Chapter Sixteen - Misery

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Guys. This chapter may be a little confusing to you. So if you don’t understand something, just comment below. I’ll try to make it as comprehendible as possible, but for now all you need to know is that the majority of the chapter will be flashbacks leading up to the current events.



An emotion no one in particular likes to feel when their entire world was somewhat okay enough to be defined as ‘perfect’. And when one starts to feel misery consume their entire being, it also begins to leak into those they love around them. It affects them, as well as yourself, emotionally and drains you physically.

Misery was the emotion running thick through my veins as I stared straight into the dark green eyes of my father.

2 months earlier

“What’s up my potatoes.” Daniel greeted before plopping next to Amanda and kissing her cheek. Amanda smiled and snuggled closer to him as Alice raised an eyebrow at Daniel. “Are you implying that we’re all no good teenagers that sit on our asses all day and do nothing productive?” She asked with a challenging tone.

“Pretty much.” Daniel replied, oblivious to Alice’s about-to-choke-you-alive look. “Hey Emma, how are you and Tyler doing these days?” He asked suddenly, putting Alice’s biting remark on hold.

“Err, great… why?” I asked, taking a bite of the green apple that was placed next to my biology text book.

“I was thinking we should go on a group date! Tyler and you, Nate and Alice of course the guests of honour, Amanda and me. What do you say?” He said with a grin.

I chomped on the apple while I processed his words. “Sure. That sounds cool. I don’t think Tyler will do much interacting though. What do you say Alice?” All three heads turned to the feisty short brunette, waiting for a reply.

“DANIEL CALLED US POTATOES AND YOU’RE HERE PLANNING A DOULBE DATE?! AM I THE ONLY ONE OFFENDED BY HIS STATEMENT?!” She suddenly burst out, flailing her arms in the air in disbelief.

We burst into a fit of laughter as she huffed from her outburst. “I’m sure Daniel called us potatoes because we’re yummy and have many talents. We can be fried, mashed, boiled, baked, and so much more!” I frowned at my comment. “I sound like an advertisement for potatoes.”

“Do you guys even realise that we’re discussing potatoes?” Amanda said with a giggle, making us all laugh again.

“Yeah, I’ll tell Nate about the date. We’ll do it this Saturday?” Alice suggested as she got out her phone.

“Saturday’s good.” I agreed, and Amanda and Daniel nodded. “I know a great place down town! They make the second best spring rolls in the world and they have a table that’s big enough for all of us and it’s secluded as well, for Tyler’s benefit.” Daniel said then  threw a sly look in my direction and I blushed. “It’s not my fault he doesn’t like people.” I muttered, before taking another bite out of my apple.

“What about the twins though?” Alice brought up after locking her iPhone and placing it on the cafeteria’s bench.

“And Damien and James won’t want to be left out either. Why don’t we pair them up for the time being? If they’re not seeing anyone at the moment, that is.” I said after swallowing the chewed apple.

“Yeah! They think Damien and James are hot anyway so there’s no way they’d deny the opportunity unless they have a family event on or something.” Daniel said, waving the ‘family event’ scenario off.

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