Beating x2

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The nurse walked in with an ice pack. I grabbed it and put it on my head.

Nurse: how is your head?

Me: hurts

Nurse: that's to bad. Do you remember how it started?

Me: no, I don't remember anything

Nurse: oh dear, Britney sweetie can you come in here?!

I watched as Brit came in from the office, she had been crying. What happened, maybe she knows.
The nurse left the room and Brit sat down on the chair in the corner.

Brit: are you okay?!

Me: I'm fine but what happened

Brit: um.....

Me: what happened Brit I need to know!

Brit: well mr.polson called the muse from his classroom

Me: no I want to know what hit me!

Brit: it, it was.....

Me: who?

Brit: fine it was Tyler

I screamed as she ran out of the room.
Back to Shane
I had finally stopped crying and I could not stop thinking about Joey, I needed him. Wait is he gay? What if he isn't that girl he was with, Brit? She might be his girlfriend! Oh no! I walked over to the bathroom and took off my shirt. I'm so fat, why did Lisa ever date me? And anyone else? Joey wouldn't have this problem he is so muscular and strong. Oh my god Shane! Stop thinking about him!  I put my shirt back on. In my head I imagined Joey without his shirt on, I think I drooled a bit. Lisa walked in as I walked out of the bathroom.

Lisa: we are leaving a little early from Boston so we are leaving in two hours.

Me: ok

Lisa: were you crying?

Me: what, no!

Lisa: hell yeah you were! Sit down Shane what happened

Me: I miss Joey

Lisa: I know Shane, you will see him again soon

Me: I want to see him sooner then soon

Lisa: it's only two more concerts then you can see him

Me: I know, but he just-

I was cut off by someone walking in the door. I couldn't see who it was around the corner. Lisa looked scared I put my arm around her, to comfort her.

???: Shane Dawson?

Me: what do you want?

???: you better cancel that concert in Seattle!

Me: Trevor, I'm not gonna cancel it!

For the record I love Trevor and this had nothing to do with the real world. Except that Trevor is actually a singer.

Trevor: my concert was saposed to be there that same night and you stole that stadium from me to perform your stupid concert!

Me: I got it before you did Trevor! *stands up and walks over to Trevor*

Trevor: you wanna fight Dawson? I will beat the shit out of you!

Me:no I don't want to fight just get over it bitch!

Trevor: fuck you Shane! And fuck you Lisa!

Me: it wasn't her fault, I can take a beating, go ahead let's see what you got?

Trevor: oh that tears it! * punches Shane in the face*

Lisa: *screams*

Shane: *knocked out*

Trevor: that's what you get bitch! *leaves*

Lisa's pov: I started to cry and tried to wake up Shane, but it didn't work. I called the ambulance and they Shane to the hospital I rode with him, and watched out for him. I poseponed his concerts so they were pushed back 2 weeks in case he needed time to recover depending on how bad he was hurt. I hadn't seen all that happened but all I know is Trevor punched Shane hard and I hope he is okay. Trevor gets his precious stadium for himself, little bitch!

Hope you are enjoying this story !

I hope Shane will be okay!

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