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My eyes widened, ignoring Robbie's protest. "Oh my God, that must've hurt."

Travis shook his head. "Trust me, it did. Don't worry, it was only a concussion; plus, I felt better when I found Robbie practically sobbing which was unusual because Lucas was the crier."

"Oh-kay," Lucas held his hands up, chuckling. "Just because I cried when I saw Sam doesn't mean I'm a crier."

Tyler gave him a blank look. "Dude, you cried on the way here and you haven't even seen her. I couldn't even stand your whining at the car."

Lucas turned beet-red as everybody started ganging up on him when Riley followed it with, "All you kept saying is 'What if she doesn't remember me? No one's going to laugh at my jokes anymore!' and then the rest was just straight up wailing."

Everybody laughed, but Lucas's rolling of eyes made me feel kind of sad that he felt exactly that. Sure, I do laugh at his jokes sometimes and other times, I threaten him to stop but knowing how much this guy cried for me made me realize how the other guys coped with me being gone.

Yet, I couldn't even do them a favor and say I thought about them because I couldn't remember anything but being forced to have sex with Max. That single memory was all I attained.

"Hey," Sean grasped my hand, eyes flashing with worry. "You okay?"

Forcing a smile, I nodded. "Yeah, sorry, I was blocked for a minute. What's happening?"

"We want a picture!" Robbie pulled out his phone. "I'll hold it up and we can take it."

Sean immediately shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea. We'll take it when she's..."

Huh, he couldn't even find the words to say about my appearance. "Not looking like shit?" I supplied, earning a few chuckle from them. "It's okay. If Sean doesn't want me to, I'm good. We'll take it when everything's not red, purple, and black everywhere."

They laughed. It was an improvement. It meant that they weren't being fragile about my condition as much anymore.

After a few more talks and laughs, everybody started going home when the nurse told us that visitor's hours were over. I was saying goodbye to them when Sean hugged me too and said he'll be going home and sleep there.

"I'll be here alone, then?" I asked, hoping he'd say no. To be honest, having someone watch me over isn't the worst thing as I thought. Sure, there were limitations to what they let me do but at least, I wouldn't feel so cold and alone.

I wouldn't feel like I was back at that room.

He shook his head. "I told the nurses that Travis's going to stay here overnight. They were okay with it. Besides, I think it's time you guys talked about what you guys are supposed to do." Then, he whispered to me, "make sure to ask him about his parents."

Nodding, we parted and I watched him walk out of the door and shut it behind him.

I was officially alone in a room with Travis.

What was I supposed to say? Am I supposed to start the conversation? Should I even talk and explain about my reasoning? Do I have to tell him the only thing I remembered in that? Or did they already tell him about it?

"I can't believe you left me."

Well, okay, here we go.

"I'm happy you're back, okay?" He stood distances away from my bed, arms crossed on top of his chest. There was tension on his broad shoulders, and I could tell he was grinding his teeth. He is definitely mad at me. "But why the hell wouldn't you say something? I know, it was to protect us, that's what Sean said but did you know what it was like waking up, going down your kitchen to find Sean, who was asking for you when I didn't even know where you were?"

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