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THE MORNING AFTER, I had woken up right beside Travis who was just staring at me. Normally, I would mentally scold myself for sleeping over at his place, but the thoughts of such things were gone once I locked eyes with his gray ones. All I could think of was I was in bed, with him, in my own will, and not even freaking out or getting mad at the situation.

          "If you're wondering," he started, the rasp in his voice sending tingles up my spine. "it's only four in the morning so you have some time to go to school."

          Right, school.

          But first, I had pressed my palm at his forehead, causing him to shake it off of him. His fever had gone down, and it almost seemed like he was almost back to normal but he still looked weak somehow and I didn't want to go anywhere because I wanted to take care of him. I wanted to be here with him.

          What is happening with me?

          "It's fine," I mumbled, giving him a soft smile. "I won't be going. You're still sick."

          He shook his head. "I'm not that sick anymore, Sammy. Really, I'm good."

          Something inside me felt relaxed hearing him call me Sammy. It felt weird hearing him call me by Sam, so formal, so cold because... I didn't want that. I wanted for him to call me whatever the hell he wanted to.

          I'm turning like a whipped girl over someone.

          My brows furrowed. "What time did you wake up?"

          "About thirty minutes before you did," he replied.

          "Well, why didn't you wake me?"

          I thought I was ready for his answer, but oh, no one could be even prepared for his reply to me. "I wanted to watch you sleep. I didn't get to do it last time because I was too ashamed on what I did that I needed to get out of there as fast as I could. This time, I could, and you looked beautiful. I mean, you always looked beautiful but...yeah."

          My cheeks heated up. Oh my God, why is he giving me an effect like this?

          He must've noticed it because he started smirking at me and letting out a small chuckle. "Is the big bad Sammy blushing because of me?"

          I turned my back to him. "NO!"

          His arms were all of a sudden wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I, in an instinct, covered my face with my hands. "Oh, come on, don't hide your face!" He grasped my wrists, trying to pull them away from my face but I wouldn't budge. "Why are you blushing, Sammy? Look, your neck is even red! Do you—holy shit, do you like me?"

          Stupid hormones, stupid cheeks, stupid Travis!

          "Sammy likes me, huh?" His fingers were suddenly gone from my wrist and on the sides of my body, tickling me. I couldn't help but swat them away but he continued doing it, watching me laugh my ass off. "Admit it, Sammy. Do you like me or not? Do you?"

          Everything happened all of a sudden, I had grabbed his hands and pulled them away from myself, my fingers interlaced with his. Then, I stared into his eyes and everything grew serious. His eyes flickered to my lips, and I hadn't noticed how close how we were until I felt his breath fan my cheek.

          How, how does he still look good just waking up? Does he have some kind of genes that he somehow inherited from his parents?

          And then he brought down his lips onto mine.

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