Kiyama Hiroto X Reader Red Rose

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Hey guys! So this story is about......well, you actually know about the title....
But it's about HIROTOOOOO!!
Have fun and enjoy it!


"Whaaa! You little orphan!" A 12 year old boy yelled. His gang laughed.
That's right, You're an orphan. Your parents died yesterday, and you're on your way to the Orphanage; The Sungarden. You didn't had any family left, you had nowhere to go. You were just a 7 year old little girl.
"Are you going to the orphanage?" Another boy yelled. You felt tears swell up in your eyes. "Oh, are you gonna cry? You crybaby!" The first boy yelled. You try to ran away, quickly to the orphanage, but the boys stopped you. "You're not gonna run away. Where do you wanna go? Wanna Go to your mom and cry?.....oh wait, you don't have a mom! Hahaha!" "Stop it!" Someone yelled. You looked around and saw a red-haired boy with teal eyes. He walked up to you and the boys. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" The boy screamed. The gang laughed. The eldest member of the gang -a 15 year old guy- said.: "How adorible: The little 9-year-old Kiyama. Wanna fight us?" He teased on a childish tone. The red-haired boy just simply nodded and kicked the 15-year-old below his belt and the boy screamed in pain. The red-haired boy glanced angry at the other boys, and they quickly ran away. Then he turned to you. "Are you alright?" The boy asked worried. You shook your head and burst out in tears. He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you softly against him, trying to calm you down. But he only made it worse. You cried harder, with all the pain and sadness of the last day flewing out. The boy hugged you tighter. "It's all right," he whispered. "You're save now..."
After 10 minutes, you finally stopped crying and let go of you. "Feeling better?" He asked kindly. You nodded. "A bit" you said. "I'm Kiyama Hiroto." The boy said. "Hi, i am (l/n)        (f/n). Nice to meet you Hiroto. And thank you so much for saving me. I own you a favour." And you thanked him with a hug.
Since that day, you always had a soft spot for Hiroto.

~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 years later

You have been friends with Hiroto for like....6 years now. And your feelings for him had grown a lot. You reached the 'Loving Him' level. But you never dared to confess, becouse you where afraid to ruin you friendship if he rejects you. In the orphanage you met some amazing people who also became your friends: Ulvida, Nagumo, Suzuno, Midorikawa and Saginuma (well...he actually wasn't that amazing, he's still creepy...).
You were quietly reading a book in your room, when you heard voices outside. "Come on,
just ask her! You guys have been friends for years, she won't least, i hope so!" Nagumo's voice shouted. "No, why do i have to ask her?!" Hiroto whisper-shouted, but loud enough for you to hear. "Just go." Suzuno said bored and he must've pushed Hiroto against you door, becouse you heard a loud BONK. "Ehhm...(f/n)....I'm coming in......Hi, i ehhh.... would you like to have a picnic with us?" He asked. "Yes of course!" You happily said.
7 minutes later, you, Hiroto, Ulvida, Nagumo, Suzuno, Midorikawa and Saginuma where sitting on a carpet in the forest. It was all very fun. You laughed a lot with Hiroto and you noticed a sat really close to you. Your face was burning and your heartbeat was racing. You really tryed to relax, but you just couldn't. You didn't look at him, just in case he would notice you blushing. You were still lauging and talking with everyone, when suddenly you remembered something. "Omg guys, i have to go!" You said. "Why?" Hiroto asked and he couldn't hide his disappointment in his voice. You blushed a deeper shade of red. "I-i-i-i really don't w-w-wanna go." You stammered at Hiroto. You saw he also blushed pretty hard. You heard Ulvida giggle and you blushed more. (If that was possible) "I just have to. Bye." You quickly said, while waving. You ran away, back to the orphanage. Your heart was beating so fast. Why did Hiroto blushed to? Does he loves me to?

~~~~~~~~~~~ A few months later.

Time flies and today was already 13 February. Tomorrow was Valentine's day. You always hoped you would get a rose from Hiroto, but that never happened. And it will never happen either. Maybe I should give HIM  a rose? Or is that stupid? You asked yourslef. "(F/n), i know what you're thinking," Ulvida said with an evil smile. "If I was you, i shouldn't give a rose tomorrow." "Why not?" You asked. She chuckled. "Becouse i have this feeling there is no need to..."

~~~~~~~~~~ Next day, Valentine.

You woke up. You yawned and stretched out. You slowly opened your eyes, and you found a glimp of a red rose on your desk. Your eyes widen. You jumped out of your bed and grabbed the rose from you desk. There was a note on it. You recognised the handwriting that's written on it. Your heart skippeda beat. Could it be....HIM?

Hey (f/n),
Will you be my Valentine?
Come to the forest at 1.00 pm.


You stared at the note, and then at the alarm clock: it was already 11.34 am!!!
You quickly got dressed. You wore a black skirt with a red blouse on top, along with you black shoes and a silver bracelet. You then brushed trough your hair. You quickly ran down for some breakfast. After that, you brused your teeth. You checked the alarm clock. It already was 12.54 pm. You ran out the door, on your was to the forest. You walked deeper into the forest, when you heard someone say: "thank god, you came." You turned around and saw Hiroto leaning against a tree. It actually Was HIM! You blushed.
"Turn around," Hiroto said. "I wanna give you something." You were so nervous and turned around. There was a silence that didn't last long. You then felta cold necklace layed around your neck. You didn't felt your heartbeat anymore. Hiroto closed the necklace. You looked at the charm: it was a silver heart with a capital H in it. "The H as in Hiroto?" You asked smiling. He nodded shy, blushing deep red. "(F/n), you still own me a favour, remeber? it is: (f/n), will you be my Valentine?" He asked, looking straight into your eyes. You felt tears in your eyes. You where so happy. "Yes of course i will!" You said. You grabbed is shirt and pulled you close to him. "I love you, Hiroto." You whispered. But before he could even answer you, you already pulled him a little bit closer and kissed him. And gladly he kissed back. It was very gentle and sweet at the same time. Something only Hiroto could do....


Okayyy, thank you so much fot reading!
If you have any requests, please PM me! And please leave a comment below about what you tought about this story.
And i hope I'll see you guys later! Bye! ♡

Anna-Alysia ♡

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