14 1 1

Time began. The Universe expanded from it's fulcrum, I saw it all. No. Correction. I see It all. I witness stars and planets swirling around circles within circles within circles. The cycles of life and death begin, and they fade. Constant, never-ending, the flow of peoples spreading throughout existence, invading and conquering masses. Of all of these planets; I come to focus on one in the far reaches of the Universe. In the midst of an arm of it's galaxy's spiral configuration. The third world from the star sol. Planet Earth. I witness the progression of the planet's major intelligent species, from ape-like half form, till their full form whence they began to look like us. They spread out across the shared landmasses, constructing their colonies and destroying each other's colonies. Perhaps the most warlike of the new races. I watch them learn and grow their understanding of the sciences, of technology. I watch them function, learn new fears and develop new technologies, the destructive like of which we have not seen since the Kaleds. And then they learned that they were strong, that they could spread their reach far beyond earth. Harnessing technology from each foiled attempt to wipe them out prematurely, before the spread. before the war, before the suffering, they learned the secrets of inter- galactic travel. The Universe knew that these beings had been something to fear from the beginning, for she had watched them take on invasion force after invasion force and come out on top. She had seen them destroy billions of Daleks with the wave of a hand. She, and now I, bore witness as they became the most feared race in the cosmos as they became sadists, playing with us, making us beg for mercy then shooting us in our vulnerabilities. We dread the day when they shed their earthly bounds, where they stop warring with themselves and wage war on all of us. In the standard year 5 billion, she triggered Sol's collapse and expansion which engulfed earth. We rejoiced. but it was too late, they were aware it was going to happen and boarded vessels and spread themselves among the cosmos, looking for a new and suitable habitat to call their home. When they found it they came in force and murdered and massacred the locals into submission, utilising the stragglers as slaves. The Human Race. The Consummate Survivor. The Ultimate War Machine. Hear their name and run for your lives, if you value your existence. Scatter. Leave. Die...

This all occurs in a matter of moments ... I am the embodiment of time.

Time is a fascinating concept. The lifetime of a planetary system in the blink of an eye of a mere mortal. The life of a mere mortal in the blink of an eye of a planetary system.

My name is Jack. I ran away as a child

My name is Jack. I ran away as a child and now I am lost, lost in this ever shifting mass of nothingness. I alone walk this nightmare, I can't remember anything and yet I remember everything. I do not know where or why I ran, all I know is that I was not born here and I do not know how I got here, all I know is that I am here and that I am dying. My final wish is to figure out how I got here and why.

A chill-less mist descends around me I remember a child running in the snows of a foreign world, excitement lighting up his eyes before Death's dullness claimed them, his blood staining the snow as he fell backwards into a foetal position the silken crystals absorbing red, as he heaved his last breath... This was the day the Earthlings invaded, he was my brother and my closest friend. Millions died but his death alone was worth a billion to me, as the fires of my hate burned high I swore revenge against the oppressors and now this; the shapeless morphing of pitch darkness.

I feel older now, I see my prey ahead of me. I feel a rush of adrenaline surge through my veins, the knife heavy in my hand. I creep up behind him, sticking to the shadows, he doesn't notice me until it's too late, my hand clamps around his mouth to prevent an cry for help, my knife is a steely flash into his abdomen. His flesh provided too little resistance his blood warm against my hands, the satisfying CRACK of his spine, a beautiful melody to my ears. I drew the sharp blade up into his heart, delivering the coup-de-grâce. I withdrew, it felt good to leave his mangled form on the ground. I smirked. It felt good to kill the invaders.

I jump again, I'm an adult now, I feel the internal struggle against the invaders on a community level is dwindling, today is the day I win or go down a Martyr, the Planetary Governor is on his routine inspection of the production lines. I lie in wait, my weapon ready to remove the head from the body and free my people, this is the day I intend to die. As he passes my work station, he stops and comes to talk to me about the work I do, big mistake. He doesn't notice my knife through his throat until it has passed through his jugular, he lies there convulsing on the floor, choking on his own blood, he got his comeuppance. I am surrounded by guards in seconds, I pull out a pistol and two are dead on the floor, personal protection useless against the electrostatic pulse of energy, my gun expires . I pull out a bundle of explosive wafers, ready to blow myself to hell when I felt a sharp pain in my skull and then the darkness came...

"Mr Harkness?"

"Mr Harkness, please wake up"

I feel sensation return in my extremities,someone is squeezing my hand; light begins to seep in through my eyelids. It hurts. How long was I out? I strain my eyes and finally open them, a pretty woman stands over me stimulating the muscles in my hands, making notes on my state. She doesn't realise I'm staring at her until she looks at me, she does a double take as if she can't fully believe it before running off to notify her superiors...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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