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Hey guy's here's the next chapter!



I looked up to see who the girl with the bloody hands was. I felt my heart practically stop and my blood ran cold.

"Lori..." I whispered under my breath.


(Sasuke's point of view)

I ran over to her, my heart racing. Whats going on? I skidded to a stop in front of her. When she looked up at me I felt my heart sink.

Her eyes were void of any emotion, complete and utter emptiness. Mine, however, were probably like my heart, full of worry and fear.

"Lori...?" I whispered to her, searching her eyes for at least a spec of emotion, though to my avail, I found none.

"Yes Sasuke?" She replied, her voice sounding hollow. I looked down at her bloody hands and that's when I noticed that was was actually shaking.

"What happened?" I asked, but it sounded more like a demand. She stayed silent, her silence causing more anxiety to well up within me. I watched in agony as she looked back down at her hands and back into my eyes. This time though, they showed emotion. They reflect sorrow and worry, but the thing that scared me the most was that she looked so vulnerable.

"If you don't mind, I would like to go home. If thats okay with you?" She asked, but she didn't sound anything like herself. I knew I had to let her go home, that's where she wanted to be. In this state, I'll let her go wherever she feels is safe.

"Okay, bye..." I said to her reluctantly. I didn't want her to go. I wanted her to be okay. She smiled to me a bit, but it seemed so broken...



(Sasuke's point of view)

For once when I got up this morning I was excited to go to school. I had not talked to Lori since Friday. I mean I had checked up on her a few times without her knowing to see if she was okay. Each time I had checked on her she was doing the same thing, staring off into space. Like there was no world around her, that same dull look in her vacant eyes.

Once I was ready I practically ran to school. I got into the classroom and took my seat. In a matter of seconds all those stupid girls were at my desk trying to talk to me. I wanted to yell at them to go away, but they weren't worth the energy. Plus that was always Lori's job...

"MOVE!!!!" I heard the voice I needed to hear yell to the girls. They quickly darted away from her. I always found that funny. She sat down like any other day and looked at me. She gave me a small smile, but it still seemed so wrong. I wanted to say something to her, but before I could the teacher started talking.

Once class ended, I was expecting Lori to run out of the classroom like always, but she was just sitting there... staring at her hands. She was doing that all class and I was starting to panic again.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, my voice sounding more pleading than I meant it to. What she did next surprised me.

She looked at me, tears rimming her eyes, and shook her head. I never thought she would admit she wasn't okay. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her seat. She grabbed her bag with her other hand before I could pick it up for her and surprised me yet again by letting me drag her outside.

After walking for a few minutes in silence, I made us come to a stop. We were at the clearing near the training ground, where she had startled me from my sleep days ago. I let go of her hand and sat down. I looked up at her and she sat down in front of me. We were silent for a minute until I broke it.

"Please tell me what happened..." I asked. She sighed and looked down at her hands, like something was on them. My best bet was she can't get the image from her blood covered hands out of her head.

"I-I kill-ed them Sas-uke" She stammered out. I could tell she was holding back tears. She killed people!? I just thought she had fought with someone, not actually killed them.

"Who?Why?How?" I asked stumbling on which question for her to answer.

"A group-p of ro-uge nin-jas, th-ey wer-e attackin-g m-e," She took a deep breath and started to control her voice, "I don't know why though, they just began to attack me. I lost control when I attacked them. I-I didn't mean to, Sasuke, I didn't..." her vioce pleading at the end. I felt my heart break at the sound of it. By this time there were tears running down her paled cheeks. I felt so bad for her.

Before I knew what happened I had pulled her into a hug. She was crying for about a mintue and then she stopped. She let go of me and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes were sparkling from the tears that had finally stopped flowing. She smiled a real smile to my relief and said

"Thank you Sasuke. That meant a lot." in a voice so gentle and sweet, you wouldn't think she yells at girls to make them get out of her way. She stood up and pulled me up with her. We started walking home in a comfortable silence until we came to the point where we had to go different directions. We both stopped and turned to face each other.

"Again, thank you." She said.

"Anytime." I replied.

We both turned and started walking away. I only took about 5 steps before I heard her say,

"Oh and Sasuke?"


"I saw you checking up on me... thanks for caring.... in a very creepy way...

dirty Uchiha."     I heard her say teasingly. Maybe I should be more sneaky when trying to not be seen...

"No problem." I said and started walking home with a smile on my face.


Hope you enjoyed it! =D

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