Part 8

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One week later, the guys were in a hotel in Germany trying to talk the clerk behind the desk into letting them have a big enough room for all of them.
But the person just wouldn't budge.
"This is infuriating! Do we have to prove to you that we are in fact in love?!" Andy asked as he tried not to jump over the desk in anger
"Please don't." the man replied
Andy just groaned.
Ashley rubbed Andy's shoulders and kissed him on the cheek and said "It's okay, prophet. Really. Ellie can stay with me and CC tonight."
Andy looked back at Ashley and smirked "Really? I thought you two were going out for drinks tonight and then we would have sex after Ellie fell asleep."
"Ssssh...Don't say that in front of Ellie!" Ashley scolded as he pointed to Ellie who was laying in her stroller as CC pushed it back and forth slowly
Meanwhile, as Jake and Jinxx were engaging in a make out session, Jake felt someone bump into him.
"Jinxxy, was that you?" he asked
"No." Jinxx laughed
Then, Jake and Jinxx looked around.
"I don't see anything. Do you?" Jinxx said
"No. Creepy." Jake replied as Jinxx yelped
Jake turned and asked "Something wrong Jinxxy?"
"Something's got me." Jinxx said
Jake looked down and saw a little blonde haired girl counting in German as she tried to tie Jinxx's shoes together
"What are you doing down there? Don't do that!" Jake scolded
Jinxx looked down at the girl tying his shoes and laughed and said " Hey there! Where are your parents, little one?"
The girl looked up and said as she pointed to the other side of the lobby "I'm Berlin and my Daddies and Uncle are over there."
Meanwhile, Ashley felt someone touch his shoulder.
He was about to turn and punch the person who touched him when he saw the concerned look on their face.
"Have you seen my little girl?" he asked in a light German accent
"Damn it. Don't do that! I could have punched you!" Ashley cursed
"What's wrong Ash?" Andy asked
"It's Bill Kaulitz. He's looking for his daughter." Ashley replied
"I didn't know he got pregnant." Andy smirked as Bill shot him a "F*ck you Biersack!" look
"I'm down here daddy!" they soon heard from the floor where Jake and Jinxx were standing
Bill soon walked over and knelt to her level and began to talk to Berlin in German as she crawled out from under Jake and Jinxx and walked away with her father. But not before noticing Ellie.
"Look daddy! They have a baby too!" she said
Bill looked at Ellie and asked "Adoption?"
"No!" CC replied
"So she's yours then?" Bill asked
"Something like that." Jake said
"I was talking to him. Is she yours?...I'm so confused." Bill said
"She's all of ours. Alright?! Happy? We got drunk, had an orgy, Andy got pregnant and nine months later, Ellie was born." Ashley exclaimed
Soon, Bill smirked.
"Ah ha! So you have no room to make jokes about me getting pregnant, Andy when you yourself produced a child from your own body!" Bill said
"Can I hit him now?" Andy asked turning to Ashley
"As much as I want to say yes, I don't think that would help because Berlin and Ellie are here." Ashley said
Later in the hotel room, Andy laid Ellie in her cradle as she looked around and began to prepare her for her bath.
"What are you looking at?" CC cooed as he put his suitcase on the bed and began to unpack
Ellie gurgled in reply.
Then as Andy lifted Ellie out of her cradle, Ashley walked by and kissed Ellie on the cheek and Andy on the lips.
"You know, people may not understand why we're in love. But, at least we can focus on our music, give Ellie a good life and continue to be madly in love with each other." Andy said
"I agree with that." Ashley replied smiling
"Me too." Jake said
"Me three." CC chuckled
"Anything for Ellie and you guys. I love you all." Jinxx said
Andy then looked down at Ellie who smiled and said " Looks like she agrees."

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