39. Learning More About Him

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"So why don't you tell me how you and my son met." 

Her question took me by surprise. I'd never dreamed I would have to answer that question for anyone, but now Harry's mother, a queen, was asking me. My thoughts swirled in my head while I searched for a suitable answer. Certainly, I couldn't tell her that he had kidnapped me!

"Well, let's see," I said, trying to stall. "Harry, um, I mean Prince Harry and I met when he docked in England." There, that wasn't exactly a lie, even if wasn't the whole truth.

"I thought I you sounded English. From the south?" She questioned. 

"Yes, exactly. How did you know?"

"I grew up in England, too. In the south," she added. "Well, until I came to Elinshire when I was about ten. So I grew up here as well." I clutched her hand, not too tightly, and returned the smile. "Do you miss it? Is your family still there?"

"Sometimes I miss it," I admitted. "But I have no family. Both of my parents died when I was young. I was actually a...." I stopped, wondering if I should admit that I'd been a servant. Would that be scandalous, for the prince to be married to a servant girl? I was already uncomfortable with the lies we'd had to tell; I didn't want to continue heaping them one upon another. "I was a servant to a wealthy family, your majesty. Harry, um, well he rescued me; my master was harsh and cruel."

She smiled lazily. "My dear boy. Always had such a good heart."

"Does it bother you that I'm not royalty. That I'm a nobody?"

"That you were a servant doesn't bother me one bit. But my sweet girl, you're certainly not a nobody. You're very kind and generous, and I can tell my son loves you very much. Harry's a good judge of character, my dear. I'm sure he thinks very highly of you; he wouldn't marry a nobody."

Her words warmed my heart. "I'm glad he chose me. Now, he's the only family I've got. And you, of course, your majesty." I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

"Where did you get married?" She asked. "What was the wedding like?" I froze in response to another question that I couldn't readily answer. I would have to fabricate some beautiful venue with fine food and exquisite clothing.

Luckily, Abigail came in with a tray loaded with choice foods. After she had set the tray on the table, she came over to Queen Anne's bed. "Good morning, your majesty. I don't know if you remember me. I'm Abigail, and my father is Louis Tomlinson."

The queen's smile grew wide and her eyes seemed to have a bit of light in them. "My dear child, of course I remember you. Come here and give your auntie a hug." Abigail leaned in gently and complied. 

"Do you think you can eat something?" I asked the queen after she had a nice chat with Abigail.

"I would love to try," she answered warmly. "I haven't had a decent meal in ages."

"I'm sorry," I said. "This should never have happened to you."

She nodded kindly and tried to sit up. I was surprised by her strength, but she didn't quite have enough to keep herself up. I ran to our room and grabbed an extra pillow. I helped her to sit up again and I propped the pillow behind her. "Now you tell me if that's uncomfortable, all right?" 

"It's fine, dear. Thank you." 

I dragged the table close to the bed so she could see the foods she had to choose from. She selected some bread and fruit, papaya, actually. I remembered the name from eating it the previous day. I put some on her plate and told her to let me know if she wanted help with anything. 

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