Part 3

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The next morning, the guys packed up as Jinxx (who was up with Ellie since early that morning) got Ellie ready to go on the bus.

"Ready to go, Ellie?" He asked as Ellie looked up at him and cooed while trying to reach up at his hair

Soon, CC looked over at Jinxx as he zipped up his bag and asked "Hey Jinxx, did you tell Sammi about Ellie yet?"

Jinxx looked down at Ellie as he cuddled her and replied "I forgot."

"Hand Ellie to me. You gotta tell Sammi." CC said as he walked over to Jinxx and held out his arms

Jinxx sighed.

"Alright." he said as he handed Ellie over to CC as he pulled his phone out of his pocket then, walked out of the room

Ellie was beginning to pick up on what this meant as she watched one of her five fathers walk out the door.

She then began to cry.

"Oh no!'s alright Ellie. Come on, sweetie. Don't cry." CC tried to comfort but, it didn't work

Ashley looked up from trying to close his suitcase and asked "Need some help?"

"Yeah." CC replied

Ashley walked over and began to play a round of 'peek-a-boo' with Ellie to try to make her smile.

But that failed.

Then, Jake brought Ellie's teddy bear over and began talking nonsense to Ellie with it.

It worked...for a while.

"Let me see her." Andy said

CC handed Ellie to Andy then, Andy laid Ellie in her cradle as he began to check on her needs.

"She seems fine." Andy said, confused

"Then why is she crying?" Jake asked

"Maybe she misses Jinxx" Andy said

Just when he said that, Jinxx walked through the door then, walked up to Andy who was holding Ellie and kissed Ellie on the nose then looked up at the men before him and kissed each of them on the lips.

"What happened?" Andy asked

"Sammi knows. She blew up in my face over it." Jinxx said as he looked down to see Ellie wiggle in Andy's arms looking at him like she was about to cry

Jinxx picked Ellie up out of Andy's arms then, cradled her in reassurance and said "Awww, did you miss me Ellie?...Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

Later on the bus, the guys sat together with their baby and just enjoyed the time they had as a new family as little Ellie laid in Andy's lap cuddled in his Batman blanket watching the clouds go by.
"Well guys, I guess things are going to be a little different now that Ellie's here." Ashley said
"You don't say, Ash." CC laughed as he put Ellie's pacifier in her mouth
"Yeah." Jake agreed "After the tour is over, I'll be coming back to an empty house. Of course, I'll have to buy a crib and changing table for Ellie when she's over at my place."
"And some toys..." Ashley said
"And a stroller..." Jinxx said
"And a car seat..." CC said
"And a new car..." Andy said as the others stared at him
"What? My car's a two door. There's no way I can fit a car seat back there!" he said
Later as they arrived at the next venue, the guys were playing with Ellie.
"Come on, guys." Jake said as he picked Ellie up and cuddled her "we gotta go."
Andy, CC, Ashley and Jinxx looked over at him then looked out the window to see the next venue.
"Wow! Time flies." Ashley said
CC laughed as he watched Ellie wiggle in Jake's arms then, walked over to the door.
"Awww....she's excited!" Jinxx cooed as he looked at Ellie
Jake laughed as he watched Ellie in his arms
"Come on. Let's go." Andy said "Ellie will love her first concert."

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