Chapter Twenty - A Revelation and Graduation.

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A week after I had woken up, my mum and Tyler walked into my hospital room with expressionless faces. My blood turned cold in my veins and I looked up at them both. "What happened?" I asked in a panicked tone as my father's evil sneer came into my mind.

"He's been sentenced to 8 years of prison. It's nothing bad." My mum reassured me, giving me a tight smile I knew was fake. I frowned and was about to question it before Tyler shot me a warning look and shook his head silently, making my mouth abruptly clamp shut.

Tyler climbed into the hospital bed and wrapped an arm around my waist before my mother sat down in the leather chair beside me and sighed. "I guess I owe an explanation to you now, huh?" She said with a sad smile, directing the statement to the both of us. My face must have revealed the confusion I was feeling, because Tyler spoke up shortly after. "I explained to your mum that your dad said something to me when I went to get you... She's going to explain how it all began." He explained, and understanding filled my mind as I nodded vaguely.

"What did he say?" I asked before my mother could continue.

"He said..." He trailed off, clenching his jaw before he looked away from us both. I had a feeling the event was replaying in his mind and he was not liking the picture.

I turned over to my mum to continue what Tyler started and she nodded briefly. "He told Tyler that we were trouble and that we were pathetic." She said, frowning slightly as the words left her mouth.

"He's the only fucking pathetic thing on this planet." Tyler growled, not noticing that he has cursed in front of my mother.

She didn't comment on his statement, and I mentally thanked her before we both waited for him to cool down. She sighed before she began. "Jason used to be your typical golden boy, football captain, girl magnet of the school." She declared, and I felt my eyes instantly widen from the newly absorbed information. "What?" I managed to get out after the shock left my body. The mental image of my father's very noticeable gut sticking out in the dark shadows of the small room I was kept in - but I also began to notice other features that would've put him under the classification of the 'typical jock'. The green eyes, sandy coloured hair, the bulky arms. A shudder involuntarily left my body before I nodded to her to continue.

"It's true. I can remember clearly how every boy in the school envied yet admired him - and every girl threw themselves at him whenever they got the chance. I remember being a part of the small percentage that wasn't particularly fond of him - although I did have to admit that he was one of the most handsome men I had laid eyes on." She sighed as her expression became momentarily distant, before she turned back into her serious mode. "Naturally, like every hormonal teenage boy; this intrigued him. I remember getting so frustrated at how much he used to pick on me, just to watch me blow up at him like a nuclear bomb. He used to just laugh and give me this look that I didn't know I actually liked until he kissed me."

"Naturally, I started to like his annoying yet cheesy pickup lines and the constant attention he was paying to me in particular. I mean, wouldn't you? The most popular guy in school, paying attention to a bitchy anti-Jason fan club member and making every other girl in the school jealous. Eventually, after a few complications that seem really stupid to me right now, but were a big deal back in the day; we got together a few weeks before graduation - surprising everyone."

My mother took a shaky breath and studied the pleated material of her jeans for a moment before she looked back up at the both of us. "I thought everything was the best, you know? He had proposed to me a year and a half later, and I accepted. I mean, how could anything go wrong if you're getting married to the golden boy of high school? We got married and I... I fell pregnant with you 8 months later. I was so happy when I found out, Emma. So... so happy..." She trailed off, and I noticed her breathing become heavy, and I placed a hand on her thigh as a sign of comfort, wincing in pain in the process. "Mum..." I trailed off, grief overcoming any other emotion I could feel.

"When your father found out... he - he - he wasn't very happy." She settled with, putting her hand in my own as I gave her a reassuring squeeze. "He threw stuff around the house - broke most of the glass we had and a lot of our lamps in the living room - before yelling at the top of his lungs and telling me to get an abortion. I stood my ground though, I wasn't going to let go of you, ever. He didn't like that idea, so he slapped me across the face - hard."

"Son of a bitch." Tyler muttered, as I felt his grip tighten slightly around my waist.

"It was the first time he had ever done something like that - and his expression showed pure guilt. He apologised repeatedly, and kept saying he didn't mean it; over, and over again. I was scared to go near him, and I saw that my distant behaviour hurt him, so I told him it was okay and that the news was just a shock to him. I thought he'd come around. He did - and you were born as beautiful as you are right now; healthy and smiling. You were like the bright light in our lives. I warned him that our lives would change now that you were in it, and he had agreed. He actually even took some responsibility for you for the first few months; playing with you, feeding you, waking up in the middle of the night to cradle you back to sleep. He stopped that after a while... and that's when I realised he had started becoming an alcoholic. He wouldn't return home until 6AM every morning and would reek of alcohol and cigarettes. I ignored it for a few years - thinking he would change, but it only got worse."

"He began to- take advantage of me, sexually. I didn't want it. I hand my hands full with you and trying to pay the bills and the debts we were in thanks to his newly found habit - and his forceful demands were just another thing to add to my complications. That's when he had hit me for the second time. He was drunk, and I thought that was what caused his violent actions toward me. Except this time, I saw no guilt - no remorse in his eyes. They were filled with hatred. This cycle repeated itself, even after I found out I was pregnant with Courtney. I couldn't tell him I was pregnant - because he had sworn that if he ever found out I was carrying a child again, he would beat me until I forced a dead child out of me and watched its dead body drown in the blood that surrounded it. Despite his constant threats, beatings and alcohol addictions; he still always told me that he loved me. That's what made me stay for so long. But eventually, I couldn't take it anymore, I had to leave, Emma. I'm so sorry." My mother's usually composed face instantly broke out in a river of tears, and her palms flew up to cover the sobs from us as her shoulders shook violently.

I hadn't realised I was crying myself until I felt a warm, salty liquid connect with the side of my lips, and I wiped it away instantly. "Mum..."I trailed off, getting out of my position in the hospital bed - with Tyler's much needed assistance - and engulfing her in an embrace I didn't want to get out of. "It's not your fault." I murmured into her hair as she sobbed into my chest, wrapping her arms around my bandaged waist securely. "It's not your fault." I repeated, trying to keep my own tears in check.

"Maybe if I hadn't said yes to marrying him so quickly you'd be okay right now, stressing for your final exams and living an ordinary life." She barely managed to get out, her voice raspy as she began to cry again.

I shook my head and held her tighter. "None of this is your fault mum. It's all his. Stop blaming yourself. It is not your fault. We love you so much, Courtney and I - we wouldn't want to live any other way. You're the reason for that."

We stayed in silence for a long while, and I pulled away slightly to pull Tyler into the hug we were sharing. He was hesitant at first, before he eventually joined in the harmonic peace. After what felt like hours, my mother pulled away. "You're honestly the best daughter anyone could ask for. I'm so proud of you sweetie. And Tyler," She turned to him as she wiped a stray tear, "You are the best boyfriend any mother could ask for. I know I don't have to be worried about you hurting my baby because you have that fierce attitude within you that always wants to protect her; and I am very grateful for that." My mum sniffled, and gave us a small smile before getting out of her seat and helping Tyler put me back into the hospital bed carefully. Tyler nodded and gave a small smile in return, and I could sense that he was at a loss of words to respond to her.

"Anyway, I'm going to head off for work. Now that everything is out in the open, you know why your father targeted you the way that he did. It was to get through to me, and I'm-"

"Mum." I gave her a warning look, and she abruptly snapped her mouth shut.

"Right, Sorry. Call me if you need me, okay honey? You too Tyler. Love you." She smiled slightly, before slinging her black handbag over her shoulder and leaving the hospital room.

"Love you too." I muttered, getting lost in my own thoughts. My father was an abuser - just like Tyler's dad was. An alcoholic abuser. And he threatened to kill Courtney. I felt my blood boil at the thought of anyone threatening the small girl with slight dimples and ringed curls as a frown appeared on my forehead.

"What are you thinking?" Tyler asked, laying back down beside me again once he fixed the blankets that had gotten ruined from my abrupt movement to comfort my mother.

My frown disappeared as he wrapped an arm around my waist securely and smiled up at him. "Nothing."

"I love you. I won't ever do that to you, Emma. I would rather stab myself straight through the heart before laying a finger on you in a way that didn't pleasure you." He smirked, but there was a serious note to his tone.

I blushed at the comment before lightly pecking his lips. "I know you wouldn't. I love you." I murmured against his lips.

A soft expression crossed Tyler's features momentarily before his signature smirk returned. "Speaking of pleasuring..." He trailed off, pulling me into a kiss I couldn't help but giggle into.


The hospital had released me a month and a half before my final exams ever were on - and on top of the school work and assignments I had to catch up on; I was cramming in as much studying as I could in the limited amount of time I had left. On top of the overwhelming workload from the school - the girls refused to go dress shopping for our senior dance without me - dragging me along almost every day for two hours of endless dress and shoe shopping. Alice and Kelly were quick to find their dresses; both of them opting for long silk gowns to go with the vintage theme the dance was based on.

My indecisive nature and lack of fashion sense didn't help at all while Amanda and Katie continuously tried on different dresses, so I'd just smile and compliment them whenever they had come out of the small square booth in a stunning dress that moulded to their figures perfectly. Eventually, I was the only girl dress-less in the group, but I didn't mind; until I found a dress that actually got me to look away from my biology notes.

We were all officially done shopping two weeks before our exams were starting, and I had managed to get all the girls to study instead of fuss over their hairstyles for the dance. This was when Tyler came in. While I managed to get a lot of my assignments in and the majority of my notes were crammed into my brain - Tyler thought it was the appropriate time to start sneaking into my bedroom again.

"Don't you have things to study for? I'm stressing for you!" I exclaimed, as a mental image of Tyler sitting in the exam room looking at the paper with a clueless expression came into my mind.

Tyler smirked down at my worried expression as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'll be fine." He muttered, before pressing his lips against mine.

I pulled away after a while and raised my eyebrows at him. "You've barely attended school." I pointed out.

His smirk returned and he raised an eyebrow. "Are you doubting my academic ability, Emma?"

"What, no! Of course not." I blurted, blushing slightly as he pulled me in closer.

"Hmm. It sounds to me like you're implying that I'm incapable." He stated as his smirk grew further at my embarrassment.

"No! I know you're very smart. I'm just worried that you may have missed a topic or something! And even if you have, I can help you! If it's in a class that I'm in with you. Or even if not - I can try making notes for you for whatever work you have from that class! Or you can do it yourself if you want too. I'm not forcing you into anything or calling you incapable of making your own notes - because you can! And I just-"

"Emma. Shut up." Tyler's deep voice cut off my rambling, and I looked back up to meet his amused expression before the blush returned to my cheeks. "Sorry." I mumbled, smiling sheepishly.

"Don't stress about me. I've been studying." He reassured me, kissing the tip of my nose. I tried - and failed to mask my surprise and he chuckled at my expression. "Yes. Shock horror. I think I deserve a reward for studying, don't you?" He asked as the smirk returned to his pink lips.

"What kind of reward?" I asked, frowning curiously.

"I have something in mind..." He trailed off, before lifting me up like I weighed nothing and pulling me into a deep kiss while walking over to my bed.

2 months later...

"I've failed life." Alice groaned, holding her results away from her body like they were an infectious disease she didn't want to catch.

"Alice! You don't know that. You haven't even checked your results yet!" I exclaimed, and we all laughed at her miserable expression.

"I know you did well. I helped you study - so you have to do well, or you'll bring my name down to shame." Amanda joked, grinning as Daniel pulled her into a backwards hug and peeking into her results. "You did well babe. I'm proud." He murmured into her ear, before placing a soft kiss on her cheek, making Amanda blush.

"So did you." She mumbled. Still flushed. I couldn't help but smile at their relationship before I felt an all too familiar body press against my own back as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Confession: I lied to you about studying before the exams." Tyler's raspy voice whispered into my ear, making me shiver from his warm breath on my neck.

My eyes became wide and I tried - and failed - to turn my body around in his grip. I settled for turning my neck as my eyes met his arrogant smirk. "Tyler! Oh my god! Why not?!" I exclaimed, beginning to stress as a mental image of a blank results card with Tyler's name printed on it appeared in my mind.

He chuckled and kissed my nose. "I had better things to do." Yeah, like a run a gang. "And by better things to do, I mean you. It doesn't matter anyway. I told you I know everything. I have nothing under 75% as my final grade for the class." He boasted, the arrogant smirk returning.

The stress instantly left my body and was replaced with pure happiness. "Oh my god, that's so great! I'm so happy for you!" I grinned, my voice coming out squeakier than usual from my excitement.

"Yeah. Don't doubt a gang leader next time." He said in a low tone, his smirk growing. "I guess that means I get something extra special tonight, eh?" One of his arms that were wrapped around my waist slowly slid down and gripped my rear end, making me gasp slightly before turning tomato red all over my face.

He chuckled and I looked up at him with a small smirk of my own before standing on the tips of my toes to reach his earlobe. "Extra special is a bit of an underestimation." I tried - and failed - to sound seductive and fought against my heating cheeks to keep the blush down as I slowly dragged my hands down from his shoulders, over his chest, before wrapping them around his solid torso and giving him a cheeky grin.

His eyes turned to a storm grey colour as he looked down at me before picking me up bridal style and steering me away from my group of friends - who were staring at our encounter in shock. I guess they would never fully get used to the fact that Tyler could talk.

"Tyler! You're going to ruin my graduation robe!" I hissed, blushing furiously as I kept my arm wrapped around the back of my thighs to make sure my underwear didn't flash from the dress I was wearing. Tyler hadn't bothered to wear his graduation robe at all - instead, he opted for his usual leather jacket, dark jeans and plain white shirt. I tried to convince him to at least wear the hat in one photo we took together - but he still refused, saying it was a stupid tradition that could go fuck itself.

"Who cares if I ruin it. It's going to end up on my bedroom floor at the end of the day." He said with a smirk, making my already red face grow redder. A loud tapping noise followed by a high pitched screech that had everyone around us cringing echoed throughout the auditorium, making everyone - students and parents - look over to the front of the stage where Mr Dolton was testing the microphone, before stepping back and letting Jessica take the lead.

Surprisingly, Jessica had strolled up to our table two weeks before our exams were on and announced a full-fledged apology; explaining that she didn't want to leave the school on bad terms with anyone, and just wanted us to enjoy our last moments of senior students together without any dramas. We all accepted it, and she left on good terms with all of us.

She was presenting our graduation speech today - which was composed by Alice and myself, along with a few snide comments from Daniel - due to her high status as Cheerleading Captain and student representative of our year group. "We all came into this school as freshman who were shaking at the knees and struggled to keep our slightly-larger-than-our-body-size backpacks on in a way that was comfortable for our tiny shoulders. Personally, I remember my first day. I looked around this same auditorium where our orientation assembly was held and a swarm of freshly polished school kids were sitting in the same seats you're currently inhabiting right now; rocking side to side or fidgeting with the new shirt they bought for their very first day of school here as Mr Dolton drowned on about how we were the fresh faces of the school and feeding us the false speech of fitting in instantly because of the pleasant school environment. No offence, Dolton, but your speech kind of sucked." Everyone laughed at that and my eyes flickered over to Mr Dolton, who was grinning slightly at the lame joke.

"Nevertheless, you were the one who helped us coast through our first year of high school and also managed to actually concentrate in class by coming in randomly and giving us that famous glare that had made most of us freeze in our seat, afraid to blink in case you'd get us into major trouble. Eventually though, that glare became a norm in our minds, and now we laugh every time you attempt to do it at us, and we can all see how much you struggle to keep your own smile in. As a wonderful sunny season passed and a new year began; we didn't need your help anymore. Suddenly, the boys were looking slightly less awkward and the girls' clothing became shorter and tighter, in hopes to catch a dashing gentleman's eye so that they'd sum up the courage to ask us out on a date. It never happened of course - woosies." Jessica teased, making everyone laugh again.

"It was in our junior year when we all began to realise the social ladder is what our high school experience was based on - not education. Girls had more cat fights than they did on Jersey Shore and guys threw punches at each other just for the heck of it. Well, except for at Tyler. No one dared go near him." I found myself grinning as all eyes turned to stare at Tyler, who had gone stiff at the mention of his name in such a public place, and I had to stifle a laugh from escaping my lips. He glared at everyone, and Jessica added, "Clearly, that's still the case." I soft giggle escaped my lips and he looked down at me with a glare, before smirking slightly. I knew that expression. He was going to let me have it later.

"The beginning of this year is when it really hit us - we're in high school. What the hell have we been doing this entire time? Abby in particular, actually has her own little mini-house in the library that no one was allowed to go near when she was in that zone, cramming each syllable that was writing down in every economics, physics, chemistry, and biology text book she could get her hands on." Everyone laughed as the attention was averted to a red faced, blonde haired Abby, who was sitting in one of the back rows next to two adults, and clutching onto her results paper with her life.

"This year also made us realise that everything what we worked so hard for, lead to this moment. Graduation. I've already seen friendships mended and tears being shed as the thought of this exact occurring moment filled our entire beings. Before this speech ends, I want to leave you with an anonymous quote that we can all relate too: 'Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.' We did it, class of 2013. We're finally being released out of hell!" Jessica cheered, and soon, the rest of us joined her, grinning from ear to ear as the boys banged on the chairs loudly and the cheerleaders jumped up and down - being their usual perky selves.

We all settled down after Mr Dolton returned the microphone and gave everyone the glare that Jessica had mentioned earlier. Everyone instantly became quiet but tried to stifle laughs as they recognised the all too familiar look. "Now, for the final roll call of class of 2013." He announced, making all the senior students go silent for good.

I began to tear up just at the thought of it. This was it.

"Ms Victoria Abigail." He called, and a French student with long red hair came on to the stage, shaking Mr Dolton's hand before taking a photo with him and getting off. The list kept going and I felt my name inch closer and closer.

"Mr James Blackford!" James jumped onto the stage with an enthusiastic 'whoop!' making the entire auditorium erupt in laughter, and Mr Dolton just shook his head before grinning and taking a photo with James.

"Ms Abigail Cabster!" Abigail got up gracefully and shook Mr Dolton's hand before briefly smiling as a flash lit up their faces. My breath caught in my throat as I mentally went through the roll in my mind and instantly became teary.

"Ms Emma Carter!" My name was called out, and I blushed furiously as I walked onto the stage with tears running down my cheeks. I shook Mr Dolton's hand, who was smiling warmly at me, before I decided to wipe my tears.

"SOON TO BE MRS EMMA O'BRIAN!" I heard a deep voice call out from the quiet crowd. My eyes widened in shock - as did everybody else's - as all our eyes landed on Tyler, who was smirking in my direction and making my face turn into even more of a tomato. Snickers were heard throughout the auditorium as my photo was quickly taken, and I got off the stage as quickly as I could; my face still burning. I was going to kill him.

The list kept on going as I made my way back to my original seat, still teary eyed.

"Mr Daniel Johnson!"

"Mr Damien King!"

"Ms Alice Lennox!" Alice's bottom lip was shaking violently, and I could tell she was trying to hold back her tears as she got up on stage and shook Mr Dolton's hand.

"Mr Tyler O'Brian!" Tyler was up on stage and off before anyone could even snap a picture, and a few laughs were heard before he returned to his seat beside me in lighting speed.

"Tyler!" I exclaimed in a hushed tone as the names were still being called out. "Why are you so anti-social?" I frowned, hitting his arm lightly. Not that it affected him in any way.

"Because I want to be." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes while trying to fight the smile that was threatening to burst out and plant itself on my lips any moment.

"And last, but not at all the least, Mr Nate Zeklos!" Nate walked up to the stage in a brooding manner, and everyone stayed quiet as he took his picture and got off the stage, joining us moments later.

"That is all, ladies and gentleman. For the last time - our class of 2013!" Mr Dolton announced into the microphone, making everyone jump out of their chairs and throw their hats up into the air with a celebratory cheer.

"Idiots." I heard Tyler grumble under his breath and I rolled my eyes at his lack of participation before taking my seat once again.

"Happy graduation babe." Tyler murmured into my ear. I turned to him to find him smirking as he engulfed me in a suffocating hug, and I sighed into his arms happily. This was it - we have officially graduated. We pulled away after a while and he crashed his lips onto mine, still keeping one arm around my waist for support as I stumbled slightly from the impact.

I pulled away, grinning, before turning around to my friends - only to find Alice sobbing and Nate comforting her while glaring at James and Damien, who were laughing at her. "Guys! Lay off." I said as my grin grew. James pulled me in for a bone crushing hug before pulling away ad grinning wildly. "WE'RE FREE!" He howled, making everyone turn to him and laugh.

Damien slapped James on the head before pulling me into a more gentler hug than James'. "Happy graduation Blondie." He grinned, releasing me from his hold.

"You too, Damien." I grinned. I was about to say something else before a solid arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into the same, firm torso, and I looked up to find Tyler glaring. "Hands off." He snapped at Damien, making me roll my eyes at his possessive nature.

"PIZZA!" James shouted, making everyone stop hugging each other and laugh. On cue, my stomach rumbled, and I blushed even though no one heard it.

"Hungry?" I heard Tyler say, and I turned to find him smirking beside me and groaned softly. Of course he heard it. I was practically attached to his hip thanks to his death grip around my waist.

"Shut up." I muttered, blushing as he chuckled at my discomfort.

"I love you guys." I said once we all exited the stuffy auditorium and made our way over to the car park.

Alice burst into tears - after Nate had just finished calming her down - and we all burst into loud laughter at her emotional state before Tyler lifted me up onto the motorbike and revved the engine. "You guys better hurry the fuck up or I'll take her to my place and have my own celebratory meal." Tyler growled, glaring at the rest of the group.

"You mean in between her le-" James started with an obnoxious laugh, before getting swatted and punched by Damien and Nate. My eyes went wide with shock and I felt my cheeks flame up before I turned back to Tyler who was smirking down at me. "He isn't wrong, you know." He said in a low voice, pulling me closer towards him before driving off without warning.

A startled scream escaped my lungs and the wind whipped my hair all over my face, and I felt Tyler chuckle before he sped up a little, just to make me squirm. I was on a death machine with a guy that was Bi-Polar, who I also happened to be in love with, on the day of my graduation. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.


Picture of Emma's prom dress on the side!

LOL omg this was such a shocking chapter but I doooooooooooon't even know what's happening right now because I wanted It to enndddd and that's it no moreeeee yayayayayayayayayay does anyone understand how happy I am?! :D:D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D INNOCENCE IS OFFICIALLY O-V-E-R- OVER!

I don't even know how I ended it guys sorry. I just really wanted it done and out of my life. And I'm sleep deprived too, but meh. It's finished! :D Umm does anyone want me to write an epilogue? Just comment below if yes, and I promise I'll actually TRY if you guys do end up wanting one. Maybe I'll edit this in the future. Maybe not. I guess we'll see.

To the readers who have stuck by this ever since I put it up on wattpad - thank you, I love you so much and thank you for reading such a terrible book! Haha!

To the new readers - I love you for reading the book! And once again, thank you for reading such a terrible story! LOL! All you guys (new and old, and even those silent readers out there, I see you! :D) I would literally not be here if it weren't for you! And before my cheesy authors note becomes too cheesy, I'll end it here!

Once again, I really cannot articulate how grateful I am that you all read my book. It honestly means so much to me, you really don't understand! I love you all! :)

Remember, if you want an epilogue, leave a comment below!

Vote/Comment/Fan if you deem it worthy enough!

And for (possibly) the last time ever,

Thanks for reading lovelies! xx

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