Love, hope, and kisses

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The next day.

I woke up the next morning for the first time actually happy. But I have a feeling that will change when I get to school. Or when I tell my dad I'm gay...

I walked to the bus stop and Brit wasn't there I hadn't seen her for a few days. I wounded where she has been for those days I'm kinda worried. The bus was pulling up the street and I got on and looked for an empty seat there was one near the back, where I sat down. I sat on the bus actually feeling pretty good, until we got to Luke and sawyers bus stop. Luke was wearing a red baseball cap backwards that I think is a fashion no. He sat across from me and sawyer sat next to him. Oh god please don't see me.

Luke: hey look sawyer its Joey.

Sawyer: oh hey Joey why ya smiling?

Luke: yea, ahh you thinking of a cute boy?

Me: shut up Luke!

Luke: what, did I ever do I'm sorry I didn't realize you had a crush on me but Joey I don't feel the same I like chicks.

Me: shut the fuck up Luke!

The people around us stared at me including Luke and sawyer. I was bright red and I turned around and looked out the window.
The bus drove on and I ignored Luke and sawyer the hole time. When we got to school I didn't want to be there at all I'm not sure why I just wanted to be somewhere else. I walked around the school to the back and went into the abandoned back building where the door was broken and the room was dark I found a light switch and turned on the. Light and the room sprung to life. I had never been in here before and it's beutiful it's the old theater room with a stage and big red curtains.
I will stay in here today it will be fun i hope.
With Shane.

I want to see Joey in person really bad I can't wait any longer... He is my one true love.

Me: Lisa?!

Lisa: yeah Shane?

Me: can I see Joey today?

Lisa: Shane he is in school today.

Me: whatever I know the school I could see him there.

Lisa: Shane I don't know I think high school lunches are at like 12:35 go then shane.

Me: that's 3 hours....

Lisa: well you will have to wait Shane. Go write some songs in the room or something while you wait. Oh and I pushed your concerts back one more week.

Me: okay Lisa, thanks

Lisa: yeah bye Shane love yo-

Me: what?

Lisa: nothing

Me: love you too

(What like I'm not gonna throw in a Shisa moment?)

Lisa's pov: wait what? I walked out of the room as he hooked up his guitar.

I practiced 4 songs and finished a new song and before I knew it it was 12:30 I could go and see and Joey right now. I grabbed my jacket and left. As I was walking out of the hotel I texted Lisa.

Shane: went to see Joey bye. :)

Lisa: okay. Have fun !

I put away my phone and went to my car that I had rented for the time here. I drove up to the school after a few minutes and went to the office. I started talking to the lady at the desk.

Me: hi, I'm looking for a student

Lady: who?

Me: Joey graceffa

Lady: umm I'm sorry he didn't show up for school today

Me: oh umm, okay..

I walked away tyring not to let any students see me and I made it outside the school. I sat on a bench behind the school by a old building.
With Joey.
I had been singing on the stage for 2 hours and the other two I was looking around or reading. I kept singing one of Shanes songs, my voice is terrible nothing compared to Shanes but I loved singing. This is the best day of school! I wish I could do this every day..

With Shane

I sat there for 5 minutes and I was getting ready to leave. I herd someone singing my song from inside the building and I walked over to the broken door to the place and I peeked inside. There I saw Joey on the stage singing my song and he was beutiful. He didn't see me.

This next part is read by me not any of the characters.

Shane slowly walked over to the stage and started singing along with Joey and Joey finally saw him. His face was smiling but it was also bright red. He stopped singing for a moment to just here Shane sing. And then he joined in again as Shane started to walk onto the stage.


Shane stood right in frount of me as he look in my eyes and smiled as he sang with me. As the song stopped we just stared at eachother with loving eyes and I could not love this moment more. The real Shane Dawson was standing in Frount of me and he loved me.

He loved me....

Joey: Shane...

Shane: hi Joey

Joey: I can't belive that you are actually here

Shane: I love you Joey

Joey: really?

Shane: of corse I do. I've loved ever since I first layed my eyes on your beutiful face.

Joey: I- I love you to....


Shane leaned in and then we were kissing it was magical and I had never felt something like this before . This is like the best thing that has ever happened to me! All those sad meories washed away. All those horrible times, gone. All I want to do is kiss Shane for the rest of my life and be with him forever! I never want this moment to end....


I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at him and then I realized that neither one of us needed that to end so I went in and kisses him again. I felt butterflies in my stomach as my lips were pressed against his. My arms slowly went around his waist and his went over my shoulders. I didn't want to break the kiss but I had too. I slowly pulled away and said something I never have said to anyone.

Me: Joey, I love you

And I ment it

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