Itachi, you lie.

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This chapter is dedicated to Nightheart for being just awesome ^.^

Here's the next chapter!



(Lori's Point of view)

It was almost disturbing, seeing the hate in Sasuke's eyes as he looked at his older brother and knowing the hate Sasuke sees in Itachi's eyes was just a lie.

Itachi, you lie.

I know you want Sasuke to believe you hate him, but for what purpose? Why do you want your brother to hate you, to even kill you?

Lots of questions, but no answers.

I wish I could turn around and interrogate this older brother of his, but I knew I could never do that. What kind of things would unfold if I did? I wanted answers, but I knew better to not do anything too stupid.

"Let her go." I heard Sasuke say emotionlessly. It's not hard to see hes struggling to stay calm and emotionless.

"Now why should I do that, little brother, it's not like you could actually do anything to actually get her. You are just too weak." That comment made me want to grab the kunai that was being held against my throat and stab him in the eyes.

I watched Sasuke grab his Katana and pulled out. In less than a second, Sasuke had appeared behind Itachi to attack, but he was one step ahead and we were moved out of the way.

This went on for minutes, Sasuke attacking and Itachi dodging. Two puffs of smoke formed across the room.

"TOBI IS HERE!" Tobi screeched.

"Shut up, un." Deidara growled, "Itachi we need you immediately, un."

"What is it?" Itachi responded, but didn't sound interested in the slightest.

"Look we don't have time to explain,un! Just come now, or leader will have our heads!" The blonde growled.

"YES!!!" Tobi cheered for some odd reason.

"Very well, till next time." Itachi said as he released me and disappeared with the other two Akatsuki members.

I looked over at Sasuke to see him blankly staring in shock. I ran over to him and crashed him into a hug.

"Sasuke!" My voice was muffled in his shirt. I immediately relaxed in his grip as he held me back, his sweet scent filled my senses and I let out a contented sigh.

" Are you okay?" He asked shakily.

"Yes, I'm fine." I assured him.

"I-I'm so sorry... I can't believe I let him get to you....I'm sorry." His grip got a bit tighter. I yanked myself out of his hold and grabbed his shoulders.

"Sasuke! I'm fine! I wasn't even-- hurt!" I held myself back from actually saying "I wasn't even in danger".

"I'm still so sor--" I covered his mouth and shook my head muttering "annoying".

"Can we go now?" I asked kinda awkwardly.

"Hn." I watched him do some hand signs and in a matter of seconds we were at the spot where we separate to go to our houses.

"Thank you Sasuke for... well, everything." I smiled.

"Hn. I'm still s--" I cut him off by one of my death glares, eyes starting to burn orange. Once I saw he stopped, I let them go back to normal.

"Well, I'll see you later Sasuke, I'm going to go take a shower." I told him happily as I turned and started to walk away,

that was until I felt Sasuke grab my wrist and pull me back a bit.

"What's wrong?" I asked now facing him. He seemed a bit nervous..almost...awkward...

"I--I uh, need to talk to you about something..." His grip tightened a bit but then he let go, my hand dropped limply to my side.

What does he want to talk about?

"Uhh sure Sasuke, what'ya wanna tell me?" I asked as I sat down and pulled him down with me.

He stayed silent for a few seconds, probably gathering what he wanted to say. I couldn't help but fear that he was going to start talking to me about what I had said in my sleep. Yet, something told me that wasn't what he was going to say.

"I'm worried about you Lori, I really am. The Akatuski are after you and you are in a lot of danger. I know you think that I'm being irrational, that I'm making mountains out of mole hills, but I know what I'm talking about. You're strong Lori, but not strong enough to fight off a group of S-ranked criminals on your own. That is why I want to be able to keep watch over you easier...." He took in a breath, "by having you live with me for awhile." He finished.

I was shocked to say the least. I would have never expected this from him, I mean yeah I knew he was protective but to this extent? I had no idea. I did, however, understand where he was coming from. If the rolls were reversed, I would be constantly worrying too. Maybe living with Sasuke wouldn't be so bad, it might even

"Okay." I stated simply, but happily. His head snapped over to my direction.

"Seriously? Just that easily? I thought I would have had to force you or something."

"Nope! But on one condition..." I stated in mock seriousness. He stared at me for me to go on.

"You have to let me go take a shower before I come over." I teased, but got up anyway to head to my house to start packing.

I can't believe I'm going to be living with Sasuke now....


(Sasuke's point of view)

I watched her walk away, that was a lot easier than I expected. I thought she would have put up a fight or anything... but she just willingly excepted.

But why?

I didn't really want to dwell on it too much, I'm just going to be happy that it went this way instead of dragging her kicking and screaming.

I got up off the ground and started heading to my house, but I couldn't help but think of one more problem,

How was I going to tell her that I only have one bed?...


(Itachi's point of view)

I wanted to kill these two idiots, so badly. They tear me from my plan for a mission they could do without me!? They didn't even need my help!

Stupid idiots...

'I guess it's for the best though...' I thought as I plopped down on the couch, ' I was going to leave them soon, I didn't want to get into a giant fight with Sasuke, not yet anyway. It's not time for our battle, I need to stay alive, to make sure this new plan of mine works. I want to die knowing Sasuke is happy and loved.'


Stupid idiots...


Hope you enjoyed!!

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