chapter 10

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Two young teenage girls laughed among one another as they chased after each other in the back rose gardens of the large mansion.

"Camila, wait !" One of the younger looking girl called out of the blonde haired girl running ahead of her .

"Your such a slow poke, Ella ." The blonde haired girl giggled twirling around to face her friend . Her eyes widen before smiling as she saw a small figure in the standing shyly behind a statue .

" Chrissy !" She happily said rushing over to the shy girl .

"H-hi , nee-chan . " Christa shyly said with a small smile.

"What are you doing hiding here ? Come out and hang out with me and Ella. " Camilla said softly to her in a almost motherly tone . Shyly she gazed around at Ella, who gazed at her with a murderous gaze .

"Ne,Camilla why not leave her here? She'll just be a bother anyways ?" Ella said with a smirk, the sound of a slap echoed in the air . Christa 's eyes widen in shock bringing her hand to her mouth . Ella 's eyes widen in disbelief cupping the side of her face . In front of her, Camilla stood with a closed eyed smile . Her smile seeming so sweet. Opening her eyes , her eyes were cold and murderous with no emotion or mercy .

"Ella-chan~, your my dear friend. Demo if you ever talk about my cousin like that I will kill you . " She said with a giggle her smile seeming so childlike and bright with her eyes still ice cold . Turning to Christa, her eyes lighten with a smile .

"Come on, Christa-chan ." She brightly said with a smile looping an arm through Christa 's before the two walked away with one another . Walking passed Ella, Camilla grinned at her with cold eyes .

"See you, Bitch-chan~"  Camilla giggled walking away leaving the girl alone trembling in jealousy as she threw daggers at the white haired teen . Looking worried, Christa gazed down at the ground before Camilla smiled down at her reassuring.

"Don't worry she's just pouting,I don't really know why we're friends in the first place . It's Nii-San 's stupid idea . That baka." Camilla said with a hmpf frowning before gazing back down to Christa .

"but I'll keep you safe from her, I promise ." She promised her as they walked into the manor. Camilla 's eyes widen in shock her eyes becoming still as she heard the sound of the piano playing through the walls .

"Nii-san 's back." She gasped out forgetting completely about Christa, lifting up the ends of her skirt before she raced up the stairs running towards the music room . Stopping with heavy breaths she smoothed out her hair before opening the double doors to the music room . Closing them silently behind her ,she gazed at awe at the man sitting on the bench with a peaceful gaze his eyes focused on the piano as he played . As the song came  to an end he gazed up at her with a smile .

"Did you like it,my dear spider Lilly ? I wrote it for you only thinking of you during our separation ." He said  to her with a smoothing tone .

"I hate it ." Camilla said clenched her fists as she fought back the tears .

"Oh really ? You hate it that much ?" He asked her with a smile tilting his head to the side . Nodding her head she bit on her lip not trusting her words . Seconds later she shock her head quickly tears streaming down her face .

"Come here, my beautiful Camilla ." Her brother told her holding out his arms to her . Without a second thought she raced into them burying her face against his chest .

"Why do you insist on always leaving me  behind, while you go on those trips ? Alone here, when you know how little time is left ? Why ?" She questioned him, running his fingers through her hair he pressed his nose against the top of her head . Engraving her sweet scent of roses and Lilies deep inside of him.

"It is because of that that I leave . I have little time to bring success into this project . I must succeed for your sake . " He told her with frown. Frowning , she placed a hand  on her chest above her heart .

"Hai, nii-san . I can feel the time growing thin . Getting weaker with each passing night . " she said with a sad tone . Grabbing her hand he smiled down at her reassuring .

"Don't worry, my little spider Lilly . Not even the demon king himself can drive us apart . For that I must steal you away from his clutches and hide you away somewhere he'd never expected ." He said with a thoughtful gazed his eyes narrowed as he thought of something .

"Nii-san." She said softly to him placing  a hand on his arm catching his attention .

"Put me to sleep, hide me away in a ice coffin. That way the he wouldn't be able to sense me . Let a few years pass so he won't suspect anything .  Then get married with three wives . From those wives pick one . Bring her to me and I'll see to the rest." Camilla with  serious tone gazing up at her brother with a piercing gaze.


"Please, Nii-san."

"Alright, I'll see to it that when you wake up the experiments blood will be ready. My Eve."


"How many years has it been since I've been asleep?" Camilla asked as she gazed into the mirror looking at the child body of hers.

"Too years, I am very glad you are back. My lady Camilla." Blood said with a closed eyed smile bowing with one hand placed over his chest . Opening her mouth to say something she stopped short before smirking .

"Ne, didn't mother teach you not to spy  on others , Nii-San ?" Camilla said as Blood bowed once more before teleporting away. Stepping out of the shadows her dark haired brother frowned at her with a glare.

"Why don't you tell us who  you really are , Camilla Karlheinz?" He questioned her before she sensed a presence outside the manor.

"Ah, it seems my guests have arrived, I'll continue this later, nii-san ~" She sang out with a giggle disappearing from his sight . The front doors slammed open as four familiar figures walked into the manor.

"Tch, here again . What a bore ." A brown haired boy said with a frown his eyes scanning the room with  a glare.

"Mina!your here!" Camilla yelled out in delight appearing on top of the stair case .

"Nee-chan." A boy with bandages said timidly.

"Ne ne , where's Kino-kun ?" Camilla asked  with a child like tone pouting,  just as a unfamiliar figure walked into the manor.

"Kino-kun!" Camilla happily yelled out not wasting any time to jump into his arms.

"I missed you so much."

"I'm sorry for  the wait but I'm back now....Kaa-san ."


Hope you guys liked it and sorry  for the late update. Have a awesome weekend !

See you

Violette ( daibolik lovers fanfic ) Editing Where stories live. Discover now