put him in a bunk because he was literally about to fall asleep in the bath, he was that tired. I  changed and walked up front laying on the big teddy bear on the couch next to Tyler.

 I  changed and walked up front laying on the big teddy bear on the couch next to Tyler

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"Tired?" He asked, I nodded and snuggled up to the teddy bear. "Go to bed I'll wake you when we get to Georgia." He said, I nodded and picked up the teddy bear. "Hey,did you get him something to eat?" Brian asked pointing towards the bunk. "Yeah he had a piece of pizza." He nodded and I said goodnight and hugged the  three of them, I walked to the bunks getting in the one above Exton and cuddled with my teddy bear falling asleep.

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