Stare Down

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I dedicate this chapter to dancer5552 for being the first comment on the last chapter! Thank you ^.^

Here's the next chapter!



(Sasuke's point of view)

I slowly woke up with this groggy feeling and my vision was a bit hazed. Did Lori really do this to me? Speaking of Lori...

I looked over to the other side of the couch and by the moonlight coming in from the window I could see the spot was empty. EMPTY. My vision went clear and my other senses clarified, this was all too serious now. Where could she be!?

I turned and got up, only to face the wall, but something was written on it...


My heart came to a crashing halt. I felt that horrible sinking feeling from long ago come back. The sorrow was quickly replaced with anger and panic. I had to find her! But where could she be...

Damn, I had no idea. With Sharigan activated I ran out the door to track her down, there was no way I would let Itachi take my world from me all over again.


(Lori's point of view)

I woke up with a start. I was sitting on a couch just like earlier, but I wasn't in Sasuke's house anymore. The room was nice and simple, but didn't really looked lived in. What happened...?

Red eyes, empty red eyes.

Itachi! I quickly looked around but no one was in the room. Maybe I should get up and run for my life? Yeah right, Itachi would be able to get me in a minute.

"You're awake." An emoitionless voice spoke from behind me.

I jumped a little and turned to watch Itachi grab a chair and pull it up about two feet from the couch. I slowly sat back down. I know it sounds crazy since I'm in the same room as an S-ranked criminal who killed his own clan, but I felt rather comfortable. I didn't feel threatened in the slightest for someone who was just kidnapped.


Oh crap, hes going to flip out once he notices what's going on. I wonder if hes okay? I wish I could tell him I was alright and there was nothing to worry about so far. I looked back over at the older Uchiha sitting in the wooden chair just simply watching me, probably wondering if I'm going to run for it or not.

I stared at him. I wasn't angry or scared and I'm sure he could see that in my eyes, so I just stare at him. I didn't know what to do though, do I say something? I glanced out the window in thought, I wonder where Sasuke is...

"Don't even think about it." I heard his warning and I let out a little snort of a laugh.

"I wasn't planning on it. I'm not stupid, I know you could catch me in a second if I even tried. I also know however that despite everything that has been said and what has happened, I feel rather safe." I watched his eyes become slightly more confused.

It was hard to see this mans emotions. Yes I had practice learning how those black eyes showed emotion through being with Sasuke, but his were even harder to decipher. It was probably because he was better at it, he had more time to perfect it than Sasuke ever did.

"Safe? Are you joking or just plain stupid." I couldn't help the smirk that made its way onto my face.

"I can be stupid sometimes, yes, but right now I feel smarter than ever. Perhaps its not my stupidity that you should worry about, but rather my intelligence. I have no fear of you Itachi Uchiha, you are about as scary to me as Sasuke is. I feel safe with you just as I do with him. You both try to throw this tough exterior out there, something that screams hatred and strength, but I can see through it, It's like a clear facade to me. When I look into your eyes I see a hidden warmth, a caring person, just like I do with Sasuke." I stopped my blabbering there.

I knew I could simply be killed for what I said, after all people usually wouldn't speak like that to someone like him. I could have been wrong about everything I said, but the slight darkening of his eyes and the way they narrowed told me I had hit something. What I didn't know, but it was definantly something.

Sasuke would kill me for being so stupid...



(Itachi's point of view)

I stared at this girl infront of me. This girl who has been with me no more than five minutes had already started to pick me apart.

'I'm have no fear of you Itachi Uchiha.' Those words... I don't know what to think.

I am feared  everywhere, from EVERYONE, and yet, here is this girl telling me I am nothing to be afraid of, rather that she feels safe with! What kind of person in their right mind would not be afraid of someone like me!? The man who slaughtered his own family, his loved ones!

I could see why Sasuke loves her so much.

Shes not like other girls, she seems like the kind not to go doe-eyed over him and actually go against him. It seems like they are meant for each other, the care I saw in their eyes when they looked at eachother was something I couldn't really explain even if I wanted to.

I could guess thats why I felt the need to help Sasuke out here, I wanted him to see the way he felt for her. I want them to have what  I couldn't all those years ago. I want him to have love for once, to have someone to love him back.

My love was given up on that blood-filled day, but that doesn't mean his has to be too. I had to do what I did, but I wanted to save Sasuke, I HAD to. He is my little brother and I will do anything to protect him till the day he kills me.

I couldn't help but to imagine what Sasuke would be like when he sees what I wrote on the wall and that I have his loved one with me. I felt a hallow pang in my chest at the thought of hurting him again, but I smothered it away, it was for the best. He needs to open his eyes.

I let my eyes turn to the oh-so-familiar red color of the Uchiha clan to try and strike some fear into this naive little girl. I watched her eyes burn orange in return. We both just stared, unsure of what to think of eachother, both trying to figure one another out.

Orange eyes against red eyes,

emotion against apathy,

love against hate.

"Itachi!" I heard my name growled from behind me.

You would have to be an idiot not to know who had appeared into the room, mad as a hornet. In a matter of seconds I had grabbed Lori off the couch and held a kunai to her throat. The thing that was most disturbing however is the way she didn't even cringe when I grabbed her, not a speck of fear.


(Lori's point of view)

I felt myself get pulled off the couch and held against Itachi, and yet I wasn't even scared. The only thing that scared me was the white-knuckled grip Sasuke was holding his katana in and how mad he looked.

Our eyes met.

I saw emotions in his eyes more clearly than ever, panic, worry, fear, hatred, anger, sadness, it was all there. I made my eyes go back to normal in hopes that this will show him I'm not in any danger.

'I'm fine' I mouthed to him, but it seemed to have no effect.

I'm okay...


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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