Fudou Akio X Reader Bad boys can be sweet.

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So this story was a request from @YuukoYuukoYun
So thank you and enjoy the story.

Today was your first day on Shin Teikoku Gakuen. You transferred to Japan from Turkey.
You were super nervous for your first schoolday, and your nerves got worse when you overslept yourself.

"Omg! No!!! It's already 7.30 pm!! School starts at 8.00 pm!"
As fast as possible you get dressed, get some breakfast and fresh up.
You run out the door, on your way to your new school. While you're running down the street, you crash against a lot of people who yell at you. You were almost there, when you bumped into someone and fell on the ground. "What the hell?!" The person screamed. You looked up and saw a boy with a mohawk haircut. "Can't you watch out?!" He yelled at you. You were speechless becouse of his rudeness. "Tsh...." he sighs and walks away.
'How can people be so rude?' You tought. But you didn't had much time to think about the boy, becouse you heard the first bell from Shin Teikoku ring.

Just before the second bell was going to ring, you were inside the school. It was HUGE! You walked down the hallways, when you saw a man waiting for you. "Ah, there you are!" The man said as he walked up to you. "You must be (l/n) (f/n)." You nodded. The man smiled kindly. "Come with me, you can introduse yourself to your new class."

"Hello everyone, i am (l/n) (f/n). Nice to meet you." You said and bowed. "Hello (l/n)." The howl class said, well....not the howl class. You saw that the boy you bumped into earleyer was also in your class, looking bored trough the window. "Well (l/n), please sit next to Sakuma." The teacher said as he pointet to Sakuma. You walked to your place and sit down. "Nice to meet you, i am Sakuma Jirou." Sakuma said while smiling at you. You nodded and smiled back. "Have you already tought of joining any clubs?" Sakuma asked you. "Ehh...no, not yet." You replied. "Well, would you like to join the soccer club?" He asked. "Yeah sure!" You said with a grin.

~~~~~~~After school, soccer practise.
"Guys, this is (l/n) (f/n). She wants to join the soccerteam." Sakuma said while introdusing you to the team. "The captian will tell you about the test you have to pass." He said to me. You just nodded. "Wait, where is the captain?" The goalkeeper said. "FUDOU! COME HERE YOU BANANA FREAK!" The goalkeeper yelled. You giggled. 'I'm pretty sure the captain must be nice' you tought. But you made a mistake. You saw the mohawk-boy walking to the field. "Geez Genda, you don't have to scream like that." Fudou said to the goalkeeper. "I heard something about somebody wants to join the team, who is i-" he stopped talking when he saw you. "Oh no! No, no, no, no, no! SHE is NOT joining our team!" Fudou yelled while pointing at you. "Calm down, mohawk!" I said to him. He looked at me. "How did you call me? You little b-" but he was cut off bin Sakuma who said: "Come on Fudou, give her the test. If she passes, she just joins the team, okay?" Fudou sighed angry. "Fine."

"Okay, this is what you have to do," Fudou said. "If you score a goal, with Genda as keeper, you win and join the team. As simple as that." You nodded.
Genda was getting ready, so did you. You grabbed a ball and did a quick warming-up.
'Come on (f/n), show that mohawk what your worthed.' You tought.
You stood up, ready to shoot.
You closed your eyes and slowly raised your arms up, what made the ball full of shockwaves. You yelled "Lightning Bolt"! and shot. The ball must've blind Genda, becouse you heard Sakuma yell: "GOAL!"
You were super happy. You saw Fudou looking mad to the other side and you grinned at him.

For the days after you joined the team, you grewed closer to Sakuma. Fudou just ignored you, and you were fine by that. He was so annoying.

~~~~~~~~a few weeks later.
You and Sakuma were walking home together, like you always do. And as usual, you were swearing on Fudou. "That retard is just so annoying. Since the first time i met him, he was just so rude and heartless. Omg!" You sighed. Sakuma laught. "Come on, just give him a chance. He can be ni-WATCH OUT!!!" You looked to the side and saw a soccerball rushing to your head. You closed your eyes, waiting for the ball to hit you. But that never happend. You opened your eyes and saw that Fudou stopped the ball right before it hit your face. Sakuma looked with big eyes at you two. Fudou sighed. "I told you already at our first meeting: Can't you just watch out?!" You smiled. "Thanks mohawk." You said, blushing a little bit. When you said that he looked a few seconds at you with an amazed face. And then he smiled also, blushing a little. "Yeah....ehh....no problem.....just....watch out next time." He said, and quickly walked away. You kept looking at him, still blushing, with you heart beating fast. 'What.....' you tought. Sakuma chuckled. "Now you DO like him, don't you?" He teased. You blushed some more. "Shut up." You said, friendly pushing him. He laughed and you contunued walking.

The days after that, you and Fudou are acting nicer to each other. Your feelings for him started to grow.
After practise, you walked to your locker to get some books. But before you could open your locker, Sakuma walked up to you. "(F/n)......please just admid that you have a crush on him...." he said. You blushed. "Eh,...i don't know what you're talking about." You said. "Look at me."Sakuma said. You did just as ge asked and looked him in the eyes. "......Fudou" he said. You felt your cheeks warm up and blushed really hard. "Aha!" He said. You laughed. "You're so mean. Okay, yes. I have a crush on Fudou. Now what?" You said while opening your locker. When you opened it, a note fell down. But you didn't noticed it. "You asked now what huh?......i know now what." Sakuma said while giving you the note, grinning. You took the note and read it. When you finished it, your cheeks warmed up again. It says:

After practise, riverbank.

"Omg.........i have got to go!" You said and you ran away. "Bye!" You quickly said to Sakuma.
After 10 minutes, you reached te riverbank. You saw Fudou waiting for you. "So.....lookes like you recieved my note huh." He said while blushing a little. You nodded. You didn't know that bad boy Mohawk also had a cute side. He grabbed a scarf. "Turn around." He said. You did and you felt that he blindfolded you. He grabbed your shoulders and he was leading you to somewhere. "Eh..Fudou? Where are we going." "Sush, just a little farther." He said.
A few seconds later you were there. "Ready?" He asked. "Yes." You said, didn't know what to expect. He took of the scarf and you saw a carpet with candles on it. "Fudou....." you said while blushing. He sat down and patted on the carped. "Come on, sit. I won't bite." You smiled and sat down next to him. There was a comfortable silence between you two, until Fudou started to talk. "Ne..... (l/n).....do you...eh....have someone you love or have a crush on?"
You blushed. "Well....yeah, i do. What about you?" "I also love someone. Who do you love?" He asked me. "Well.....i dont dare to say it. Let's say it at the same time." You suggested. Fudou nodded. "Alright....3.....2....." and on 1 you both say the same: "I love you!" You two stared at each other for a few seconds, and them Fudou leans in. You know what he was upto and leaned in as well. Before closing the gap between you two, he wispered: "i love you, (f/n)." "I love you to, Akio." And then he closed the gap between you. You felt his sweet lips against yours, and you feel like this is your best day ever. After a minute you both pull back and look at each other. "Please don't leave me, (f/n)" "don,t worry, i wont.....mohawk" you grinned. "Why, you little....." But he never ended that sentince. He pulled you up, grabbed you waisted and kissed you sweetly.

Okay, that was it. I really hoped you like it! Please leave a comment below about what you tought of the story. If you have a request for the next story, please PM me.
I hope i'll see ya later. Bye!

Anna-Alysia ♡

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