38. Comforting Him

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I ran straight into Harry's arms, squeezing so tightly around his chest that I thought I might cut off his breathing. He whispered into my hair, "It's all right, Wren. Everything's all right."

I couldn't control the few tears that slid down my face. When I looked up into his comforting eyes, he kissed me and I said, "I was so worried."

"I know, darling, but there's no need. I was fine, and I'm fine now."

I stepped back to give him just a little space. "I...Is that really your mother?" I stuttered.

When he tipped his head forward in a slight nod, I saw an unfamiliar emotion overtake his features. Sorrow, for sure, but there was something else that I couldn't define.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"I haven't learned the entire story as of yet," he said. "I will go and speak with her now. When we found her, we had to get out quickly. There was no time for questions." He turned and walked to the hut where his mother lay. I didn't follow immediately, but when he beckoned, I received his offer in gratitude. 

The atmosphere in the room was painfully quiet. All I could hear were breaths being drawn in and expelled by various people standing around the queen.

"Please leave us alone," he instructed the others, but he grasped my hand to make sure I knew he wanted me to stay. Once everyone had vacated the room, Harry fell to his knees and carefully pushed his mothers long, dark hair out of her face. It was a tangle of ratted strands, but I could tell that Harry had gotten his coloring from her. 

"Mother," he whispered. "Mum, it's me, Harry. Please wake up. I need to know you're okay."

I could no longer hear Harry's strong commanding voice. It was the voice of a small boy who needed the comfort of his mother.

She stirred a bit and groaned, flinching at his touch. Before her eyes even opened, she labored to expel just a few words. "Leave me alone!" Harry tried to calm her by gently touching her shoulder, but she nearly shouted, "Please don't hurt me." Tears stung my eyes as I watched the scene unfold before me.

"Mum," he said, stroking her face tenderly. "Mum, it's me, Harry. I'm here. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

It seemed to take tremendous effort for her to open her eyes, but when she finally did, they clouded up with tears. "My boy," she trembled. "Is that really you?" 

"Yes," he said. "It's really me, Mum. I've come back."

"Oh, Harry," she cried weakly. "My boy, you're really here."

"Yes, Mum, I'm here, and I promise I'm never leaving you again. Please, please tell me that you haven't been a prisoner all these years."

She tried lifting her arm to touch Harry's face, but she was too weak. She barely managed a nod, and Harry broke down weeping, laying his head on her fragile chest. I could only imagine the things that were running through his mind as he sobbed against her, soaking the thin dress she wore. I held back, although I desperately wanted to comfort him. 

His weeping went on for a long while. When he finally stilled as his tears dried up, he whimpered, "I'm so sorry, Mum. I'm so sorry I left. I didn't know. I didn't know...." I thought he might dissolve into another round of grief, but he regained control.

The queen spoke again, although it was a struggle for her to expel the words. "Don't worry, my dear. You're here now, that's all that matters."

"I...he didn't," Harry began, but he was so distraught, he could hardly form the words. I stepped forward and laid my hand firmly on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Mum, I abandoned you. I didn't know he was such an evil man."

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