Midorikawa Ryuuji X Reader Hosptal kiss

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Hey guys! So this story is also based on something that recently happend: My mom got hospitalised for a few days. Thank goodness she is home again! Have fun and enjoy!


"(F/n)....please....I know you can't heer me...but please.....you have to wake up! You've been in this coma for two months!
Why? Why did this happend to you? Why did that truck hit you? It's not fair! Come on! Wake up! You can't do that to us! You can't do that to me! I miss you!"

Vaguely reached those words your ears. You analysed them, word for word. Is it true? Are you hospitalised? Were you in a coma for two months?

The voice your heard became a little bit louder. You could hear this person was smiling. "I just remeberd the moment i first met you...hehe...i bought some french fries and i saw you sitting on a bench. You looked cold, so i sat next you. You asked me who I was and i said my name, Midorikawa Ryuuji. You introduced yourself as (f/n) (l/n). We shared the fries and we talked all day....I will never forget that and treasure this memory..." You heard the person sigh. "...please.." He whispered before he started crying. You felt someone patting your hand and felt the drups that felt on it.

I need to wake up. If Midorikawa really is here, I want to know. I want so see him. I want to hug him. I.....I want to tell him I Love him.
You tried to open your mouth and you succeeded. "M-Midorikawa..." you whispered with a dry mouth. You heard a gasp and a concerned voice. "(F/n)?!" He shouted.
You slowly opened your eyes and you eyesight was really blurry. But still, you recognised the green hair and black eyes. It really is him!
"Y-You're awake! I'm calling a nurse!" You grabbed his hand tightly. "No," you whispered. "Please stay, just for a moment....I missed you...." Midorikawa sat down again and stared into your eyes. You stared back, with you eyesight blurry,but this time because of the tears who were swelling up in your eyes. "(F/n)....you're really awake..." That's all Midorikawa could say. Before he could say anything else, you sat up and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back. Tears of joy, fear and relieved escaped from your eyes.
"(F/n)....I missed you so much. You have no idea how scared i was when you layed here....oh,you shouldn't sit up, lay down." You did as Midorikawa said and layed down. He didn't let your hand go and he kept looking at you. "I'm so happy right now." Midorikawa said, while wiping the tears away from his eyes. You smiled. "Me to..."

The door opened and a nurse came inside. When she saw you she froze and kept staring at you. "Y-You're awake..." she smiled. "Thank goodness. I'm so sorry, but you will be examined. Are you okay with that?" The nurse asked.
You looked at Midorikawa. He smiled and softly pinched your hand to give you some courage. You nodded. "Of course, but can he come with me?" You asked. The nurse smiled and nodded.
The nurse droove you to another room. It was really big. "Please lay down here." A doctor said. Midorikawa layed on of your arms around his neck and carried you up and layed you down. "Alright, (l/n)....please stay still. It'll take maybe 20 minutes...."

The nurse and Midorikawa droove you back to your room again. "When will i get the results?" You asked the nurse. "10 minutes." She said. "Well, here we are. You're standig pretty good. I'm leaving, see you in ten minutes." And with that, the nurse left.
"Do you feel nervous?" Midorikawa asked. "Yeah a little..." you replied. "Don't worry," Midorikawa grabbed your hand again. "Everything is gonna be alright, (f/n)." "But what if it isn't?" You asked. You couldn't help it to think that there might be something wrong. "Then I'll stay with you till the end." Midorikawa said gently. You blushed while your heart skipped a beat and smiled. "(F/n), can I tell you something?" "Yeah sure, what is it?"
Midorikawa blushed and looked you straight in the eye. "I love you, (f/n). I really do. W-will you be my-" "YES OF COURSE!" You yelled and hugged Midorikawa tightly. How long have I waited for those words? Months? Years? I don't know. None of that matters now. All that does, is that we love each other.
"I love you to, you silly." You said and burried your face in his chest. Midorikawa patted your hair. You could stay like this for ever.

The door opened and the nurse came inside. She looked very serious and a bit sad. No...is there something wrong?
"I'm sorry," the nurse said. "But we found an unknown dezese in your left leg. It is very dangerous and we can't take the risk to let it go to your brain. Maybe it will kill you. We...we have to amputate your leg..." You felt a shock trough you body. Amputate my leg?! Omg...
"Umm, you mean right now?" You asked. "No, we taught it would be a huge decision to make. Of course if you don't want it, it's okay. We would like to know your answer tomorrow. I have to say something....the doctors asked me to hide this, but i can't. There is....there is a chance....if your is going to be amputated....that you...that you won't make it. I'm sorry. Please keep a rest for today. Bye." She left.

A lot of toughts flew trough your mind. You looked at Midorikawa. "Oh my God...so...OR my leg is going to amputated, but if i do so there is a chance i won't make it OR i keep my legs and the dezese is reaching my brain and then there is also a chanche i won't make it. What am i supposed to do?" You panicked. "First of all, you should calm down. We should just think about it very carefully." Midorikawa said. "What should you do if you were in my position?" You asked. "I think i would amputate my leg. If i don't, there is a really small chance of surviving. I mean, an unknown dezese, that is really dangerous. And if I amputate my leg, well of course it's gonna be hard to play soccer again, but the chance to keep living is much bigger." You tought about what you just heard and nodded. "I....i think you're right...i guess I'll have to say goodbye to my leg then" "That's my girl." Midorikawa smiled.

~~~~~~~~~~ The next day

You felt a hand patting your head and you smiled. "Goodmoring, (f/n)." You heard a voice say. "Goodmoring, Ryuuji." You replied and opened your eyes. "How do you feel?" Midorikawa asked. "I'm fine." You smiled. Your smile actually immediately disappeared, when you realized what day it was. "Today is the day, huh?" You asked worried. Midorikawa smiled and nodded. "Are you nervous?" He asked. "Yeah....umm Ryuuji...i have been thinking and i wanna ask you something...i am so sorry for asking this..." "What is wrong?" Midorikawa asked worried.
"If i only have one leg....will you still Love me?" You whispered. Midorikawa eyes widend and he looked shocked. "Of course i will. Listen, (f/n). My love for you will never change. Don't you EVER doubt my love for you again. Got that?" You hugged him. "Thank you so much." You whispered in his ear.

"(L/n)? Have you made your decision?" The nurse asked. "Yes, I'm gonna amputate my leg." You said confidently. "Very well then. I'll take you to the surgery room in 5 minutes. I'll give you time to say goodbye to your boyfriend. He can't be at te surgery. I'm sorry. 5 minutes." The nurse left.

Midorikawa patted your hand. "(F/n), i believe in you. You're strong and i know the operation will succeed." You smiled softly.
Midorikawa leaned in a bit. Your heartbeat was racing in an exciting way. When there was just a little gap between you two, Midorikawa whispered: "You have to wait for this."
You felt confused and Midorikawa sat back. "You want that kiss right?" Midorikawa smirked. You blushed and nodded shy. "Well, you can only get him when the operation is done. Just one more reason to fight for. Good luck, My Love." Midorikawa said and he walked away.
You heard a knock on your door. "Are you ready?" The nurse asked. This is it...I'm gonna do it. "Yeah!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~ (what do ya think? Did she died? Or is she still alive?? Read it below♡)

"(F/n)! Wake up! You made it! You can't believe- *sobs* how relieved i am."
You slowly opened your eyes. "I'll bet I DO know. Gosh, is it over?" You asked. "(F/n)!" Midorikawa hugged you tight. "I knew you would make it! How do you feel?" "I feel a little bit weird, but sure will be over soon. I'm so glad." All the stress and fair came out and you started crying. Midorikawa sushed you and patted you back gently. "It's all over, (f/n). Now come on, dry your tears," Midorikawa said and whiped your tears away. He came a little closer. "I still owe you something." And with that Midorikawa kissed you gently on the lips. You kissed back and enjoyed every second of it. Midorikawa pulled back and slowly caressed your cheeks. "I love you so much, (f/n)" Midorikawa whispered. "I love you too, Ryuuji." And then Midorikawa kissed you passionate.


Alright guys! I really hope y'all liked it. If you have a request, please PM me! Love y'all

Anna-Alysia ❤

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