Part 4

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Later that night as the concert went on, CC looked over from playing the drums at Ellie who was laying in her cradle crying.

"Come on, Ellie. It's okay." he said as he pulled Ellie's cradle closer to him then, picked up Ellie's teddy bear and gave it to her

Ellie soon fell asleep as CC went back to prepare for the next set.

"Everything okay back here?" Andy asked as he knelt to look at the daughter he shared with his friends and bandmates

"She's sleeping." CC whispered

"Awww...she's going to miss the best part. I guess the drive over must have taken a lot out of her." Andy said as he knelt down to kiss Ellie on the cheek

CC laughed "Oh she won't miss it."

"What do you mean?" Andy asked

"Well, we all know how much of a light sleeper she is." CC replied

"Yes. But we have Ashley and Jinxx to blame for that." Andy said

Later after the show, the guys were just about to take Ellie back to the bus when one of their haters appeared out of the crowd.

"F*gs!" they shouted

Andy stopped in a tense moment out of a desire to protect what dignity he had left (that and defend his daughter and the men he loved)

So, he handed Ellie to Ashley and began to turn around.

"Where are you going?" Ashley asked

"To kick someone's ass! I can't let Ellie be subjected to all the hate we get." Andy replied

While Andy was out, the other brides tried to comfort a seemingly inconsolable Ellie.

After all, Ellie spent nine months inside Andy's "womb" before entering a world that clearly wasn't prepared for someone concieved in such a way.

"'s okay Ellie. Don't be scared." Ashley comforted as he rocked Ellie

"It's not working!" CC shouted as he plugged his ears

"I have an idea." Jinxx said

Ashley then handed Ellie to Jinxx who walked out of the bus only to stand outside while holding Ellie

Ashley, Jake and CC followed then stopped when they noticed that Ellie was no longer crying but snuggled into Jinxx's chest while sniffling and whimpering.

Then, Jinxx saw Andy and looked down at Ellie and said "Look who's coming over!"

Ellie looked up and gurgled happily when she saw Andy.

When Andy came over, he took Ellie out of Jinxx's arms and cuddled her.

"Here I am, Ellie! I didn't leave you." he said "we would never leave you alone. Right, guys?"

The other brides agreed.

"We love you, Ellie." Jinxx said
Later that night as CC was getting Ellie ready for bed, Ashley sat across from the table glaring at Andy.
"What?!" Andy asked
"What were you thinking Andy?! You know how Ellie gets when one of us takes one step out of her view." Ashley scolded
"But look at her now! She's fine." Andy tried to reason
"She thought you were not coming back!" Ashley said
"What was I supposed to do? Let that guy insult us?!" Andy asked
"Follow us on the bus and try not to pay attention to him." Ashley said
"Oh come on!" Andy cried as he threw up his hands
"You're not setting a good example for Ellie if you beat someone up for insulting us." Ashley said
"I was defending her and you...all of you!" Andy shouted
"Why?" Ashley asked
"Because...I love you." Andy replied

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