Part 10

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Later at the hotel, Ellie watched Andy and Ashley flirt with each other as she was being fed by Jinxx.
"Looks like our little girl was hungry." Andy said as he looked over at Ellie who had just finished her bottle
"Of course she was." Jinxx replied laughing as he positioned Ellie to be burped
Soon, Jake walked over to Jinxx and said "So that's why she was crying during the show." as he then kissed Ellie on the cheek
Soon, Ellie yawned.
"Now, it looks like she's sleepy." Ashley said with a smile as he walked over to Jinxx and picked up Ellie out of Jinxx's arms and took her into his own.
"Where's Ellie's teddy bear?" CC asked as he began to look around the hotel room
"I'll help you look." Jinxx said as he walked away from Ashley, Jake and Ellie who overheard that her teddy bear was missing and began to cry
"Oh no! It's okay Ellie. Don't cry...we'll find teddy." Ashley said as he comforted Ellie
Soon, Andy looked around the bed he was still laying on and noticed Ellie's teddy bear under the bed.
"Found it!" he said as he picked it up then walked over to give it to Ashley
Then, Ashley looked over at Andy then, turned to Ellie and said "Look Ellie! Your teddy's back!"
Ellie looked up at Ashley and smiled.
"Come on you little night owl, it's bedtime." Jake said as he nuzzled Ellie's nose to his
Ashley soon brought Ellie over to the bed and laid her down as Andy began to get her ready for bed.
Then, Ashley walked over to CC and kissed him on the lips.
"Are you feeling horny, Ashes?" CC asked
Ashley nodded.
"We'll have to wait until Ellie's in bed first." CC said with a smile
Later as Ellie slept, the brides began to feel a need to have sex with each other again.
"CC, hit it again!" Ashley cried
"Ssssssh! Ashes, be quiet! Ellie's still sleeping!" Andy whispered as he laid under Ashley
Meanwhile, Jake and Jinxx were at the foot of the bed making out when suddenly, Ellie woke up crying.
Jake and Jinxx broke their kiss and looked over at Ellie in her cradle.
"Come here Ellie." Jinxx cooed as he picked her up and cuddled her close to his chest
"Did we wake you sweetheart?" Jake asked as he looked down at Ellie as she was pressed in between her two guitarist fathers
Ellie looked up at Jake and cooed in response.
"I think we did." Ashley said as he and CC and Andy got up from the bed
Ashley then put his briefs back on then sat on the bed and watched CC and Andy disappear into the bathroom.
"We were going to go into the hot tub but now that Ellie's up, I guess we'll stay here." Jake said as he took Ellie out of Jinxx's arms and handed her to Ashley
"Don't worry...I'll stay with Ellie. You guys go ahead." Ashley said as he cuddled Ellie and kissed her on the cheek
After Jake and Jinxx left to go to the hot tub, Ellie was starting to fuss.
"Sssssssh...come on, sweetie. It's okay. Everyone will be back soon." Ashley whispered as he held Ellie close and waved her teddy bear around to try to get her to smile
Soon, Andy and CC came out of the bathroom and noticed Ashley walking around with Ellie.
"What's wrong with her, Ash?" Andy asked
"She misses you guys." Ashley said as he walked around and comforted her
"Let me see her." Andy said as he held his arms out
Then, Ashley handed Ellie over to Andy as he began to comfort and sing a lullaby to her.
Soon, Ellie began to calm down.
"I think we should get her back to bed now." CC said
"Good idea." Ashley replied

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