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It's here, it's here, it's here! ALL RIGHT, UPDATE! YAAAY! Okay, I know that this is very, v e r y  late but college has been ruining my schedule and making me not want write anymore because of all the timing of everything. I've been trying not to fail and it sucks.

Okay that's my short seconds of being a drama queen. Go ahead and read Survivors!

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THE MOMENT WHEN I opened my eyes, I wanted to be asleep again. Everything was weighing down on me especially my body that was sore all over. I guess that happens when you let people beat you up into a pulp.

          I didn't want to get up but I knew I had to.

          As I was walking down and to the kitchen to cook breakfast after I had showered, I found my brother cooking bacon, silently humming to himself. When he saw me, he nodded towards the table, telling myself initially to take a sit and stopped humming.

          Mom didn't come out; which meant that she was still pretty upset with me coming home all wounded and bruised up so I knew that I should apologize but later because doing it in early in the morning might end up with me having a bad day if she didn't forgive me.

          We had a quiet breakfast. It's how it always went when I overslept, not being able to cook for him and mom. It was a statement that I was in a bad place, no doubt, and that he would wait for me to talk to him about what happened yesterday and what I had dreamt that night that got him waking me up.

          "Are you sure you're not going to school?"

          I shook my head. "I'm, um, heading up to the gym."

          His brows furrowed. "You want to talk about it now?"

          Another shake of my head. "I can't."


          That was how our breakfast talk initially went until he had to leave for school and I had to leave to go to the gym.

I wasn't really going to the gym. No, I was going somewhere father than the gym. I was meeting up with Alex's mother—Ruvée, whom I texted and asked if she could meet up with me after I had woken up from the horrible nightmare.

          We went to Andy's. A coffee shop farther than the town. It's the most secretive place I could think of that we could meet. Somewhere no one would think I would go.

          Ruvée was already sitting when I came by the shop, seated in a booth that was the farthest away from eavesdroppers, wearing a neat suit that made her look professional and a bit older. Ruvée was in her mid-thirties. She had Alex at a very young age and that's why sometimes, they were mistaken for siblings.

          Alex had gotten her sand-colored hair that was mid-length, wide smile, and the amber colored eyes. Only, the structure looked more masculine with him, of course.

          "Nice to see you again, Samantha," she said, politely.

          She always called me by Samantha, said that it was a beautiful name instead of shortening it into Sam. I never minded it. I mean, how could I? She liked me as her son's girlfriend when we first met and since then was by my side whenever there were immature fights that would break out between Alex and I. It was nice and when we broke up, she made sure to talk to me about it and told me how Alex was stupid to do that to you.

          "As much as I want this to be a social call, I know that it isn't, sweetie," she sipped her coffee. "So, what can I do for you?"

          I scratched the back of my head. "How do I start?"

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