43. Fighting For Him

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Despite the fact that it had been the worst day of my life, I was comforted once again by Harry's scent and warmth in his room - our room - aboard the shipIt was all too easy to fall into a dreamless sleep with his nightshirt pressed up against me and the familiar motion of the waves rocking the galleon.

I was awakened by Liam's voice early in the morning. "Wren? Are you awake?" 

"Yes, give me a moment, please," I called as I hurried to get dressed. I didn't want Liam to open the door I'd forgotten to bolt the night before. Once fully clothed, I swiftly opened the heavy wooden door, eager to hear of news from the helm. 

"Zayn asked for you

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"Zayn asked for you. He's advising the men as to our plan," he said, carefully leading me by the hand. "Come, we have much to talk about."

I hadn't ever seen Harry's crew all assembled in one place before, and I was quite surprised that there were over thirty men on board, even without Harry, Louis and Niall. I caught Zayn's final words to them as we got closer. "I repeat, this is not attack. This is a mission of peace. You are to use weapons only if your life is in danger." He then allowed the men to ask questions and assigned them to various tasks during the mission. 

I furrowed my brow in confusion, wondering what on earth he was talking about. We had to attack! We had to retrieve Harry's gold. I wanted to say something, but I knew I should remember my place while Zayn was addressing the crew. Liam could see that I was squirming in anticipation, so he put his hand firmly on my shoulder and whispered, "I'll explain everything when he's finished."

Zayn wrapped up his instructions quickly, and he came to Liam and me. "Wren, we haven't much time, but I want you to teach the women on board how to use a sword," Zayn said urgently.

 "Wren, we haven't much time, but I want you to teach the women on board how to use a sword," Zayn said urgently

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"I still don't understand what's going on," I replied, shaking my head. "I thought you said we weren't going to attack. Why aren't we attacking?" 

"Louis gave the order," Zayn answered. "We are to go and inform the Vengeance that we have their captain, and then to offer them amnesty if they will fight for Prince Harry."

"Amnesty?" I asked, incredulous that these notoriously harsh pirates were going to grant amnesty to a lot of ruffians, especially after they robbed a prince! 

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