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I was sitting on my bed watching the news with Brit we were just done laughing over a segment on a dog that was so cute.

Brit: hey look!


I looked at the tv and a picture of Shane was on it, those beutiful eyes and that amazing hair! Omg he's so sexy.

News reporter: wildly known singer, songwriter, Shane Dawson was found mocked out on the floor of his hotel room. His assistant Lisa Schwartz witnessed what happened this is what she had to say.

The picture turned to a interview. Of Lisa

Lisa: um... We were talking about his next show at a some place in Seattle when someone walked in.

Interveiwer: and who was the person who walked in?

Lisa: I probably should not say who it is.

Interviewer: what happened next?

Lisa: well he got mad at Shane for stealing the stadium that he was gonna play in and they got into a fight. *starts tearing up*

Interviewer: did the fight get intense?

Lisa: it all happened so fast , but the main thing was Shane was mocked out and I called the amulance.

The screen turned back to the news reporter.

Reporter: Shane is in the hostipal with a coma that happens to be quite mild doctors say he may not be out of the host pita for a while for he is in a quite big pain from a very bad concussion. The person who hit him is still a mystery and whoever finds him will be rewarded while he goes to jail. Any way hopefully Shane is alright.

The segment changed as I turned off the tv. I can't believe I just saw that, Shane is hurt. I need him to be alright I love him so much why can't I just go up to his bedside and tell him I love him?! Shane has to be alright he has to stay how he has always been! I can't live with the knowing he is hurt!

Me: Brit Shane has to be alright!

Brit: I know I'm so sad!

Me: I'm gonna send him a message on Instagram. I know he won't see it but I still am. * pulls out laptop*

Brit: I'll do the same on Facebook.

Brit went home about a half hour later. When she left I immediately started to cry. Shane was hurt and I could not even do anything about it!

Lisa's pov: I walked into the room where Shane layed on the hospital bed.
He looked so sad and hurt. Fucking Trevor is such a jerk.

Shanes pov: I woke up in a white room my head throbbing what happened, where am I? I rolled over and Lisa was standing there.

Me: hi Lisa

Lisa: hi Shane

Me: what- what happened *holds his head*

Lisa: Trevor punched you remember?

Me: oh right that, where's, the do-Doctor?

Lisa: I'll get him

Lisa left to go get the doctor and I lay there motionless. Why do feel like I need something? Wait no not something, someone! Who, why? Oh that's right Joey, Joey graceffa. I want him here with me! Wait how do I know him? Why can't I remember anything!?
Lisa and the doctor walked in.

Doc: hi Shane, I'm dr. Hanson

Me: hi

Doctor Hanson: umm, Shane you have a concussion and it turns out your comma is not so bad.

Me: I was in a comma

Doctor Hanson: yes you were, and you will be staying here for about two weeks so you have time to recover. Also you have a small bruse on your scull inside and that takes time to heal, Shane you were hit pretty bad.

Me: I know

Doctor Hanson: well I'm gonna give you sometime to rest and I will see you soon.

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