Uh Oh, I Need Your Help

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This chapter is dedicted to xMuffinzoCowzx for the support and comments!!! Thank you! And threatening to make Sasuke "mysteriously disappear"....

Here's the next chapter!



(Lori's point of view)

I finally was feeling relaxed. Sasuke had left a little while ago and I could finally catch up on some much needed sleep. I closed my eyes and started to fade into the darkness of sleep when I felt something wrong...

Something terribly wrong...

A cold sensation swept through my body, causing me to become fully awake again, much to my despise...

"Lori, Lori, Lori...un" I heard a voice say my name in a disapproving manner from the other side of my room. Based on the little grunt at the end of his sentence, I knew it was one of my former kidnappers.

I immediately got out from under the covers, grabbed a kunai, and slammed my back against the wall so there would be no sneak attacks from behind.

"What do you want?" Came my harsh reply.

"You think you can escape the Akatsuki that easily,un?" Deidara asked. I remained silent.

"TOBI'S HERE TOO!" Tobi screeched and popped out from another point of my room, startling me half to death, but I didn't show it.

"Shut up Tobi,un!" Deidara barked. I had to admit that they were quite comical...

"Sorry Sempai..." Tobi shrank back into the darkness again, wallowing in his misery.

I took this distraction as a chance to attack. I lept forward, but he quickly dodged. I let my demon side automatically take over, knowing I needed this to have any chance against a S-rank criminal. For about five minutes it was a game of dodge and attack, dodge and attack, attack and dodge.

We were at odds, I knew I was holding back too. I also knew it was hard for him to attack, he was a long-range fighter and I was a close one. I had the advantage here....

After another five minutes of this game, I was able to kick his feet out from under him, sending him to the ground. That spilt second before he got up was all it took for me to be able to get out my window and make a break for it.

Speed was definitely one of my skills. I kept in the brush of the woods to avoid any flying clay creatures, and quickly made it nearer to Sasuke's house. I needed his help... I need him...

Before I could get nearer to his house, Something wrapped around my foot, sending my to the ground.

"SASUKE!!" I screamed as loud as I could, hoping that I was close enough for him to hear me.

I was yanked by my foot really fast into the woods. I got lifted up off the ground by my blonde-haired foe and held against him, kunai to my throat.

"Keep your mouth shut, un!" He hissed into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I could practically hear my heart beating out of my chest, I wondered if he could hear the fear and panic too. I shut my eyes tight, hoping I could think of something fast

but before I could do anything,

I was released and Deidara was sent crashing to the ground.

I looked over in shock to see my Sharigan-eyed hero. He held a katana to his neck, but all Deidara did was let out a cocky smirk,

"I don't want to fight you Uchiha, I just want the girl, after all it's not like you would care or anything would you, un?" He taunted.

I watched Sasuke stiffen, his grip on the sword becoming stronger. He was mad...

He pulled the katana back, but before he could send it driving into the stupid blonde, he disappeared, leaving us alone, but not before whispering,

"I'll be back for her, un."

I was visibly shaking, scared out of my whits. Sasuke hadn't moved, his hand clutching the katana so hard I thought either the katana or his hand would break.

"Sasuke..." My voice came out broken, scared, and shaky, and I hated sounding like that. Especially in front of him.

He seemed to snap back into reality, Putting his katana away and walking over to me. Wordlessly, he wrapped his arms around me, trying to calm me down. This ruined any chance of sleep tonight...

I let out a shaky, loud sigh. I was really tired and I started to feel my eyes drooping. The black-haired ninja released the hug, getting rid of the support that I was using to stand up straight and not passing out. I felt my knees go weak and I almost fell, but Sasuke's fast reflex caught me.

"Are you okay?" His voice filled with concern. It made me smile a bit that he cared about me.

"Yeah, just a bit tired, that's all..." My eyelids shut and they didn't open back up even though I wanted them to.

I was only conscience enough for a second to hear a little chuckle from the Uchiha and him picking me up bridal style before it all went dark.


(Sasuke's point of view)

I carefully slipped into my house, trying not to wake the girl in my arms. I silently made it up to my room and put her on my bed. I couldn't help but to smile at her, she looked so peaceful. After these past days it would be rare to see her as relaxed as this.

Something about that thought disturbed me. She wasn't safe anymore... not with the Akatsuki still after her.

I let out a long, frustrated sigh as I sat down and put my face into my hands. What should I do?

"Sasuke?" A sleepy voice called from beside me. I put my hands down and looked at her to continue.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her eyes hazy from being only half awake. It was kinda cute.

"Nothing. Go back to bed." She nodded at me.

"Okay, goodnight." She said as she laid back down and fell back asleep. I almost wanted to laugh, she was quite odd when she was practically asleep. If she were awake, she would have probably refused and then interrogated me again, But I guess that's just Lori being Lori.

I continued to watch her sleep for a few more seconds, she looked so beautiful with the moonlight from my window on her. I shook my head to clear the thoughts and walked away to take a shower.

After I had taken a shower and gotten dressed, I walked back into my bedroom to see her still fast asleep. I grabbed an extra blanket from the closet in the hallway and walked to the living room. I made a quick bed out of the couch and went straight to bed, never realizing how tired I actually was too.


Hope you enjoyed it!

Sorry it was kinda short, but I had to get it out to you guys ASAP! I feel so bad for not being able to update as fast as I used to... :(

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