Chapter 25

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By the time Fish finished leading the Monte Carlo in circles a few times, even running through Fulton Avenue where there where way too many innocents caught unaware of traffic since no thru traffic had been allowed in this district since the seventies other than public busing. Once back on Atlantic avenue heading for the BQE 5.0 started showing up, calling over the PA for them both to pull over "... pull the fuck over, the both of yooze!"

Fish snorted as he recognized the damage to his adamant pursuers. His truck had a few scraps but the much older and solid steel vehicle behind was barely in one piece, smoked a few times and forced to run over and through a few corners. They still carried the Atlantic Bell signage and roof from a destroyed phone booth.

The Monte Carlo and appendage then bulldozed the lead cop car of the single file, which worked out in Fish's favor taking one less problem out the game, temporarily heading off the other pigs. The cop was spun around and ejected from his car 'Aint they supposed to be using they seat belts like they ticket us for?' Fish thought sadistically. Fish figured this was enough time for Jaquez, and so jetted for the eastbound BQE ramp. They might've shot his ass right when I dropped him off?' Thoughts of taking Omari and her rotten kids tickled his mind when he heard a police helicopter coming in from behind.

He turned to find the helicopter then caught a glimpse of Jaquez already coming up from behind the Monte Carlo. Turning his attention back to the road he considered how he was being chased by both death and, '... oh ahn bout fourty two felonies if counted right' (counting cases cold, and warm).

Like a lioness darting out from a well laid trap from behind a bush pouncing upon her running prey just when they thought it safe, Jaquez revved all of the Hybusa's 1400 CC's on then up ramp taking off a bit into the air. Once back down he dumped all the engine's power to push off and shoot right up to the rear of the Monte Carlo.

To keep both Fish and Jaquez's preys attention Fish slowed and as expected the barrage of bullets began again, he even weaved a bit from one lane to the other letting them think he was hit.

Jaquez without his helmet had a hard time seeing thru all two huned miles per hour. It was fun as fuck hitting the Nos till the RPM's where in the red, he was in the air for what felt like moments thicker than those within first love. Adrenaline pumping and thumping thru his veins felt like the NOS sprayed into his blood just as the bikes gasoline.

He looked forward to murking these broke fuck boays. Pulling up to the driver's side he replayed his inspiration; a memory of last years for New Year's Eve get together where they shot automatics into the air. Jaquez had learned to let off shots while riding around the ole neighborhood drunk on both E&J, and his bike. He learned to lean into the recoil so he stayed on point. He also had his throttle pegged that night, so it would stick after release.

Jaquez reached back over his shoulder to wield his sawed off out from his backpack. The bike eased up to the driver slowly, if he still had a hand on the throttle maybe he woulda added a bit more gas tah speed shit up. But everything slowed, while the other three dudes in the car focused on Fish ahead. One still holding his wounded arm had caught Jaquez from the corner of his eye, yet the only move he had time to make was his fuck face which inadvertently washed over him as confusion.

Finally the muzzle nudged the driver's head, which surprised both the hunter and the prey, yet the hunter recovered. Where his head once was part of existence now was nothing, not even a neck, like a damn magic trick! Jaquez locked his arm on the one handle he had, hit the bikes rear brakes with his foot put the gun back up then careened around the Monte Carlo and Gunned the Hybusa to Fish's SUV, as the Monte Carlo with the headless driver traveled another path.

It was ramped into the air traveled by only the left tires sending the classic spiraling into the air spilling its occupants save one, who made the wrong choice to "hang in there." The car crashed top down onto another car within oncoming traffic. It then scraped along a few feet until stopping, leaving the one occupants lower half to be left hanging and swinging down the outside of the bystander's car by its guts.

Jaquez pulled up to Fish who thumbed back to the cops catching up along with the helicopter now in view. Jaquez waved him over and Fish locked in the steering wheel with a bungee cord he pulled from somewhere ripping the package open with his teeth. Fish opened then slammed his door over it to hold it in place.

Jaquez didn't even want to think about why Fish was driving around in a rented car with a set of new bungee cords laying around. He slid around to the door less passenger side, leaned into the truck and Fish slung his leg over the bikes half rear seat. Hanging on Jaquez hit the Nos again putting space between even the helicopter before turning off the expressway.

They pitched the bike behind a dumpster, behind the White Castle on Utica and casually walked in completely unsuspicious. Even had a couple of cheeseburgers and fries with tartar sauce like your supposed too, when at the castle. Jaquez stepped back out after an hour to a payphone and called Bam to come pick em up, "You know what?" Jaquez said when they were safe in Fish's old Escalade handed down to Bam. "I saw yellow and blue bandannas all stuffed up in they middle console just before I blew fuck dudes head off. Plus  ... they just smelled like Dominicans."

Fish said nothing and that was their usual way of discussion when shit was about to get real. They didn't waste time with extra talk unless one of'em had something real to say. They knew who tried to retaliate, and more than that? They both knew who's fault it was that they were now at war.  

A/N: Thank You for checking out my story, Please vote if you can, and comments are always welcome. Even the mean ones ... I can take it.

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