26. Rescued by Him

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He was here.

"Harry," I breathed out weakly.

I heard his footsteps moving towards me, and then I felt his gentle hands lock around my waist. I whimpered in pain from the multiple bruises scattered over much of my body. He sunk to the floor next to me, gathering me into his lap.

"Shhh," he whispered.

Tears of relief sprung from my eyes and I clutched at his shirt. I had to look at him to make sure I wasn't dreaming. And there he was, my beloved Harry, holding me, regarding me with a look I couldn't decipher. I just stared at him, while he shushed and rocked me. I prayed that I wouldn't awaken to find Madera torturing me again.

He didn't say anything. Not one word. I wondered what he was thinking. Was it possible he was upset with me for not staying in the cabin? It didn't matter - I would happily have Harry unleashing his anger on me rather than Madera threatening to rape and murder me. At its worst, Harry's wrath equaled Madera's kindness, if there was any to be found in him.

We heard a commotion in the hall outside the door, which was still wide open. Zayn and Liam appeared with an angry-looking Madera between them. "We found him, Captain," they announced. Madera's hands were bound, just as mine had been, but his eyes were on fire with rage.

Niall and Louis rushed in and Harry handed me over to them. 

Then he lunged at Madera with the fury of a tempest, screaming, "What did you do to her?!" He shoved Madera roughly, causing his head to smack loudly against the wall outside the room. I had never enjoyed violence, but I had a sick sense of relief when I heard it.

"What did you do to her?!" Harry screamed again, and his fist flew swiftly, connecting with Madera's nose, resulting in a loud crack. I flinched at the sound and turned away momentarily when I caught sight of blood spraying from the injury.

Harry quickly drew back and swung his fist hard, nailing the underside of his jaw. Madera began to voice his complaint at this point, grunting out in pain. In a fleeting moment, I thought it seemed awfully unfair that Harry was beating a man whose hands were bound, but that thought quickly passed when I remembered that Madera had done the same to me. 

Proving that he was a complete idiot, Madera goaded Harry by saying, "I was just tryin' to help ye, boy. Get ye back to y'er homeland so ye could take y'er place as the rightful king."

While Madera brought his bound hands to rub at his injured jaw, Harry sent his elbow hard into his side, resulting in a furious scream from his victim's throat. "Son of a bitch!" Madera brought his hands out, swinging them rapidly towards Harry's face, where they made a direct hit. A strained cry burst from my throat, but Harry quickly recovered, knocking Madera's fists away easily. He landed several more elbow strikes to Madera's ribs.

Madera's taunts continued through gritted teeth. "You know ye can oust that man y'er bitch of a mother married." 

Harry screamed in anger as he landed punch after punch anywhere his fists could connect with Madera's body. Zayn and Liam restrained Madera enough that he wouldn't retaliate against Harry. In the brief moments between hits, I noticed that Harry's fists were raw and bloody, but he paid them no mind. 

It took a lot of courage for me to continue watching the brawl. However, I became alarmed at Harry's countenance. I'd never seen such madness in his face before. He pummeled Madera over and over again while Madera yelped in pain and shouted profanities.

I couldn't take it any more. I wanted Madera punished as much as Harry did, but it was too much. "Make it stop," I pleaded against Niall's chest. "Please make it stop."

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