Yeah I'm vicious..:D

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Hey guy's! Here's the next chapter! And thank you so much for commenting, liking, adding to their library, and everything else! Thank you so much! Love you guys ;D


"Wow you really are vicious..."

I spun around on my heel to face the accusing Uchiha.

"Yup" I said with a grin and continued walking home, hoping he wouldn't comment anymore about my encounter with the girls. The hope that he wouldn't flew right out the window as I heard him fall right into step with me.

"I didn't know you wanted to be around me so bad that you were going to hurt those girls..." He said cockily with a smug smile.

"Yep, well you found out my secret, I guess you best be going..." I said sarcastically. I wanted to get out of this situation fast.

"Ooo I'm glad, any other secrets?" He asked matching my sarcasm. I decided to play with him a little...

"Yeah... Actually I have one...and you have to know about it..." I said and started walking really close to him. I stopped when we were almost touching. I put my mouth near his ear so he could hear my whisper. I saw him stiffen at our closeness.

"I have to tell you that...

I can outsmart you..." I whispered and I watched him shiver a bit. Once I finished saying it I took off running into the woods, leaving a shocked Sasuke in the dust.


(Sasuke's point of view)

She came really close to me and I felt my body become stiff. I heard her whisper,

"I have to tell you that.... I can outsmart you" I let out an involuntary shiver as I her breath was on my ear and before I knew it she took off into the woods.

She was right! Dang that girl for doing that., but I'm more mad at myself for letting her get to me like that. I shouldn't let ANYONE get to me like that. I let out a sigh as I kicked a rock and walked home.


(Lori's point of view)

When I had reached my house I found myself not being able to relax. The energy and power from earlier was still pumping through my veins. I knew from other times this happened I had to workout to get it out. I decided to do some training.

I made my way to the training grounds. I smiled  as I saw no one else was here. I started some jutsu's, but then started more on my taijustus because it gets it out quicker.

Before I knew it the sun was rising. Did I really train that long? Well there was no point in going to sleep now, I wasn't even tired anyway. I walked home after a few more hours and looked at the clock. A grimace came on my face as it read 6:00AM. REALLY? Even when I wasn't asleep that's the time I get up to. I let out a puff of air. Oh well...

I jumped in the shower and got ready. I ran downstairs and got a bowl of cereal. I quickly ate and walked to school. I walked in to find the same scene as yesterday, a ton of fan-girls around my desk... Luckily, I felt calm after all the training I did. So I decided to be nice. When I got over no one seemed to notice. I tried being polite.

"Hey, can you guys get away from my desk?" I asked nicely. None of them heard me over their obbseive chatter. I caught a glimpse of Sasuke who was sitting there bluntly ignoring all the girls pleas to talk to him. I tried again...

"Excuse me..." but no one even took a glance. My anger started to boil again. They just ruined my day...

"I SAID EXCUSE ME!!! AS IN MOVE!!!!" I yelled at them. They all turned and ran away with their tails between their legs. I sat down and out of the corner of my eye I saw Sasuke smirking at me.

"Jealous?" He asked. I scoffed at that,

"Yeah I'm so jealous of all the girls you blatantly ignore and be ignorant to... Yup, you caught me" My voice dripping with sarcasm at the end. I saw him chuckle a bit, but before he could say anything class started. I was about halfway through class when all the lack of sleep hit me. I heard the teacher's voice become a dull drone in the background. My eyes started to droop, but the more I tried to stay away the worse it became.

Soon I coldn't handle it anymore and closed my eyes and let sleep take over me. I felt myself tip and my head found something to rest on as a pillow. I let the darkness of sleep swallow me.


(Sasuke's point of view)

Class was becoming very boring, but I listened anyway. We did have to know this stuff after all. I looked over at Lori to see her fighting back sleep. Did she not get any sleep last night? What could she be possibly doing to keep her up all night?

I decided to just let it go and let her fall asleep on the desk if she has to. I got back into listening to the teacher's lesson when a minute later I felt her head land on my right shoulder. I felt my whole body stiffen. What do I do? Do I just move her? Should I let her sleep on me? I felt a blush start to crawl on my cheeks as I thought the last question.

I should wake her up so she won't get into trouble and she should be learning this stuff anyhow. New problem, how do I wake her up? I decided to just move my shoulder a bit, hoping she would wake up from the little jostle. However, it had the opposite effect as she just moved more in her sleep, mumbled something, and buried herself more into me. She then shifted completely so her head was more in the crook of my neck and her arms were around my arm and gripping my shirt.

I felt my face turning even more red and I became really nervous now. How do I wake her up? I'm not good at these kinds of things. I used my left arm to shake her awake because she was holding my right arm in a iron, death grip. When I shook her a little she didn't wake up, she just mumbled something. I shook her a little harder and her eyes fluttered open.

"Sasuke?" She asked quietly, her eyes clouded with sleep. She shook her head and woke up a little more.

"What happened?" She asked, more to herself. Just then she noticed how she had still holding on to me. I saw her cheeks scare a deep pink color and she pulled away fast mumbling,

"Sorry". I couldn't help the smirk that made it's way onto my face at that.

She is just too cute. Even if she is vicious...


Hope you guy's enjoyed it! =D

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