Part 16

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Meanwhile as Jake was inside his house with Ellie, Andy was outside in the yard pacing.
He nearly escaped with his life while taking Crow and Daredevil with him.
He tried to call the police again but, the line was busy.
His rude awakening came in the form of a bomb exploding in his backyard.
At first, he thought his neighbors had gotten drunk and lit fireworks thinking it was the Fourth of July (for the third time this month) but when a loud "BOOM!" made him jump out of bed and sent him running of his house at 1:45 in the morning, all he saw was a hole the size of a crater, a few burnt bushes and...his neighbor standing on his back porch asking if he heard a loud ringing noise.
Now, he stopped pacing and watched as Jake walked out to meet him while carrying Ellie in his arms.
"Andy what happened?" He asked
"Juliet buried a bomb in my backyard! I think she knows I told the police about what happened!" Andy said
"Oh my God! Do you think she's trying to kill you?" Jake asked
"Of course she's trying to kill me! Why do you think she would try to blow me up?!" Andy replied
As Ellie heard this, she started to cry.
"Oh no! Did I scare her?" Andy asked worried as he held out his arms for Jake to hand Ellie over
"Yeah." Jake said as he handed Ellie to Andy
"Do you need any help with anything?" Jake asked
"I brought a suitcase and some things for Crow and Daredevil." Andy said as he rocked Ellie to calm her down
"Okay. Stay here with Ellie." Jake said as he went to Andy's car to get Crow and Daredevil.
"I'm scared Jake. What if Juliet finds me here?" Andy asked as he continued to soothe Ellie
"Don't worry Andy. You'll be safe here." Jake said
Later, Jake and Andy were in bed together when Andy had a nightmare.
"No!...NO!!...Juliet put the gun down! Please!" Andy cried in his sleep
Jake woke up and turned the light on.
"Andy!...Andy! Baby, wake up!" Jake said worried as he shook his lover
Andy looked up at Jake in shock then burst into tears.
"Jake! Oh my God! It was all a dream!" He cried as he threw his arms around the guitarist
"Don't worry Andy, it's okay. I won't let anything happen to you." Jake said
Andy frowned then, nodded.
"Are you okay?" Jake asked
"Yeah." Andy replied then asked "wanna spoon?"
Jake just laughed.
"If it will make you feel better." He said
The next day, Jake woke up to hear Andy singing to Ellie.
"Good morning Andy." Jake said
"Good morning." Andy said
"How did you sleep?" Jake asked
"Like I was totally safe." Andy said as he sat on the bed and leaned over to kiss Jake "Thank you."

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