Chapter Seventeen - Daddy Issues.

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“Tyler, get out of the car. Now.” My mum said slowly, a stern tone ringing within her command.

“No. I’m not leaving you! I can-”

“TYLER. GET OUT OF THE CAR.” I shouted, breaking the eye contact I had with my father to turn around and look at my bewildered boyfriend. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with. You can’t use fists to get out of this daddy issue.” I stated with a bitter tone ringing out.

Tyler stared at me in shock for a moment, before his cold glare and clenched jaw returned. Without another word, he opened the door and slowly got out of the car.

I watched with agony as he walked back to his motorcycle, not even glancing in our direction, before getting on it and riding off.


“It’s okay. I’ll go. Just keep Courtney safe, mum. No matter what happens, okay? You have to keep her safe.” I said sternly, before pulling her into a hug and swallowing back the tears that were threatening to spill.

“Emma, where are you going? Are you going to follow Tyler?” Courtney’s soft voice asked from the backseat, choking on a sob then sniffing her nose. I pulled away from my mother and gave her one more loving look before turning to Courtney with a smile plastered onto my face. “Yep. He’s going to take care of me while you and mummy go on a road trip! Aren’t you excited?” My voice cracked, giving away my lie, and I silently prayed that Courtney didn’t notice the way she usually did.

She frowned. “Why can’t he take care of mummy and me as well?” She asked, sniffing.

“He will baby, when you come back. I’ll see you soon, okay?” I leaned over and kissed her forehead, trying to bite back the tears that were threatening to spill, before turning to my mum once more then exiting the car.

The vehicle lingered for a couple of more moments, before I felt it slowly drive away, leaving me alone in the car park with the man I loathed most in life.

“Emma, it’s been a while…” My father trailed off once he reached me, a sickening smile plastered onto his features as his hand reached out to caress my face.

“Don’t touch me.” I snapped, taking a step back from his body in disgust. My father’s eyes darkened, and his jaw clenched in anger. “Now, now,” He muttered, taking a step forward and gripping my forearm with merciless force, “That’s no way to talk to your father.” The glare he sent me sent shivers down my spine as the fear finally caught up to my brave demeanour and took over it.

“Where are they going.” He didn’t ask it as a question; more like a demand.

“I don’t know.” I said through gnashed teeth as his grip on my arm got tighter. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the pain that was radiating throughout my body from the force of his grip.

He let out a harsh and sarcastic laugh, before dragging me over to a black car and pushing me in carelessly, slamming the door behind me and getting into the driver’s seat shortly after. “Where are you taking me?” I asked, my voice coming out small and soft, shattering any tough image that I previously conveyed.

“Shut up and stay still.” He barked, abruptly taking a sharp turn, causing me to slide on the seats and bump my head into the arm rest of the door. I let out a choked whimper as the pain spread, making the tears fall silently and uncontrollably. I didn’t bother paying attention to my surroundings outside as we drove; giving up all together.

Tyler came into my mind then – his expression as I shouted at him in the car. I knew I’d hit a nerve when I mentioned his dad. It was cruel, and I could see how my comment affected him before his expression had turned to his usual cold façade. My tears continued to fall as I remembered the last time we kissed – knowing that it was literally going to be the last time. Even if I did manage to escape my dad – which was highly unlikely – will Tyler forgive me?

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