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FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS, I was still not used to how everyone at school looked at me with hatred and love, and acknowledged me like I was part of the cool kids. Travis and I haven't been talking except when needed to, like being seated together and sometimes partnered up by teachers on small activities, and when we're at the school's hallways, cafeteria, and outside of it too.

He has been trying to get me to talk to him ever since I started ignoring him when given the chance to but not about what happened. No, he was too prideful to apologize or talk about the problem. Instead, he kept talking to me about small stupid things like the weather or if I could help him with some of the topics on Biology and English since we were in the same class.

Shane, the person between me and Travis on our designated seats, has been passing me notes from Travis which contained useless shit like:

hey, can you and this guy switch places?

im bored pls help me

talk to me sammy


You could imagine the headache I was experiencing reading that last note from him.

He was writing more but thankfully, Mrs. Saunders, our AP English teacher, came inside the room with the same old chirpy attitude that made everyone love her. She was fun and yet, at the same time, has the right amount of strictness when it came to her students. You can easily talk to her and she'll listen and not complain at all.

"Alright, who here knows the classic literature book, Pride and Prejudice?" Half of the class raised their hands, me included. She smiled. "Okay, that's good. So, for this project, you all will be picking one to three scenes and reenacting it in about ten to fifteen minutes. You wouldn't be needing costumes, all you need to do is act good. You'll be needing to present this a week from now so make sure to practice hard. I won't pick your partner this time. Now, go ahead and pick your own pair and talk about what scene or scenes you're going."

Everyone crowded someone. Some crowded people who they knew that were in the theatre club and were the best in acting, some crowded the popular kids, and I was no exception to this.

There were about five guys surrounding me, fighting with each other on who gets to be my partner. I placed a smile on my face and kept telling them to stop arguing calmly when all I wanted was to slap them with my notebook and yell at them to get the hell away from me.

"Get the hell away from her," Travis's booming voice scared them all, and without even a second, they walked—more like ran away from me. He shook his head, sitting in Shane's chair when he got up and partnered up with someone else. "We should partner up. People would expect us to."

Without a word, I nodded.

He gave a weak smile, leaning over to me slightly. "So, what scene do you want to do?"

There were a lot of good scenes in Pride and Prejudice. I have read the book and watched the movie too—the one where Kiera Knightly starred in it. I particularly loved how she cared for her sisters and wanted to protect them and how she's headstrong, very blunt about things that not many people would speak about.

"Did you read the book?" I asked, cocking a brow.

He shook his head. "But I did watch the movie. Elizabeth made me years ago."

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