Chapter 12

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A/N: Sorry for making y'all wait so long! Had a few problems with my account but they're fixed now. :)  also sorry for my part being so short, I did it in a rush and was stumped for what else to write. *~*



Everyone seems chill about Vinny, now whether they believe his claims or not is a whole 'nother story. Devin  won't stop gushing over how cute Ryan and Vinny are together. Am I the only one with my head screwed on here? If he is what he says he is then he's a killer! Just cause he's not attacked someone yet doesn't mean he won't. And we'll be the first ones he goes after probably. I'm fucking terrified of him now. And it's so obvious.


"You don't belong here. You should leave." Ricky snickered at me after pushing me in the green room. He probably shoved me in there so he could tell at me without the guys intervening

"Well I'm here to stay. Just because you don't like me doesn't mean everyone else wants me gone. I seriously don't get why you hate me so much. We used to be great friends and now you hate me with every fiber of your being. Why?" I asked.

"Because you are an abomination to this planet. Vampires shouldn't exist and they don't. Even if they do you couldn't be one of them. You are just a murderer. You use being a vampire as an excuse but you are no better than people like Ted Bundy. For all we know you are just in the band to pick up some free kills and when you are done you are probably going to kill us too." Ricky said, his voice laced with venom.

"Well if I'm so terrible why haven't you called the cops yet?" I asked him.

"I don't know why I haven't. Part of it may be because it would cause to much of a problem for the band. If word got out that you are a murderer then people would begin to believe we are all murderers." Ricky answered.

"I'm not a murderer. Yes some people have died but it's not like I wanted them to die. Well maybe that girl that was here before. I don't even remember her name but she was annoying and overall a terrible person, I did the world a favor. Otherwise, I do my best to keep everyone alive because I can't handle the guilt of killing people." I tried to explain myself.

"Enough with the vampire bullshit just leave!" Ricky yelled at me.

"Why do you hate me so much. You used to be my brother. All I have ever done was be your friend but then suddenly I became your worst enemy. Just tell me why?" I begged. I sounded quite pathetic but I was so confused and hurt. He was one of my best friends and he just stabbed me in the front.

"Because you terrify me, okay. One day we are playing video games and then the next I walk in an ally to find you ripping your teeth into who I thought was your girlfriend's neck. I don't know what to believe. You might actually be a vampire but you might not be. You could just be some serial killer who plans on killing us next and it scares me. The innocent and small hobbit like Vinny I once knew just completely vanished when I saw you with all that blood around your mouth. I have nightmares that you will attack me or anyone else on this bus. You scare me now." Ricky cried. Tears were streaming down his face.

I had no idea that's what he actually thought. I shouldn't have been so careless. My own friend was terrified of me and thought I was some sort of monster. And I was a monster. I never wanted to be one.

As soon as he finished speaking he fell to the ground crying. I quickly engulfed him in a hug. I caused his breakdown. I didn't mean to, but I did. Everywhere I walked I caused destruction.

"I'm not going to hurt you or anyone else we know. You guys are my family. I can't even imagine hurting you guys. I promise you that I will never attack you and if I do then you can rub fucking garlic all over my body and spray me with holy water for hours. I actually don't know if that will ever cause me any harm because I've never been around those items. That's a lie, I'm Italian and  so of course I have been around garlic but that was before I changed. I was allergic to it back then though so it will probably hurt." I said trying to comfort Ricky.

"Do you really promise?" Ricky asked in an barely audible voice. It broke my heart even more to hear him like that. He really was terrified of me.

"Yes. Now let's go find Devin because we both know I'm shit at comforting people, especially you." I laughed.

"Okay. Just so you know, I may not want to kick you out of the band anymore but I still don't trust you completely." Ricky confessed.

"Then I'm going to do everything I can to earn that trust once again." I said truthfully. I was going to do everything I could. I valued my friendship with a Ricky very much.

"Hey stop hitting on my boyfriend." Devin butted in.

"Ah just the guy we were looking for! Here take Rick Dick here. He needs you a lot." I told Devin.

"The hell did you do to him Mauro?" Devin questioned after picking Ricky up and seeing his tear stained face.

"We had an argument and I learned why he hates me so much. Long story short Ricky doesn't want to kick me out but still doesn't trust me." I explained.

"Oh okay, well I'm going to take him to the bunks. See you tomorrow." Devin said before entering the part of the bus with the bunks.

"I won't see you tomorrow, I'm pretty busy." I said quickly before he shut the door.

"What do you have to do that's going to keep you so busy?" Ricky's voice piped up.

"Fallout." I answered.

"Fucking nerd." I heard Ryan mutter from the couch.

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