Part 17

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Later that day, Jake and Andy took Ellie and their dogs for a walk.
"Come on, Jake!" Andy called as he pushed Ellie's stroller
"Right behind you." Jake replied as Trixy and Ernie pulled him
"So, where do you want to go?" Andy asked as he picked Daredevil up and put him in the back of Ellie's stroller
"I was thinking of going to the park. I texted Jinxx and he said he would meet us there." Jake said
"Cool! So Ellie can play with Jinxx while we're at the dog park?" Andy asked
"Good idea!" Jake replied
Once the pair arrived at the park, they met up with Jinxx who immediately took Ellie out of her stroller and began to play with her.
"Thanks for meeting us here." Jake said
"You're welcome. I love playing with our little girl!" Jinxx said as he bounced Ellie "Are you sure you don't want to join us?"
"Maybe later." Andy said as he picked up Daredevil
"We'll be at the dog park." Jake said before kissing Jinxx on the lips then kissing Ellie on the forehead
Soon, Ellie began to whine.
"Don't worry sweetie. Daddy Jake and Daddy Andy will be back." Jinxx reassured
Andy smiled.
"She's five months old already and still attached to us." He said
"Of course! She's our baby girl." Jinxx said as he sat with Ellie
Soon, Jake noticed Ellie doing something.
"Look guys!" he said as he pointed to Ellie trying to wave at Jake and Andy as they walked to the dog park.
Andy turned and cooed "Aww! That's aborable!" Jake also turned and knelt to Ellie's level as Trixy and Ernie ran up to Ellie to lick her in the face which caused her to giggle.
Andy then put Daredevil down as he too followed the sound of Ellie's giggling and Ellie began to play with the beloved dogs.
Later as Andy and Jake were at the dog park, Jinxx played with Ellie on the playground on the swings when someone from his past approached him.
Jinxx looked up and recognized the person.
"Sammi?" he asked
"Hi Jinxx." Sammi said then noticed Ellie "Is this Ellie?"
"Yeah." Jinxx replied as he then looked down at Ellie and said "Say 'Hi!' Ellie!" as he waved Ellie's tiny hand
"She has your eyes." Sammi said
Jinxx laughed.
"Not just my eyes. Andy's as well." He said
Sammi's smile soon vanished.
"Oh. I forgot you slept with the guys to concieve her." Sammi said
"Sammi, don't do this in front of Ellie." Jinxx said
"No! I can't take this anymore! You cheated on me!" Sammi shouted as she began to kick sand in Jinxx's direction
"Sammi! What the hell are you doing?!" Jinxx heard as he looked up and saw Jake and his dogs running towards the scene
Sammi turned to Jake and shouted "You guys are disgusting!" before storming off
After Sammi left, Jake turned to Jinxx and asked "What happened?"
"Sammi came over. I thought she was just trying to be nice but then she exploded in my face in front of Ellie and started kicking sand around!" Jinxx cried as he held Ellie
Soon, Andy came running over in a panic.
"Is Ellie alright?!" Andy asked
Jake looked Ellie over.
"She just has sand in her mouth." he said
Later, Andy, Jake and Jinxx met Ashley and CC at the studio with Ellie in tow.
They told them about what happened at the park and Ashley and CC couldn't believe it.
"Did Ellie get hurt?" CC asked
"Thankfully no." Jinxx replied
"What a relief!" Ashley said
"Yeah. All that happened was Ellie got sand in her mouth." Jake said as he held Ellie
Ashley laughed.
"Sand isn't food, silly!" he said as he tickled Ellie
"Well she is five months old. She hasn't reached the age where that can be stopped." Jinxx said
"Of course, Andy is her father. That means we needs to hide the paper." CC joked
As soon as CC said that, Ellie began to babble as if she was going to say her first word.
"Da-da!" Ellie suddenly said as she looked around at her fathers
"Her first word you guys!" Ashley said excited as he kissed Ellie on the cheek
Later as the guys were working in the studio, Andy was playing with Ellie while she giggled.
As Jake and Jinxx played their guitars, they smiled at the adorable moment between Andy and Ellie.
"Come on Andy, let us play with Ellie." Ashley said
"Alright." Andy said as he picked Ellie up and placed her in Ashley's lap
Ellie looked up at Ashley and cooed "Da-da!" before turning to Ashley's bass and sucking on it
Ashley laughed "Come on cutie. That's not meant to be sucked on." as he repositioned Ellie on his lap
Jinxx looked over at the scene and asked "Does Ellie need her pacifier?"
"Yeah." Ashley replied as he put his bass aside and began to bounce Ellie on his knee
CC looked behind his drums and noticed Ellie's teddy bear on the floor.
So, he picked up the beloved toy and took it over to Ellie.
"Look what I have Ellie!" he said
Ellie's eyes lit up as she babbled "Da-da!" and reached up for her bear
After CC gave Ellie her bear, Jinxx walked over with one of Ellie's pacifiers and put in her mouth.
Soon, Ellie became tired and yawned as she snuggled into Ashley's chest and cuddled her bear.
Ashley continued to hold Ellie as he got up from the couch then he put her down as Andy took his jacket off of a chair and draped it over Ellie as she slept.
"Sweet dreams princess." Andy said

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