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SEAN WENT OUT when I had already gotten myself together, having to be just by myself even if I knew that my friends were waiting outside while he went home, getting some clothes for tomorrow since I was getting discharge tomorrow morning.

            I didn't want to see anyone. Except Alex.

           Which is why he's inside my room, his arms crossed on his chest as he stared at me. "So, I called mom right after I got you here."

           "And?" I sat up, shaking my head at Alex's disappointed look. "Alex, I just lost my own mom, and right now, I know that Max is alive, and from the looks of it, you know it too. Will you just tell me what she said?"

           With a sigh, he started, "they're going to do rounds of the place. They already talked with your doctors and nurses, made sure that it's all kept confidential. You really weren't going to tell anyone, weren't you?"

           "I couldn't," I spoke. "Everything was going great, Alex. I didn't want to worry anyone. Especially my brother. I mean, mom is gone and what am I supposed to do? Tell him that I might die tonight? Tell him that Max is alive? Tell him that he's going to kill me no matter how much I try to avoid him?"

           "Yes!" He replied, his voice getting louder each word he spoke. "You could've at least told me! God, Sam, you just can't do anything by yourself, anymore! Look what happened the last time it did! Remember that night?"

           Of course, I did. I spent a lot of time trying to suppress that moment. All throughout that pain, I had managed to call the one on my speed dial which was still Alex. When I called him, I told him that I was at Max's place and later that, I screamed, trying to get away from him by crawling because I was having a hard time walking properly.

           That night in the hospital, I wasn't with anybody but Alex. Sean had to take mom home, forcing her to get in the car because she needed to rest. Alex was the person who was by my side everyday as I tried to get better.

           He even helped me at the nightmares I had on the times I spent lying down on that hospital bed.

           "You could have trusted me enough to tell me," he said, softly.

           My eyes closed, I just couldn't handle the pain of everything anymore. "It's not that I didn't trust you. It's just I would've wanted you not to worry about me all the time. I thought that maybe I could do this by myself. Alex, I don't want you babysitting me every single time—you have to give some time for yourself. I mean, have you dated anyone yet all these time that we weren't together?"

           He scoffed, jumping off the bed like it was on fire. "I'm going to strangle you!"

           My brows furrowed, confused. "What the fuck did I do, now?"

           "The reason I haven't been dating anyone was because I still love you, idiot!" He threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "You've known me for a long time, Sam. You know damn well that I am not the type of person that will simply give up in picking up girls just because I was "babysitting" you."


           Did he just say he still loves me?

           "I love you, Sam."

           Yup, he just did.

           I was speechless because what was I supposed to say to him? He had hurt me that night and the next day I had acted like we didn't just breakup and he wanted to get back together but I couldn't do it. So, we decided that it was best to keep everything professional at work and stay off as friends—we would be with each other's side no matter what still.

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