6. Worrying Him

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"Nonsense," I said, almost laughing. "I may be a humble servant, but I'd never sink as low as to consider a life of piracy." Once I'd said it, I felt the sting of regret. I wasn't one to say unkind things. Even to a pirate. 

He didn't seem phased by my lack of manners at all. He just laughed. 

"Thank you," I said quietly. 

"Excuse me?" He asked. 

"Thank you for rescuing me. I know it was a great effort to come after me." I paused, then said, "But I'm glad you did."

"Of course," he said awkwardly, glancing away. 

"So, are you going to punish me?" I asked.

"Seems that's not necessary since you've already put yourself through hell," he said, heading towards his bed. He sat on the edge and took off his boots. Then he went and stood close to the fire, rubbing his hands together and warming himself. 

I slumped back in relief. Thank goodness I was spared from his wrath this time. I'd better start minding him from now on. I never wanted to experience the terror of nearly drowning again. The panic had been so intense, I hoped to never feel that way again for the rest of my life.

My chest was feeling tight and my throat was irritated. I had been coughing on and off, obviously trying to clear the last of the water from my throat. I started coughing hard, but I tried to be unobtrusive about it. 

The captain took notice right away. He turned and came back to my bedside. "Did you eat all the soup I had Louis make for you?" His voice sounded like he was accusing me of disobeying him once again.

"Yes, sir. I'm sure I'll be fine. It's just going to take some time to stop coughing, I guess. I...I hope I don't keep you awake tonight."

"It will be fine," he muttered and then he snuffed out the lamp and went to bed. It was still fairly early, but we were both exhausted from our adventure in the sea, so we slept easily. 

In the night, I dreamed that I was back in the ocean and the ship was sailing away at an alarming speed. I sunk down but I was able to push myself about the surface again and again, screaming for them to come back for me. 

"Wren!" The captain's irritated voice woke me from my nightmare. 

I blinked at him, waking slowly. "I'm sorry," I said. "I woke you?"

"Yes. Now go back to sleep. And be quiet."

I was fearful of having the same dream, so I sat up and looked out the window. The moon was waning, but half of it was still showing through the clouds in places, lighting up patches of water. I was also apprehensive about waking the captain again, so I forced myself to stay awake. My chest seemed to get tighter overnight and I fought back little coughs until daybreak.

When the captain finally rose, he came to me and said, "You don't look well."

"I'm just tired, sir. I stayed awake so I wouldn't trouble you with my coughing or my bad dreams."

"Oh, you annoying woman," the captain scoffed. "You'd best stay in bed today and I will have Louis bring you some tea."

"Thank you, sir."

He nodded and left the room. I fell into an exhausted sleep. I didn't dream any more, I just slept for a very long time.

When I was awakened by Abigail, it was already late afternoon. "Papa sent some food for you. And he said you have to drink the tea. Captain's orders," she said, mimicking her father's voice. "He didn't make you wake up earlier, but he asked me to come and tell you that it's time to eat something."

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