44. Helping Him

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My eyelids were heavy with sleep, but I forced them to open anyway. I made several attempts before I managed to keep them open. I was in Harry's cabin on the ship. Was he nearby? I waded through the fog in my brain to fit the pieces of reality together. A twinge in my side suddenly brought it all rushing back - giving Harry some space, Abril striking me with her sword, defending the ship.

Defending the ship...How long had it been?! 

I bounded out of bed, only to bed stopped by a sickening dizzy spell that sent me sprawling back onto the sheets. Damn Liam Payne! He drugged me when I knew very well that I could stand with the others and defend the ship. 

I screamed in frustration, resulting in another wave of pain from my side. The door lurched open and I was surprised to see Victor. He made haste to my bedside and uttered soothing words. "There now, Ms. Wren. Just rest. Everything is all right."

Feeling agitated, I tried to sit up, but I was prevented once again by pain and dizziness. Victor fetched a cup of water and helped me to drink. "What has happened?" I asked weakly.

"They're still talkin'," Victor replied smoothly. "Nobody's hurt. Seems folks on the Vengeance are pretty keen on cooperatin.'"

"Get me some more water," I ordered him, but then I followed with, "Please, I have to help them."

"Aye, water. But I've orders not to let ye out of bed til the ship's safe. Master Payne's orders." 

I relented in my attempts to convince Victor or anyone else to let me help. Instead, I sadly accepted the fact that I'd be denied any part of this task, and that Harry would never know how badly I wanted to help him, to show him that I was on his side.

"Now, there, Ms. Wren," Victor soothed. "It'll all turn out."

"Thank you, Victor." He had been there for me and I wanted to trust him, but I was still mourning the loss of my chance to prove to Harry that I wasn't a traitor.

I finally gave in to my weariness and fell back to sleep.

* * *

"Good morning, Wren!" I was greeted by Liam's voice, sounding more chipper than he should. 

I stretched, yawned, and then I remembered my anger towards him. "Why!?" I snapped.

"You were injured. I thought you'd understand."

I sat up, this time feeling a bit stronger and not so lightheaded. "I don't understand. I'm as strong as any man on this ship and you're treating me like a child."

"With all due respect, Wren, you are a woman and I assume you're not accustomed to being in battle, let alone with an injury. 

"It wasn't battle!" I shot back. 

Liam put his hands on his hips and gave me the look my mother used to give me when I was being impertinent. "You, my dear, are a precious commodity. Not only are you Harry's love, you will also be the queen if our plans succeed."

I opened my mouth to spit out a rebuttal, but none came. 

"Come now," Liam said, "The Vengeance has wisely sided with us, so today we will begin plans on how to join forces with Harry and the others who are conspiring on land."

"So you managed to win them over in just a few hours?" I wondered. 

"Not exactly," Liam admitted. "You've been asleep for two days."

"Two days!" I cried. "Why did you let me sleep for so long?" 

Again, Liam ignored what I had said, "Since we are trying to act quickly, we'll be discussing our plans with Zayn today, and we felt you should be included."

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