Chapter 1

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AN: I am requesting yall to comment on any story disconnects and grammatical errors. And please comment amongs't ya selves bout how gully these characters are. Trust, I personally hate pretty much every one of'em ironically, but also with love. Like a father to his bad ass kids. LOL

I have been criticized as to the the language used, but hey if you where a fly on the wall when thugs get together, it would be five times worse. FACTS.

Be prepared for some of the lingo as well, it's clique lingo. You know like how you, and your friends for years come up with inside words, that maybe outsiders can figure out? So yeah, if you still can't figure it out from the context ...

Thank You for reading.

Oh, and if you are feeling this please please vote.


Most of my "crew" call him Feed, cuz most dudes couldn't roll their tongues over the "r" in his real name which would piss him off. Also he liked being reminded of feeding his little monkeys in the streets the dope they needed. He thinks, I don't know the racist shit him and his family say or do while they smile in our face but, he also don't know his little girl likes dis big monkey dick, or that she only likes it in her ass-pussy. I swear, I gottta sneak to get it in her pussy sometimes.Feed dressed the part of gringo fuckboy every chance he got. Short ass shorts from the 70's, flip flops, white and blue Hawaiian print shirt. I never asked, but I figured he was about late-fifties. Balding, and with what little hair he had left, he slicked to the sides, stood the pale Italian wearing his Gazelle sunglasses with his even slicker smile. I smiled back as we walked into the big lavish sitting room. He pulled me over playfully grabbing me from behind my neck. I wanted to punch him dead in the teeth, crack his hole grill. He pulled me close to his mouth, wearing an, "I own your ass" smile on his face. What Feed!, Jaquez said with a bogus smile hiding the hatred. 'I can't stand this mutha fucka so bad I get a hard on thinking about pulling my gat out, just to wipe that fuckin smile off his face. Then he'd see what a real smile on my face looked like.'The crew walked into the huge room, and started the pleasure before business, flirting and fingering the furnished bikini'd chicken heads around the room. Most dudes don't even know why we call'em chicken heads. Think about it, you talking about some chick who gives good head, you gonna say "That chick gives good fuckin head." Then just like everything else in Brooklyn, we figure out a way to say it quicker, givin it swagga.Feed kept his hands on my shoulders from behind, pushing me into the room, keeping me hunched over. "Let me look at you! he said laughing, "your finally putting on some fuckin weight! huh Pizon!?"Yeah, sometimes he puts this fake ass father role on. Dunno who told him I needed one. Probably some shit his racist ass figured I needed after all these years of doing business with me, and not hearing me ever talk about my family, but I got a father.! He has been in my life, all my life but I just keep that kinda shit to myself. That's "mi familia" and this, this is "la compania." "Yeah, I been eating Italian a lot lately." Jaquez replied while thinking '... and I'm not talkin bout the cannoli's either.' The crew laughed cuz they knew just who was the ass of that joke. 'Shit we ran a train on Marisa one night a couple years back. She was fourfin like she was all geeked, when really she don't trust drugs.'Finally he took his hand off me, and was ready to talk business. I had been back out in the streets for a few months now, and Feed pretty much had me handling most of the New York business. I sat down across from the crew, and the skinny chicken heads knew to walk back to their corner like good lil hoes, till the men were done.Feed buzzed the intercom next to the door. "Bridgett" he called. An older British accent returned, "Sir?""Bring up a margarita and a couple of forties!" he bellowed looking back at me winking. I watched from the corner of my eye, and didn't say shit. But Bam took the bait, and was like "FEED! You know thass some fucked up shit!"Feed laughed as he did a side to side dance, probably his version of a temptations move or something, then said, "I was just fuckin the pooch. Damn, pull your panties up." He rang the intercom again, "then just a margarita, and a couple ah bottles of Krystal." I did turn to that, and grinned, "This shit he got tah tell us must be good," Jaquez said to the crew.He danced over like a geek monster to a glass wall. With the view of Miami's South Beach to the right, the ocean beyond and in the distant, ships on their travels, yachts, and sail ships closer. I looked at Bam who had just dropped dime last night, about whatever it was Feed had special for us today, Feed was already doing. I didn't really believe it both cuz Marisa, his daughter and my informant, snow bunny didn't tell me, and cuz that was the first lesson Feed had ever taught me. "You fuck wit the money, and the money will turn you over and fuck you", he'd say when I was younger.I met Feed on the streets. He was posing as a fiend, who bought a few roxies from me. He acted suspect once or twice but, I could see in his eyes he was dirty, and dirty people were always safe to sell too. Cop, nun, reporter, or whoever, I could always tell. He came out from cover and said he'd heard about me, and that it was all a test. I wasn't interested cuz Fish was my plug, and my homeboy was serious about getting played in the streets, but then he proved to me I was already workin for him when he called Fish to the corner to let him know I was suckin his tit from now on. Fish wasn't happy, but shit it wasn't fuckin wit his money, just not building it either. And what could he do? This was the main plug."You Nigga's, ready to make some fuckin money maeng! " Feed said with a, fucked up Tony Montana impression. "Cuz I want the world Chico ...", and we all came in "... and everything in it!" Jaquez and crew laughed. But then Feed got serious. "The shit been in Europe for like five years on the D.L., not rustling any feathers. Dons say the damn Italian and French presidents are customers", said Feed while using what he thought were street hand gestures, or signs or some shit. "So this shit is fierce." We all laughed cuz dude just ain't street, and never could be if he wanted to, but dangerous he was.He told us about the new shit he was gonna drop on the streets. Said it was an anti-opiate trinoxin with a few properties of Ibogain, without the pain and effects of psychosis. See most times when the top levels of real dealers get together to talk shop, it could sound like a professional conference between real pharmacists or even chemists. I even fucked around and took the entry exam for pharmacy school and passed. Cuz see we are the fuckin pharmacy for both the poor who don't have insurance, and the rich & excessive, greedy for more outta life."... dependently blocks the dopamine receptors." Feed finished, always taking it just that much farther to show his superiority.Feed looked like he had a hard on just talking about the shit. Bam, Jaquez's most trusted of his crew third in command, asked what the shit was called. "Just chill my nigga, chill," Feed said with a mischievous smile. 'Always fuckin playin, and now he extra cuz he geeked up.'Bam shot Jaquez a knowing look. His "see, I told you" look, conveyed by just raising his eyebrows and giving Jaquez an upward nod. 'Oh and of course Feed liked to be in control, and have us beg for shit. This is why I keep Bam around, he knows how to keep his eyes open.' "Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance." - Art of War.Some old Chinese dudes's book I read (stole) off the history teacher's shelf, see I ain't stupid. "See when the fiends snort this with their poisons of choice; roxies or whatever, they gonna feel like it's the first high of their miserable lives! Like, ... LIKE the one that made your heart pump new life into your veins, seeing colors brighter, and the pussy fuckin, ... FUCKIN SWEETER!" Feed stuttered. Intentional or not Jaquez couldn't tell. He started fist pumping into the air with maniacal laughter "LIKE THE FIRST TIME!"Then calmly, "you heard how people say, "It's never as good as the first time?" Well on my tits this shit makes the next time feel like the first time, every time! It plays and tweaks with the bodies dopamine manufacturing. Especially veteran fiends, cuz they'd already have gotten that high they think they'll never get again.""The dragon." Bam said. "Yeah, YEAH!" Feed said excited pupils wide the fuck open. We all laughed, uncomfortably, thinking the same thought, 'this dude is probably gonna die right here and now. O, fuckin D, before we even get the lick.'Feed restarted his lecture, "but THEN!" he boomed like a damn big eyed geek monster. He stuck out his lips and looked at each of us slowly, eyes wide. I got the idea he was making fun of us somehow, but I didn't get it. "What really happens is your heart rate increases, blood flow to the brain over oxygenates, and a few other things, but all at reasonable rates while building up the strength of enhanced organs to be able to work within higher tolerances, the next time."He looked around noticing he lost most everybody, but I knew what he was saying basically. Some fucking geek stumbled onto the fuckin super drug. "Why didn't this shit go legal?" Jaquez asked. "Sounds like they stay on this shit long enough they won't need the dope. So why would the fiend in the street want to be fixed? So they can rob and suck dicks, while thinkin bout the damn meaning of life?"Bruce and Tremor giggled, but I knew neither of them knew what the fuck I was talking about."Cabrone!" Feed started. "Bueno Cabrone, Muy bueno! Smarter than the average bear." Feed said though to himself he thought "monkey" instead of "bear."Usually I'd remember each syllable of his complicated shit, and take it back to Marisa. Who he sent off to private school where he thought she was safe. You see when puberty hit, she was caught with her first (and definitely not last) chocolate magic stick in her ass under Feeds roof. The fucking Driver, or Bodyguard I think. He was floating with the fishes alright. Bare ass up, floating in his aquarium of piranhas he kept in the center of his swimming pool, special delivery from South America."The patent was pulled, then it was used only by "The House of Skull." Feed answered. "The Family, and certain collaborators who choose to stay out of the light known as "The Illuminati", removed it from their custody, and that's the other reason you fella's get first crack. There is gonna be war."'and he wants to put his trusty dogs to the slaughter first.' Jaquez mused in thought."So let's ... OH OH wait, I forgot to tell you the dopest part of this shit!", Feed said with excitement again. "When the body can't take another hit, is when it will stop the craving." Noticing he lost some of the peons again he raised his voice saying, "the addiction, the fucking addiction! If the dumbass fiend keeps stuffin his face or veins or whatever, then this new shit will cancel the effect, or even cause sickness. No fuckin downside! Not one fuckin overdoses, or ticks, none of that shit.""It's called Mojo, and it's a designer drug that fuckin repairs and rehabilitates the damn dopamine receptors."Most of my fam just got wide eyed again, and this time just quit trying to understand. But see some nights I stay up watching the discovery or science channel. So shit, I be up. I could see the pictures they showed of the little blue tree lookin things in your brain, that shoots the little things in your brain that be floatin. Little dots that float up to the receptor things up top, with electricity throbin that makes fiends feel real good. I remember that after a while the tree things get worn the fuck out, and start lookin twisted and shit, and don't spit out dat shit like they used to, when you hit the pipe for too long. So they chase the dragon like the white boys say.Feed continued laughing, "awe fuck it my niggas, my bad, I'm sayin this shits high never wears down! It only gets better. And shit, if ya fiends ain't been burnt up yet then they'll catch the fuckin dragon, turn his ass around and fuck'em till they find a whole new damn high!" he said laughing more hysterically now, given out pounds. "What I'm sayin is, yall gonna be in the streets with the competitions fiends, and bitches runin to yall after one hit.""Why everybody ain't selling this shit already?" asked Jaquez."This ... shit, can't be just made in yo daddy's backyard or some damn hydro pot, or some backward country ass trailer. The machines and degrees you need to make this shit, is like making a nuclear bomb. No Joke! And my boys say it'd be easier to make that then Mojo, but dis is where the money is! Somethin about genealogy, DNA ..."."Like dat Jurrasic Park shit!" Bam blurted out.Feed stopped and turned to look at him. After his excited talk Feed now seemed confused as to how he was now in the center of the inlaid sectional sofa lecturing. I was already considering what I'll tell Bam's baby momma's about what happen'd, and why it ain't an open casket funeral. Feed was cool, but he was that shit where you and him is happy and shit one minute, then he just decides you tried to rob him.' Bam was looking real worried, and he should be. Feed walked over to him bending over to scream in Bam's face, "NO! MOTHA FUCKER!" He stood back up in stoic silence, then laughed and we all joined in for completely different reasons. "Not like damn, Jurassic, fuckin, park! You got time to dig shit outtta South American mosquito asses!"Bam huffed, and coughed out the best laugh through his fear "Nah nah Feed, I was just playin." Bam replied watery eyed and thankful for his life."Now my ... nigga's" Feed started with a mischievous grin looking around, as he drew out the "nig" to a grand finale. "We now come to the pleasure, after handlin business." The girls came over to my man's an'nem as Feed motioned them over. "Show my boys a good time while I'm gone. I'll be here in the morning tah get yuz to the Lab, and provide your first shipment."He walked over to the door as the girls made their moves sitting on laps seductively, little grinds here, and playful giggles there. They knew to leave me out of it. My mind started making moves about this new product Feed was droppin on us. Jaquez's eyes glazed over and went out of focus, transfixed on the risk vs profit game. 'I know damn sure Feed ain't gonna give shit up on the low, and he know I don't take on risk with new shit. He didn't even give me the one on one, so I'd know all the real shit I needed to know; "How often is it coming in? Who you let use already? And IS YO ASS ON THE SHIT RIGHT NOW!?""Ok kids, now let's play." Feed pulled at his short ("Catch me, Fuck me") shorts, which did nothing to cover up his hairy fat thighs. You were only left to wish there was a way those shorts could've protected on lookers from witnessing his nasty dark rub marks don't nobody EVER need to see."First thing tomorrow we go to The Lab!" Feed finished clapping his hands then groping the closest bitch to him. He called to the higher priced ass still at the bar, drinking their sophisticated martini's and wine from proper glasses. Swaying their hips as they walked in pumps wearing bikinis, they're seduction game a bit more perfected than the hood rats apparently Feed was feeding the rest of the barrel. Sitting on laps and feeding table food from the bar to their johns. You could feel the static building behind the wall of seduction between the two calibers of whores in the room. They were all fine, but I let the boys get into them while I fell back.Taking a bottle of Krystal to the head I let the thoughts role, 'so I'm taking all the risk, while he waits to see if we burn. Fuck, dude didn't even give me the option to be like, "Nah I'll pass on this one."Bam and Mike were enjoying the mix of bitches, who still adorned their smiles upon self and peer hatred. One leading Mike literally by the dick, her hands down his pants with a red bone on his shoulders, knowin his lil dick ass needed to slow down. 'But dass what lil dick syndrome do. Got dudes always doin too much, tryna make up for what they know they ain't got. I mean don't get me wrong, Bam was a playa. He played the odds. See most women spend too much time not wanting to be smothered, so the more space you give'em the more they think they need to work. So square dudes that figure that out just sit around playing video games, or some shit hopin for bitches to call'em. But the playas play the odds. They keep a couple of'em waiting, while he plays with the chicken heads, till the bitch he really wants comes beggin to give up the pussy.'All of a sudden "Oooooooo, Oh! Oh Shit! HA, HAAA!" I snap my head around to see what got my boys all excited. Here Feed go walking a thick ass'd BBB (Big Beautiful Bitch) my way. He was bent over marching with her in tow, with his tongue out to the side. I couldn't help but smile. I fought not to get too kool-aid.Feed provided some fine ass chicks, and I was gonna big boy Bam outta one of the ones he was fuckin wit after I got buzzed. But this chick was thick enough to get it. 'God damn!' Everybody focused on the main attraction, "Look at Boss, who's always holdin his shit together, over here gettin geek'd over big girl!", Is what I knew they were all thinking, and they were right.46" 38" 49", snow bunny was led over to me with her blue within blue eyes. She wore a white halter top with cut off blue jean poom poom shorts. Thighs for days, unnecessarily convincing me I just had to be in that pussy. She held a serious face which was out of place with the rest of the fake ass bitches in the room as she approached. Wearing red Ralph Lauren open toed high heels, with her thick long blond hair down past her ass in a French braid. You could feel her inner strength from across the room as she allowed herself to be led, and now stood cda hands length from Jaquez's, face to face. She never flinched away, or changed her expression. Feed put his hand on Jaquezs shoulder tilting him to speak low into his ear. "Ms. Bridgett here is a bodyguard for hire. She's trained in many arts though today she will be ready to use those she says she doesn't use often enough."Feed, took in his business partners excitement, "She is more deadly out of bed than in, but you'll be the judge of that." he said just low enough for her to hear as well. She cracked the smallest of smiles. Jaquez was already hard, she rubbed his crotch with her palm, without releasing him from her gaze. With a thick Celtic (maybe Irish or Norwegian) accent ,"Ah yes, Mr. Montana seems to be most pleased with the merchandise, yes?""Shall we begin?" Jaquez looks to Feed who steps back thru the open doors, and offers a grand bow and gestures towards the sleeping quarters. Leaving the rest of the party to gawk at Jaquez leading his special gift."Alright yall!" Feed says to redirect everyone's attention. "There's nothing more to see!" he shouts, leaving only his sly smile to betray his words.

A/N: Hey Look, Don't jump out the car yet!

I know to some of you (Especially those of you way outside the "urban") this may be rough. 

Their has to be a calm before the storm. Life as with books demand the valleys before the mountains. Else how would we appreciate either the good, or the bad times. So I promise you the drama, but first take in the story, and back story.

  I will post updates every Wednesday.  

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