Birthday Challenge Tag♡

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Hey guys!
So I recently got tagged by @Wildest-Dreams_ to do this tag in 1 week. And since today is mah Birthday, i want to do it today!

So the rules are:

* You must post al dah rules.
* You must tagg 15 people.
* You must post 13 facts about yourself.
* You must answer 13 questions given to you.
* You must create 13 more questions for those you tag.
* You can't say "I'm not gonna do this."
* You must finish this in 1 week or I will have full power to remind you.
* You should be creative with the title.

Well, those are the rules so let's get started!

1. What annoys you the most?

Umm....let's see:
When people think they are really good at something, but they are NOT.
My face.
My body.
When 14 years old act like children.
When someone who is really fat keeps buying chocolate in lunch.
There are many more, i could keep writing for hours. But these are just a bit, so....yeah.

2. What is the happiest moment in your life?

That is a hard one. I don't have ONE moment. I think just the moment with family or friends and we all laugh together. Or.....the moment when someone said my crush liked me......hehe.

3. . Who is the most valuable person in your life? (Except God)

Well first of all: i don't believe in God. And the most valuable person....again that is a hard one....i think just my parents and my brother.

4. What is your favourite colour?


5. What is your element?

E-element?? Can I choose? Or is there a test for that? Idk. If I can choose, I'll choose Water.

6. Candy or Chocolate?


7. Rainy, Snowy or Sunny?


8. What does your name mean?

Well, my real name isn't Anna-Alysia. It's just a simple name for Wattpad. I'm not gonna tell my real name, sorryyyy.

9. What is your first OTP?

Can it be from everything? Or just IE? Screw that, I'll do both.
My very first OTP is......ummm.....idk.....Ron and Hermione in the Harry Potter series. I am addicted to Harry Potter!
And from tne the IE it's Endou and Aki.

10. When is your birthday?! February 8!☆ btw, i turned 13 today (born in 2003)

11. What is your favourite book?


12. Music or art?

MUSIC! Definitely! I play the guitar myself and i can't live without music.

13. Who is your favourite IE character?

Kidou......idk why.....

Okay, the tagged persons shall answer these questions in their tag:

1. How old are you?

2. Favourite movie?

3. What is your life goal?

4. What is the most akward thing you have ever done in your life?

5. Single, in love or relationship?

6. If you had only 1 day left to live, what would you do?

7. Who is your favourite youtuber?

8. Sheep or pig?

9. What is your favourite land and why?

10. Favourite class in school? (No, lunch, vacation, etc. Doesn't count.)

11. Sports or make-up?

12. Your favorite IE couple?

13. Favourite IE season?

I tag:
















Hope y'all enjoyed it! Bye!

Anna-Alysia ❤

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