Bonus Chapter

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Because Take Me Away has reached countless amounts of reads, I've decided to write a short chapter about Sean and Adri's love story. This is my gift to you dudes and dudettes for making my story reach so many reads.

The always hungry writer,
—Bella O'Brien

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It was one of those things where you hide things from your best friend. It was one of those things where you stay away from him. It was one of those things where you push back your love away.

It was. Now, it's different. It's now one of those things where you don't need to hide from your best friend. It's one of those things where you can feel safe like she's not going to get angry at you for loving her twin brother. It's one of those things where I didn't know if he loved me back.

Sure, I knew that he liked me. He would send flowers, chocolates, and some paper bag that either has a brand of McDonalds or the bookstore we go to in front. He knew me so much that every book he gave me were on the top lists of my favorite books.

The moment I saw the boy that I grew up with turned more handsome, more muscle-y, and more nerdy, I knew instantly that I had been infatuated with him. Now, it's just more than crush.

I love Sean Alexander so much that my heart had skipped a beat every single time I would see him or even think of him.

I know I sound pathetic but it's the truth. You would say that Sam's love for Mason isn't like my love for Sean and you're right, it isn't. I guess every single one of us reacts to person we love in a different way. For example, Sam and Mason would bicker like they're thirteen. They would playfully fight and once someone gets hurt, they immediately wrap them up in their arms and hold them. I love seeing them when they were like that. It's like seeing Sam in a different way. She isn't this Ice or this nerdy girl that she portrayed. She was the real Sam. Both nerdy and strong. And I loved her to death.

The ringing of the doorbell downstairs snaps me out from my out of focus mind. I slam the chemistry book and push the disgusting thing away.

Yes, I hate chemistry so much.

After a short pause, the person outside of the door pushes the doorbell again and it doesn't stop even when I reached the living room. "Alright!" I yell, annoyed at the person. "Stop ringing you're going to make my ears bleed-"

My sentence stopped short as I saw a soaked Sean Alexander standing in front of me, holding a piece of paper in front of him, with words written on it. Luckily, the paper didn't get wet and I could read it easily.

I love you.

I looked back up to Sean's gorgeous eyes and couldn't hide my shock and stayed silent. He must've thought it was a bad thing because he crumples the paper and toss it down on the floor, letting the rain soak it.


"Fuck." Sean whispers to himself, running his hand through his soaked and disheveled hair. I feel myself gulp at the sight of him. He's wearing a blue shirt that hugged his muscles because of the rain. The six packs was visible to my eyes because his shirt was clinging to his body.

Hot damn.

"Can we just forget about what happened here?" Sean asks, making my eyes snap once again in those gorgeous light brown eyes. He's angry and humiliated. I could tell because his face is flushed and his brows are furrowed and his mouth is pressed into a thin line. "Please? I don't want to change anything between us. I want to stay friends with you."

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