51. Supporting Him

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Harry had long been making preparations for our royal bedroom. I wasn't allowed to see since he wanted to surprise me. When the time finally came, I was in awe of what he had prepared. 

The bed was massive - I wouldn't expect any less from my husband who very much enjoyed our lovemaking sessions. Of course, I loved them as well, but it was Harry who taught me everything I knew. The bed posts were tall, almost reaching the ceiling. There was a heavy velvet curtain hung round the bed, and then another curtain within the bed, for added privacy, I suppose. The wooden floor of the room was polished smooth - I'd never seen anything quite like it before. A large tapestry adorned one wall, along with a fireplace. The biggest surprise was that there were two bath chambers, one for me and one for him. Mine was light and airy and decorated in beautiful soothing greens. His was much more functional, with  wood panels lining the walls. I was intrigued by a contraption in Harry's bathing room by which water would be poured onto his head, which meant he could bathe standing up. I shamelessly asked Harry if I could watch him use it just to see how it worked. He agreed, and the only thing that kept me from ravishing my husband's perfect body was the fact that a servant was in the room as well, pouring water into the top of the shower. 

Harry informed me that I could bathe daily if I so chose. I couldn't imagine wasting the servants' time on something so trivial. Perhaps once a week would do. 

And as far as sleeping in our new room, Harry said that he wanted to do one more thing before we officially moved in - spend one more night together on the Rebellion.

* * *

The time came for us to talk to Queen Anne about Gemma. Harry and I had debated about allowing Gemma to be present, but we finally decided that it would be in both of their best interests if Harry and I broke the news to his mother without Gemma there to complicate things. 

"Mother," Harry began as we relaxed in her sitting room. "I've some news for you. I don't want to upset you, but I think it's rather important that you know." 

"What is it, Harry? Unless Ernesto has broken free from the dungeon, I hardly think any news can disturb me." 

"Well, you see, Mother. It's about Father. He was...well he...it seems...." Harry couldn't bring himself to spit out the awful words.

"Good heavens, son, what is it?" Anne laughed.

"Father wasn't faithful to you," Harry finally blurted.

"Oh," Anne said quietly. "Is that all?"

"Mother?" Harry questioned.

"Harry, I knew all along. In fact, I expected it with his travels and adventures. But, my darling, your father loved me dearly, and he loved me well. He assured me of his love time and again when he returned home, and he provided well for me. He's gone now, so what possible reason is there to bring this up?" 

"Well, there's more, actually," Harry hedged. "He fathered another child."

"I see," Anne said, her face remaining expressionless. "How is it you know this?" 

"She's here, Mother," Harry replied. "It's Gemma." 

Anne sighed deeply and gave an almost imperceptible nod. "Bring the girl here." 

"Are you sure?" Harry asked carefully.

"Of course I am, son. I'm not going to hurt her. I would just like to have a word with her."

Harry asked me to fetch Gemma, which I did quickly. Gemma was anxious about meeting the queen under these circumstances, but I assured her that Anne was a loving and generous woman. I hoped she would prove me right.

Once Gemma was standing reverently before her, Anne said, "I understand that Edward was your father." 

"Yes, your majesty," Gemma replied.

"And who is your mother?" Anne questioned.

"Her name was Isla and she is dead."

"My condolences," Anne said. And then she stared at Gemma for very long and uncomfortable time. Harry and I stood as straight as trees, hoping for the tension to dissipate. Finally, Anne's countenance softened. "Well, I suppose it's through no fault of your own that you're here with us. Whatever arrangements my son has made for you are acceptable to me. He is your brother, after all. And the King." 

"Thank you, your majesty," Gemma said with a sigh of relief.

Then Anne cracked a smile. "Besides," she said. "You look so very much like him." Anne then stood and embraced Gemma, which caused Gemma to sob in gratitude. "There now, child," Anne soothed. "No more tears. You're among family." 

I pondered how it must have felt for Gemma to have been alone her whole life and then to suddenly have a family. It was much the same way for me - I'd been an orphan and a slave and now I was Harry's wife and his queen. He was my family, along with Anne, Gemma, Louis, and his family. 

I was deeply touched by the kindness in Anne's heart. It explained why Harry was so exceptionally good as well, and even why he had been so cruel and angry when we first met. Those who love deeply are also wounded deeply when hurt by those they love. Harry's anger was simply a response to his unjust circumstances, but now everything had been made right, especially with his mother, and that was very important to him. 


I know, it's a super short chapter, but the next one will be worth it, I promise <3

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