Georgia On My Mind

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Roxie's  POV
*Later that night*

I got up off the couch, tired of watching Pitch Perfect and went upstairs changing into my black bulldogs shirt and red shorts.

I got up off the couch, tired of watching Pitch Perfect and went upstairs changing into my black bulldogs shirt and red shorts

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I went back downstairs seeing everyone watching Nemo, I guess they changed it. I shrugged and walked out in the backyard, sitting in the grass watching the sunset. I just sat outside and stared at the sky I know, you think its stupid right? Well I don't but everyone else seems to think so. Tyler and I would do this all the time when we where younger but, when he and Brian started to get bigger and bigger he didn't really have time to spend with me anymore, and he realized that it was taking its toll on both of us and we started hanging out a lot more. We would bring big blankets and comforters and pile them in the bed of the truck, sometimes we even slept out there, eventually being woken up by animals or friends playing pranks. I smiled at the memories and felt a few hot tears fall from my eyes. I just wanna go home.

Robert's POV

everyone was on the couch watching Nemo because Exton wanted to, I saw Roxie go outside and sit in the grass and just the sky. I know she's thinking about Georgia and don't get me wrong, I do feel really bad for taking her from that but I never get to see her because I'm always filming. Tyler and I don't get along much but I'm glad she has him as a brother every time there together and some random guy trys to flirt or touch Roxie Tyler and Brian are always there and they always take up for her. Well I shouldn't say we don't get along but he isn't happy that I don't spend enough time with her, the first six years of her life I wasn't there, hell I wasn't even there when she was born and I regret it every day of my life. But regardless of what others think I love her to death.

Roxie's POV

I've given up trying to hold my tears back so I just let them fall, I'm still sitting here staring at the sky. I folded my knees and brought them up to my chest putting my face in them and I prayed, that everyone was OK, and thanked God for all he had given me, an amazing family not just blood but everyone back home, Susan, and Chris. I heard the sliding glass doors open and I heard loud thuds, kinda like the sound boots make. I didn't bother looking up because I knew it was probably dad and Chris. "Why you crying, Angel?" I heard an all-to familiar deep country voice asked. My head snapped up and I jumped off the grass onto him wrapping my legs around his waist, I was holding on for dear life. He chuckled and I lifted my head wiping my eyes. "Why you crying?" Brantley chuckled. "I missed y-you." I spoke through sniffles. "Well, I missed you too Ro! But there's no doubt in my mind you missed those two more." He said. I looked up and towards the door seeing Tyler and Brian talking to dad and Susan in the living room. I jumped off Brantley running to the door and up to Tyler jumping on him. "Damn girl, happy to see me?" I nodded my head which was buried in the crook of his neck. "Well I missed you too." He chuckled. "Ugh! Can I have a hug!?" Brian whined. "I was getting to that." I smiled giving him a bear hug. "No, I want a Roxie hug." He smiled. I let him go and did the same thing I did to Brantley and Tyler. "I love you guys."  I sniffled. "We love you too." They said in unison giving me a group hug. " um, g-guys can't b-breath."  I squeaked. "Sorry." They laughed. I went over to the couch and grabbed my phone, I heard a small yawn and looked down seeing Exton sprawled out on the floor. I giggled and picked him up. "Hey buddy, wake up I want you to meet some people." I said, holding him on my hip. He put his head on my shoulder and nodded. "Ok, Rossy." I chuckled and carried him over to the bar in the kitchen where everyone was and sat down with him on my hip. "Who's this?" Tyler smiled. "This is Exton, my little brother." I smiled. "Exton, this is my older brother Tyler and that's Brian and Brantley." I pointed. He waved and layed his head back on my shoulder. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "You didn't tell her?" Brian asked. Dad shook his head 'no'. "Well I've got to do some filming in Atlanta for the next couple weeks and  I thought since they were playing a show here today that you could ride with them back to GA and we'll meet you there in a couple days." Dad said. I smiled and nodded my head vigorously. "Yayy!!!" I screamed. "And Roxie, you don't have to if you don't want to but if you'd like you can take Exton with you." Susan said. "Tyler?" I grinned. "I don't care, just make sure he don't get hurt." He said. "Yay! Exton? You wanna go see where I live?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.
 I sat Exton down and ran into Chris's arms. "Are you going?" I asked. "Of course I am baby." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. "Eh-ehm." Tyler cleared his throat and glared at me. Chris set me down and I stood there scared of what he would say. "Roxie." Brian sighed. "OK, I'm not mad but, Chris I'd watch it if I where you, If she comes to me crying and its because of you, you better start running bud." Tyler warned. 
"He won't be the only one, she's got a lot of guys down in Georgia who think of her as a little sister and that includes Brantley and  I, God help you if you break her heart, Tyler, and everyone of them boys will be up her with shotguns coming after your ass. Got it? Good." Brian said. Chris nodded and said he wouldn't ever do that. 

*1 hour later*
I finished packing all my stuff and putting in the bus. Well it may only be for a couple weeks but, IM GOING HOME!

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