chapter 6

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" Utau..."

" Utau...wake up ."

A soft sounding yet familiar said gently. Moaning my body felt hot and uncomfortable . Breathing heavily I struggled to move my body yet my body refused to listen to me .

" mama..." I whispered out feeling a pain in throat spreading throughout my body .

"My what a troublesome daughter, when's the last time you fed child ?" The kind voice asked me as a cold hand touched my forehead smoothing the burning feeling in that one spot .

" You have to wake up Utau." The voice said to me with a bit of worry in it .

" come on Utau... wake up Utau...if you don't wake up then I'll..." the voice traced off . Feeling so tired I felt myself slipping away .

" I can't ...I'm too tired ." I whispered as the darkness closed in .

" Utau..."


Opening my eyes I gazed up emotionless frowning .

" sleep Utau." I whispered before sitting up , gazing over out the balcony window stared at the crestmoon shining brightly .

" how long has it been ?" I asked myself running my finger though my hair .

" I see you've resurfaced ." A voice said turning I saw Blood standing there by the food of the bed with a frown on his face crossing his arms . Giggling I stood up on the bed walking over to him . Wrapping my arms around his neck I grinned out in mischief way .

" Did you miss me Blood ~" I sang out his name with a giggle . Keeping a emotionless expression he only gazed into my eyes . Pouting I traced the side of his neck with my index finger before piercing it into his skin drawing blood. Giggling I leaned closer to his neck licking at the blood satisfied when I felt his shiver .

" well I missed you ." I whispered in his ear hugging him tightly running my fingers though his hair .

" What are you doing here ?" He asked me keeping his hands at his sides. Frowning I pulled back gazing into his eyes flinching when I saw no emotion in them . Siting back on the bed I turned away from him hugging on to my legs .

" I missed you , I hate being in the dark . I hate it ! I'm so lonely , Blood . You forgot about me already! Both of you forgot about me already ! It hurts !" I screamed out feeling tears falling down my face .

" why do I have to be the one in the dark ?! I hate it !" I yelled out sobbing . I cried out more when I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist.

" I'm sorry , your not alone ." Blood whispered in my ear petting my hair in a gentle smoothing touch .

" Both of us have missed you too." He whispered in my ear. Shaking my head I put my hands up to my eyes wishing the endless tears to stop .

" liar ." I whispered out with a sob .

" I'm not lying ." He assured me still hugging on to me ,turning around I hugged on to him tightly crying out letting out all the tears I had kept deep inside .

" it's alright , cry ." Blood told me petting my hair hugging on to me as he let me cry .

" I miss her , I miss Onee-chan." I sobbed out I felt his grip tighten as he kissed the top of my head hugging me tightly as if afraid I would disappear just as she had .

" I know ...I miss her too . "


" where am I ?" I asked myself walking though the hall ways of the mansion . Hearing a childish giggle I stopped walking looking around .

Violette ( daibolik lovers fanfic ) Editing Where stories live. Discover now