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Three years later...

"HEY EMMA!" James' all too familiar voice called out from across campus. I continued walking as my face flushed from embarrassment, silently thanking the fact that the college was filled with unknown students at this time of the day.

"SHE'S IGNORING ME!" James called out again with a tone of disbelief, and I tried to fight the smile that was stretching its way onto my lips before I heard his voice call out again. "OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" His voice was much closer now, and that's when another familiar voice spoke up.

"That's because you're an idiot, idiot." Damien chuckled. The smile finally broke out on my lips and I began to turn around to face my two friends - but someone tall, solid, and muscular blocked my path - wrapping their arms around my waist firmly and catching me completely off guard.

A scream began to claw its way out of my throat before the tall figure pressed his lips against mine, and I instantly relaxed in his hold just as a familiar leather jacket brushed up against my bare arms. Tyler.

I pulled away shortly after he began kissing me, blushing. "Hello." He greeted, smirking down at my embarrassed state.

"Hi." I mumbled in return, smiling up at him. The mischievous glint in his eyes instantly began to fade as I watched him take in my features, and my blush deepened. My feelings for Tyler never faded throughout the entire three years that went by. We fought a lot - especially about the fact that he bought an apartment a year after we graduated High School so that we could live together - but nothing ever changed emotionally.

"Lucky asshole." I heard James grumble from behind us, making Tyler snap out of his hazy state to turn around and glare at James. Damien shook his head at his best friend before whacking James at the back of his neck; catching James off guard once again. "Stop being so abusive!" James exclaimed, punching Damien in response.

"Stop being an idiot!" Damien replied with a bored tone, giving James a flat look. Tyler let out an exasperated sigh that was directed towards his two best friends while a small laugh escaped from my lips.

"I don't know why I agreed to let you two come to the same college as Emma and me." Tyler grumbled, glaring at nothing in particular.

James took his opportunity to speak up. "Because you love us, and you can't do anything without us. In fact, you wouldn't even be able to do what you're about to do now because you're such an anti-social asshole. If it weren't for my adorable face and admirable charisma, you wouldn't have all these people wat-"

"James, if you don't shut the fuck up in 2 seconds, I will personally staple your balls to the tree across from your room. You know, the one that you keep thinking is a scawy little monster?" Tyler mimicked the tone of a baby with his last words, and James clamped his mouth shut instantly while his cheeks began to glow a light shade of pink.

Both Damien and I chuckled at the newly found information, before Tyler turned back to face me.

"Why are you on campus?" I asked curiously, my mind finally registering the scenario I was in. Tyler didn't have class today. In fact, none of us did. We all had our last exam for the year yesterday afternoon.

"Why are you?" He replied, raising an eyebrow.

I frowned slightly. "I was at the library thanking the librarian for the books she recommended for me to study from. Your turn."

"I was looking for you." His smirk reappeared, and I began blushing again.

"Oh." I mumbled, looking away from his smirking lips.

"Aren't you going to ask why?" Tyler spoke up again, hooking his index finger to my chin and bringing my face back to meet his.

I studied his expression momentarily - he still had his usual arrogant smirk plastered onto his plump lips, but I could see... excitement? Lingering in his grey orbs.

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