Ha Ha Ha This Isn't What It Looks Like...

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This chapter is dedicated to Nightmare13 for first dedicating a chapter to me and for just being totally cool ^.^

Here's the next chapter!



(Sasuke's point of view)

I woke up this morning at around five o'clock as usual. I went to get up, but realized Lori had me in a death-grip.

'How do I get out of this?' I thought to myself. I didn't want to hurt her so I had to be gentle.

I slowly tried to release her hands from me, but it seemed as though her hands were made of steel or something! I know shes really strong, but this is just ridiculous. After a few more tries I finally got out of her iron-grip and practically fell off the bed from all the force I was using to pry her off.

However she still seemed like an angel sleeping peacefully. I felt bad when she let out a little whimper and curled up in the sheets once she must have subconsciously realized I wasn't there to cuddle up to.

I sighed and grabbed some clothes, going into the bathroom.


(Lori's point of view)

I woke up and the first thing I realized was that I was alone. Luckily I knew where I was this time so I didn't freak out. I peaked over at the clock and I almost screamed.


I sighed and slammed my face into the pillow. Come to think of it, where is Sasuke?

I looked up and looked around, not sensing him anywhere in the house. I closed my eyes and focused on him, then my senses told me he was in the woods. Hmm, probably training.

I jumped up out of bed and stretched a little. I walked over to my suitcase and grabbed some clothes. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. Once I was done I got into my clothes and walked out. I looked back and saw that the mirror was fogged. I smirked and walked over to it.

'Sup Uchiha?' I wrote on the mirror and walked out.

I was getting ready to leave the room when Sasuke walked in.

"Hey, how was training?" I asked happily.

"Fine." Was all he said as he grabbed some clothes from the closet.

"Well I'm going to go off training, I'll see you later." I said closing my weapon pouch. I watch him hesitate in the doorway but then nodded and shut the door.

'That was odd.' I thought, but then just shrugged and walked out.

I quickly made my way to the training grounds and started to well... train. I was practicing hitting targets, but then I just went to all out taijutsu. After about ten minutes I started to feel weird. I didn't work that hard yet, I didn't even come close to breaking a sweat, however, I felt rather dizzy.

I shook my head to try and make it go away, but it seemed to only get worse. Thats when my vision started to go black.

'Crap!' I thought as i tried to break what I now know is genjutsu. Sadly though it didn't work...

Complete darkness filled up my vision and I felt myself pass out, but just as I felt my body falling, someone caught me. However, I'm not really sure if that's a good thing since I didn't know who it was that caught me...

Psst.. You have cool hair... (Sasuke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now